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Approved Tech Dragoon Beskad

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Image Credit: Darker Than Black
Intent: Fairly canon tech across the metaphorical board (literally just a beskad with an electro-blade and some retractable wire), but I felt like a submission would make it truly personal. For the new Clan Xyhn.
Development Thread: None
Manufacturer: Clan Xyhn
Model: Dragoon Beskad
Affiliation: Clan Xyhn (Mandalorians Only)
Modularity: None
Production: Minor
Material: Carbonized Beskar Blade, Ceramic Hilt, Tungsten-Beskar Cable
Description: The Dragoon Beskad is a long knife with two blades fixed to a ceramic hilt. On either side of the hilt is a squeeze-trigger. When both are depressed, it activates/deactivates the electo-generator inside the upper part of the hilt which then arcs electricity between the two blades. If it were to touch water, a metallic object or impale skin on both ends, it would sends a crippling shock into the victim or bridge medium. The power behind the device is approximately 3,000,000 volts, 2.5 amps and 450 joules; enough to kill the average human male after variable prolonged exposure. The battery itself can last up to an hour of activity (it doesn't magically bleed out all of its energy into a victim, that's not how a taser works). Just beneath the battery is a small dime-sized electric 3,000 rpm motor with a double-spool. With one forceful tug of the wire, the spool begins to quickly retract the cable until it is either resisted with an equal or greater force, or it fills the spool. It is strong enough to pull up to thirty pounds of weight (theoretical; e.g.: The blade were fixed to a mount and the end of the cable was knotted around a ball weight. It does not account for friction or leverage). This twenty-foot mesh wire is incredibly tough and made of a carbonized beskar and tungsten alloy, able to resist even lightsabers for a up to a second.
Classification: Dagger
Size: One-Handed, Thrown
Length: 40.64 cm.
Weight: 1.18 kg.
Other Features: Does everything a Beskad is supposed to do, has an electro-generator, has a six meter fiber wire


Please tag [member="Ashe the Reaper"] concerning any necessary edits, I'm almost never on my writer account account. Thank you. :)

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Ashe the Reaper"]

So it's a slightly smaller beskad with an electroshock and a return cable. The cable's beskar alloy is canon, so that works out well. However, 30,000 rpm on a spool the size of a dime roughly translates to forty feet per second on your twenty-foot cable (all measurements in metric, please) -- lethally fast if you're trying to catch it. Might want to slow it down so as not to die.

Oh, and a beskad this size weighs at least two kilos. Beskar's heavy stuff.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Ashe the Reaper"]

I'll approve this on two conditions.

One, you fix the typo in your sig. It's been bugging me forever. 'The dead do not remorse' needs a verb like a white kid needs cake.

Two, you understand that I'm approving this due to your very recent activity with the Mandalorian faction, and if you leave the Mando faction or stop being active in it in the next few weeks (for circumstances beyond your control, anyway), this will be retroactively denied. Fair enough?

Saera Willamina Savan

~+--- Skaidra ---+~ Beskarsmith, Alchemist
[member="Rasho the Hutt"] - Ahh crap, that's what happens when most of your time is spent between the hours of 11:00 and 3:00. x_x Thanks for pointing it out.

This is FOR the Mandalorians, and only for Mandalorian Xyhn-members. The clan is Mandalorian! Thus, someone would have to be a known Mandalorian to even get that. This isn't personal tech. :)
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