Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dragons tooth

Candez told Bobeesh Mash, pilot of the Salty Mynok, to ease the ship into the station. He was a bit surprised by what [member="Lyth Meran"] said. He didn't know if it was sarcasm, or something else. "Do I really have a big head?" he asked to Bobeesh.

"Yes, as big as a rancor." Candez frowned at the Togruta, then moved out of his chair and headed out of the cockpit to where the ramp was based. He passed the astromech of the ship, and as soon as the ship landed in the hangar, exited the ship. The astromech must have decided to follow as he moved out through the station to meet with Lyth to find others there. Candez stood there a bit awkwardly at first. ", who owns the star destroyer?" he said lightly, trying to liven up the awkwardness he may have caused. Then, he got to business. "So Lyth...why did you want me here?"

@C0C0 @Matsu Ike [member="Desmond C'artyom"]

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
" well Mr [member="Candez Stoon"] because i pay you." she joked. " and this is away for you to show the SJO and Empire your skills. plus you get cash." Lyth added.
" look we have this big project. we have a giant droid and the industrial droids building the super strictures. plus dude don't you want to build a space station? we need guns and sheilds i want this thing to be feffin as deadly as a Twilek's bite."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu was looking at Lyth as she spoke and moved forward offering a few things. "Well Sasori's shipyard has made some nice thing, components to improve shield strength, quality and add redundant back ups to it so it can be multilayered. We have fast runabout ships that can be used and built up quickly, quintessense reactors for ships that are large enough or for stations, we have automated flower stations that can be used and new circuits for automation and advanced control with our new interface hardlight pads." She brought up the inventory for Lyth and was highlighting everything that they would be able to use.
He'd think about it, seeing [member="Lyth Meran"] down at his feet, and nods his crustacean head.

"Sure, Why not? Just tell me what you need built, Meatbag, and I'll be glad to help."

[member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Candez Stoon"]

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
[member="C0C0"] " welcome abord then " Deran said leading to the giant freighter.
" we will have a construction drone for a personality transference if you like? let you explore the ship? " she said as she headed to the bridge looking to the Pilot droids
" other than that the automated dock will make any repairs and offer an Lube bath till we get to the location. "

[member="Matsu Ike"][member="Candez Stoon"] [member="Desmond C'artyom"]
"Well, this is interesting...going on another job again...OH, Lube Bath...that'd be nice."

C0C0 would walk into the freighter, and sits as best he can, due to his build and sheer size. C0C0 was getting used to be hired for construction jobs again, and even getting a lube bath after god knows how many years building towers of rocks on Korriban over and over. [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Matsu Ike"] [member="Candez Stoon"]

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