Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Age48 GSY
Height1.91 Meters
Weight86 kg
Force SensitiveNo
VoiceForgemaster Isaac

As an Evereni, Dravien appears human-like. Yet, his heritage gives him distinct features. His skin a grey shade, almost akin to slate stone. His eyes are naturally black. However, due to sustaining a blast to his face, his left eye is covered in a dark scar. His natural left eye has been replaced by a cybernetic replacement. Like others of his kind, he has pointed, Sephi-like ears. He wears his dark hair at medium length, and generally keeps himself clean-shaven.




Dravien embodies resilience, wisdom, and a deep reverence for tradition, molded by the hardships of his early life and the profound loss he experienced during the massacre of Mandalore. Abandoned on the Outer Rim as and later becoming a foundling, he carries within him the scars of abandonment and the trauma of war, yet these very trials have forged him into a beacon of strength and guidance for those around him. Dravien's beliefs are deeply rooted in the Mandalorian way—valuing honor, community, and the pursuit of knowledge. His intrigue with the ancient Mandalorian customs has not only shaped his worldview but also his role as a guide to others. He sees the teachings of the Mandalorians not just as rules for warfare and survival but as a framework for understanding the universe and one's place within it. Dravien's personality is marked by a quiet confidence, a boundless curiosity, and a compassionate spirit. He is a unifier and a teacher at heart, dedicated to preserving the stories and wisdom of his people, while guiding them towards a future where their traditions can flourish amidst the ever-changing galaxy.


Mando'ad: Having grown up Mandalorian, Dravien is well versed in their ways of combat and survival. He knows how be equally effective with hand-to-hand as well as ranged weaponry.

Wisdom: Having taken many years to study Mandalorian history, philosophy, and faith, Dravien has a font of wisdom to draw upon.


Evereni Discrimination: Dur to the storied history of his species, especially the likes of the Ro family, Dravien has to deal with the prejudice and suspicion many of the Galaxy have of the Evereni.

Zealot: This particular child of Mandalore is strong in his convictions and beliefs in the old ways. He might be off putting to the more moderate of his people, and to outsiders in general.

Born an Evereni on the remote Outer Rim world of Mapuzo, Dravien's early life was marked by solitude and rejection. Abandoned by his birth family under circumstances lost to him, he faced the harsh realities of survival on a world that offered little to the forsaken. His fate took a dramatic turn during a chance encounter with members of Clan Deshra, a Mandalorian clan known for their valor and adherence to the ancient Mandalorian ways. Recognizing the lost and alone child, the clan took Dravien in as a foundling, offering him a new path and a place within the Mandalorian culture.

Dravien's formative years were shaped by the teachings of Clan Deshra, under the shadow of a galaxy-wide turmoil caused by the Sith Empire's brutal campaign against the Mandalorians. The massacre on Mandalore, a dark chapter in Mandalorian history, left Dravien believing he was among the few survivors of his adopted clan. This belief, coupled with the loss and devastation he witnessed, ignited a deep interest in the old ways of the Mandalorians—The Way, the rigorous scholarship of the Resol'nare, and the primal worship of Kad Ha'rangir.

As he grew, Dravien delved deeper into the Mandalorian culture, seeking to understand and preserve the traditions of a people that had become his own. His quest for knowledge and understanding led him to become a spiritual guide and lore master, especially for those Mandalorians scattered by war and the survivors of other clans seeking direction and purpose in the aftermath of their civilization's near destruction.

It was during this period of recovery and rebuilding that Dravien came to serve alongside Ijaat Mereel Ijaat Mereel , a figure of unity and strength among the Mandalorian diaspora. Currently, Dravien works to instill a sense of hope and direction, blending the teachings of the past with the needs of the present.

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