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Dragons and Chains

[member="Melfa Exmoore"]

That wasn't as concerning as one might think.

Mandalorian Iron, or at least the ore that created it, was not in fact all that rare. The Mandalorians were quite willing to sell the tools necessary to forge Beskar, they were even willing to part with some of the ore. Why? Because no one but them knew the secret of actually creating the material. It was, like so many other metals, a unique mixture of different properties. If Vrak knew that mixture then he could put together the pieces and have this...thing forge Mandalorian Iron.

It was in a way a longshot, but at the very least he would get something out of it.

If not he could always have Yidhra twist this creature into Sithspawn. The idea amused him some, mostly because it would probably render the beast more intelligent. The Pureblood smiled at the thought, leaning back but still holding onto the force. "Not a concern."

He waved his hand dismissively.

"I can acquire some." Beskar was worth it after all. "As well as your tools."

Though he would probably have to murder a few people to track all of that down.


She of the Trillion Thorns
"Would be faster to find Brick, ha?"

She held no particular sentimentality for the Brick, but the thing of it was that despite being vagabonds and gypsies, Komodi were also somewhat true to loyalty. Where it was earned, anyways. Her loyalty to Clan Ioren stretched so far as to their things. The Brick and its contents happened to be part of that.

"Melfa know where Brick kept. Hoomans take long time to make value for what inside. Hoomans not fast trader. Can find. Komodi smart traders, fast traders, never forget their wares."
[member="Melfa Exmoore"]

Well that at least was promising. He had his doubts about this creature claiming her species as anything near 'smart', but if it would get him beskar?

Then he would deal with it.

For a moment Vrak considered simply questioning it on where the ship was held, but he realized there was another way. Working with the beast would be an annoyance, but again it was a way to worm his way in. Manipulation, the games of playing with someones head. This creature was hardly intelligent, but it could at the very least make its own way through the galaxy. That at least meant it knew what it wanted, giving it a sliver of sentience and decision making. "Very well."

He told it.

"Where is your ship?" Probably here on Zygerria he figured.

Vrak was on decent enough terms with the nobility here, though the current Queen had no love for him. Ever since he had slaughtered her mate in open court she held a certain amount of...disdain for the Pureblood.


She of the Trillion Thorns
"Haaaa," a smile then from the Komodi, beastly and full of elongated fangs. Her tongue slithered out to flick at the air.

"Brick go where Melfa go - grand trade port of Karver Hold."

Karver's Hold was a massive trade and fuel station just beyond Zygerria's sector. It had been her destination all along. She recalled overhearing her captors talking about what to do with the thing and the decision had been to take it to the Hold to sell it for scraps and trade out the contents. They knew it had metal forging supplies but, so far as she could tell, they didn't know just what sort of metal forging supplies it was. Hadn't been very long since she and the ship parted ways, plus it had to wait for a tug and then get processed through customs.

In all likelihood it was still intact in the Hold. It may not have even been examined or appraised yet. A good trader knew how these things worked. Melfa was a good trader.
[member="Melfa Exmoore"]

He let out a sigh.

It wasn't the news he was looking for. Finding the ship on Zygerria would have been simple enough, he had pull here with the nobility. Karver Hold? Not so much. Had it been anywhere else he could have brought a fleet, an entire armada, but not there. The Silver Jedi were still present within this sector of space, and their will was strong. His fingers interlaced for a moment, and slowly Vrak let the force slip free from him. He doubted that this creature would attack him now.

"Very well." He repeated himself.

The situation was far from ideal, but it could still be accomplished. They would be able to take a Hssiss-class shuttle through this sector of space to avoid detection, from there they would move through the system and get to Karver Hold.

Once there...Vrak would likely have to slaughter whomever took the beasts vessels. "We'll retrieve your ship."

He motion towards the guards, one of whom quickly ran off to begin pre-flight checks on Vrak's shuttle.


She of the Trillion Thorns
Karver Hold was not the everyman's trade port. It wasn't a hive of scum and villainy. It wasn't a back-lane pit stop for the broken down skid. On the contrary, Karver Hold sat right off a major hyperlane and attracted the sort of people that could spend big bucks, and the sort of traders that could sell nice things. Melfa certainly wasn't the typical sort of trader, and in fact most Komodi were often turned away, but she'd had a missive from Alor Ioren that was worth quite a bit more than simple appearances sake.

The Ioren clan had traded here before, historically speaking. Back then Karver's Hold had a different name, different owners, but it wasn't often that a Mandalorian clan soiled its reputation in places that were of benefit to them. The Ioren name carried weight and was, to the knowledgable trader and resource aficionado, synonymous with Beskar. It was a name that hadn't been heard from in a while, but still welcome just the same.

Melfa hadn't officially taken the clan name for herself despite having lived amongst them and worked under the management of the Alor. She was a member in all aspects but that. Something about replacing her old caravan name just didn't sit right. Melfa thought about this during the journey and found herself wondering, briefly, before occupying the rest of her time in the crew quarters with the guard posted outside the door.

It was cold in the crew quarters and a bored Komodo was often a destructive Komodo. Best they kept themselves entertained.

Karver's Hold

Melfa was bond-less by the time of their arrival and tromped down the gangway of the ship at the heel of her Guard with a noticeable swish to her tail. Though over a head taller than her apparent new owner, the Komodo felt perfectly comfortable standing amidst the small group of the man's Massassi guards. It was quiet - apparently Vrak's people weren't very social. Melfa gave a sniff, eyeing the back of the man's head with particular intensity.
[member="Melfa Exmoore"]

In truth, Vrak was more than tempted to simply slaughter everyone on this station and get what he came for.

The Pureblood had little regard for anyone that stood in his way, and although he usually approached things with more...pragmatism, his patience was running more than a little short. The idiotic creature that was apparently sniffing the back of his head had more than gotten on a few of his nerves, and in order for him to get what he actually wanted it seemed that it would have to stick around a little longer.

Vrak dreaded this.

"Your ship." He stated as they stepped off the gang plank, a few people in the station ahead glancing at them. They had likely seen the holo-reels, the invasion of Dromund Kaas, the capture of Korriban and a dozen of other worlds. No doubt they were growing nervous seeing Massassi and a Pureblood wander out here in the open. "What does it look like?"

One of the Massassi growled at a nearby Twi'lek, causing the woman to screech and run.

Vrak let out a sigh, though he knew it could not be helped. The Massassi were cousins, mutants really, of Purebloods. Centuries ago they had been crafted as warriors, killers, and fighters to serve in the armies of Naga Sadow and others. Now? Well they hadn't changed much.


She of the Trillion Thorns
More or less oblivious to the stares and a collective look of dawning, terror-stricken apprehension of the people in the trade port, Melfa screwed up her nose as she thought how best to describe the ship.

" box," she gesticulated a box-like shape with her clawed hands, Melfa did not know what sort of ship it was - she'd never seen one like it before, "Brick. Green, ugly brick."

This likely would not appease Vrak but if Melfa was concerned, it didn't show. Eyes of molten ember were busy scanning the docking stations with an eyesight far keener than any human could claim, "Not like this," the Komodo waved dismissively at the multitude of very fine and fancy looking starflyers sitting at port, "ehh, would be at customs intake. We go there."
[member="Melfa Exmoore"]

He let out a sigh.

Again the temptation to kill everyone on the station was more than appealing. He'd slaughter thousands just to get this all over with, especially considering the reward that waited for him at the end. Yet he had no idea how this creature behind him would respond, nor did he truly know the strength of this stations security force. Thus for now he would keep himself in check.

"Go." He waved towards the Massassi.

They stepped forward, moving ahead of Vrak and Melfa as they cleared a path through the crowd. People immediately shied away from the hulking beasts, fleeing one way or another. The Massassi wouldn't strike at anyone unless they got too close, though a few times they let out low growls at someone that stepped a bit out of line. Vrak quickly followed after them, not wanting to stand there waiting like a fool.

With the crowd gone they managed to pass through the station with no real effort, arriving at customs just a few minutes later.

"In there?" His question was rhetorical, though he had no idea if the beast would understand that. Customs was sealed off by a massive durasteel door, functioning much like an impound lot would.


She of the Trillion Thorns
Melfa's head tilted back as she took in the massive door before them. Large enough to permit a giant bull rancor or a small craft. She considered the door for a moment, spiked tail slowly swaying at her back. Looked like every other customs entrance she'd seen.

She nodded in response, split-tongue flicking out.

The posse had scared off local workers leaving them with no one to order it open. It looked bulky and stubborn.
[member="Melfa Exmoore"]

The Massassi were of course rather angry that they had yet to kill anyone, but Vrak figured they would calm themselves soon enough. The creatures weren't all that intelligent, and as long as they were kept well fed none of them really minded doing work.

There was a reason that he had taken them along instead of the Red Guard however; mainly Melfa. He knew that he could likely kill the Komodo with no real concern, at least if he had access to teh force, but the Massassi would act as a way to ensure that would never happen. Though of course the creature seemed more than happy to just follow around and pave the way, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

The Pureblood let out a sigh. "Stay here."

A few of his footsteps echoed as he approached the doors. For a moment Vrak glanced up at them, then a loud snap-hiss rang out as his lightsaber ignited.

A moment later he stabbed the blade into the Durasteel door, carving a massive circular hole that was just large enough for all of them, if the others ducked anyway.


She of the Trillion Thorns
Duck through Melfa did, eyeballing the molten durasteel rim with a sense of appraisal. She'd seen only one other use a weapon like that: her previous owner on Wayland, Sha'Matri Loxa Visl. Her knowledge of these things being minimal, the Komodi knew at the very least that they were not a blade to be trifled with. She stayed well clear of the man as they stepped through and turned to eye the entourage of people and station workers that greeted them at the other side.

A group of guards had their blasters raised and charged. Apparently someone tattled.

"Drop your weapons!"

Melfa looked to her empty hands, flexing her claws with a shrug.
[member="Melfa Exmoore"]

Vrak turned, his expression sour.

The scowl on his face was enough to make one of the guards take half a step back, though by then it was already too late. The Massassi that had been standing to Melfa's right lurched forward, it's massive red palm reaching out and swiping towards one of the guard's face. There was a loud crunch as the Massassi grasped the man and threw him to the floor.

It roared, and a crunch rang out as its massive maw bit into the guards neck.

As soon as they saw this the other Guards opened fire. There was no wait, no other warning, they simply began to fight. Blaster fire began to fly, bright red bolts shooting towards Vrak. The Pureblood flicked his lightsaber up, blocking some of the bolts and sending the others back towards the guards.

Within half a heart beat mayhem broke loose aboard the station.


She of the Trillion Thorns
This wasn't exactly an ideal situation for Melfa. Ideal would have left her with her armor and perhaps a weapon or two. Less than ideal left her in traveler's garb with naught but her own god-given weapons and scales for defense. Having a fairly decent idea of just how much of a beating she could handle under a barrage of blaster fire, the Komodo decided not to wait around.

The beastly woman strode forward, raising an arm to shield her face from flying bolts and marched through a hail of blaster fire with a resounding hiss. Much like ball bearings hitting a rubber wall, the bolts bounced off her armored hide and drove off in random directions as she lifted her other arm to snatch at the nearest guard, crushing his gun in her hand and driving the worthless weapon upwards into his helmet.


With a heave she lifted him off his feet by his neck and slung him bodily through the air into a group of other guards and mechanics taking up arms. For a moment Melfa was allowed a chance to scan the hangar bay and found the big squarish bulk of her ship sitting down at the far end of Dock 4.

Grinning, she took ahold of another passing person by the scruff of his neck and, using him as a shield, began making her way in that direction.
[member="Melfa Exmoore"]

Vrak shifted as the hulking creatures tore into the various guards, his lightsaber flicking every now and again to block one bolt or another.

It seemed that the stations security had been alerted by someone, though their fate would ultimately be an unfortunate end. The Massassi were making quick work of the barely trained men, and after a few moments The Pureblood simply lowered his lightsaber.

He spotted Melfa rushing across the room, utilizing one of the standing innocents as a shield. The Pureblood frown for a moment, tracking her movements and watching as she ran towards one of the far docks at the end of the hangar bay. There he spotted a square, ugly, brick like ships. A sigh escaped him at the wretched sight, but at least he now understood what the beast had been referring to when she'd spoken of her vessel as...well a brick.

The Pureblood turned back towards the Massassi. "Kill them all."

It was a harsh solution, but at this point Vrak wasn't above it, not when the Guards had threatened him.

Another glance back and he quickly followed after Melfa, rushing behind the massive woman.


She of the Trillion Thorns
Mahet peeled herself from the main action of the hangar into a side chamber where she found a mechanic hiding behind a stack of parts. Plucking the toydarian bodily from the air she spent the next several minutes growling at him in various trade languages until finding one he understood. Hutt Space wasn't much more than a few hyperdrive skips away so it was Huttese they spoke today. Strangely far more fluent than her Basic.

He eventually garbled in agreement, nodding and pointing down a row of shelves. Melfa released him and followed as he fluttered down the stacks and pulled a large engine circuit breaker from a bin. The Komodo took it and made her way back out, crossing paths with [member="Vrak Nashar"] as he caught up to her. Making her way back to the gigantic ugly corvette she flashed the breaker at him over her shoulder.

"Melfa fix Brick, fly out, yih?"

She didn't exactly wait for an answer. This was the most logical thing to do, afterall.
[member="Melfa Exmoore"]

He scowled. "Yes."

Vrak had by now figured out it was best to speak simplistically to the beast, it's lack of intelligence having become more than apparent. The Pureblood flicked his lightsaber up as a blaster bolt sailed towards him, the bright red shot bouncing back to where it had come from. A guard let out a screeching yell of pain as he fell to the floor, one of the Massassi quickly swooping down on him to finish him off just a moment later.

"Kill them!" He barked at the Massassi. "Then return to the ship."

There would likely be plenty of evidence about who had done this, but there was no need to leave his shuttle behind. He, meanwhile, would be going with Melfa. She would apparently need to fix the ugly ship first, but there was no way she was getting out of his sight.

Not when her end of the bargain was still to be fulfilled.


She of the Trillion Thorns
Talons scraping across durasteel walkways, Melfa stalked across the gangway to the side entrance of the ship and ducked in through the open hatchway. She stepped into pitch black but reptilian eyes adjusted accordingly - the Komodo was pleased to find that the supplies inside remained relatively undisturbed. At a quick glance it was impossible to say if anything was missing, but so far as she could see most everything was there. None of the crates had been moved but a few smaller things had been toppled, scattered.

Melfa made for the back of the ship, her figure slithering brutishly through the darkness to the engine block. Massive clawed hands worked a stubborn panel open while in the background the noise of blaster bolts crept closer. Footsteps on the gangway echoed down through the hall, several guards piled into the ship. The scent of molten plasma met her nostrils.

"Za, za, za - ssssssuttaaaahahaha-" the fourth breaker smoked faintly as she pulled it from the block, glancing in to look for debris before pushing the new one in. Melfa closed the panel door and gave it a pat. Now all she needed to do was turn the key.
[member="Melfa Exmoore"]

Vrak followed after the guards that had boarded Melfa's ship.

There was a scowl on his face as he stepped onto the ramp, the black of the inside of the ship looming before him. This little errand had turned into far more of an annoyance than he had thought. At first he had intended for this to last only a short few moments, they would arrive at the station, they would speak to someone, and then he would force the life out of whomever denied him what he wanted. Now this had turned into an entire war.


A man began to yell as he whirled around a corner and pointed his blaster at Vrak, before he could even finish his statement however Vrak held up his free hand, lifting the man from the floor and instantly breaking his neck with the force. The guard fell to the floor with a loud thud.

"Komodo!" He yelled loud enough for Melfa to hear him, his disdain for the situation more then evident. "Get your ship off the ground."

He called to her as his lightsaber impaled another of the guards.


She of the Trillion Thorns
"Melfa go," replied the Komodo, claws clacking down the hall to his right as she made her way back up from the engine block. Her way, however, was blocked by the Sith and his quarrel and she paused momentarily as he swung his lightsaber into the gut of the nearest guard. Three more emerged through the doorway.

"Red man stay down," the growl sounded behind Vrak as a massive hand landed on his shoulder where he presently stooped, holding him there with impressive strength. Melfa inhaled deeply and swung her tail against the metal siding of the hall.


just enough of a distraction for the guards to look before -


the woman let loose a spray of heinous, venom-fire at the group over Vrak. The venom stuck to their armor, bright flames of angry green eating away at the duraplast and refusing to be brushed off. The more they flailed the more it spread. Two of them floundered right back out the hatch, the third was thrust through it by a swing of her tail.

The way clear with various spots of venom stuck about the walls and floor still burning away, Melfa let up her grip on the Sith and pat his shoulder, "Now Melfa go."

And go she did.

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