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Approved Starship Dragon Class

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Well-Known Member

Image Source:
Affiliation: The Empire
Manufacturer: Kotass industries
Model: Dragon Class
Modularity: No
Material: Turadium Plate
Classification: Assault frigate

Length: 400 meter
Width: 150 meters
Height: 75 meters

10x heavy turbo caanons
5x heavy ion cannons
5x Anti matter torpedoes
5x disruptor torpedoes
8x point defense cannons

Hangar: 1x Admata class gunship

Special Features:
  • Communications Array
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Advance Deflector Shield Generator
  • Standard Detention Cells
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Advance Targeting Systems
  • 2x Tractor Beams
  • Stealth field
  • Zero Gravity System
  • ​Magnetic hull plate
Maneuverability Rating: 9
Speed Rating: 8
Hyperdrive Class: 2

Strengths: Extremely potent first shot capability
Extremely hard to locate
Weaknesses: Expensive
Has no fighter cover

Description: Dragon class frigate is designed from experiences of Sabrina with her former stealth ship Dragons breath, she used what she had learned when [member="Ayden Cater"] captured it. He was using a gravity sensor on his ships, this triangulated her position and got her ship captured by him. She still would like her old ship back, but like all sith the past is past, and you should move and improve it. Knowing how she was tracked in space by him, she made the range ships from what she had learned. This was so the empire, could conduct fleeting raids, without being seen till it was to late, she also copied her old hull design. So she had installed a zero gravity system, so when in stealth mode. The ship does not produce gravity, and people use electromagnetic boots to stop them floating off.

This was no capture ship though, like her old ship. This was beast of war, this had harden Turadiom plate for the hull, this meant even if the shields did collapse, they still one hard nut to crack. She also used same targeting computers from the vortex class, so it was very accurate. It also sported full array of anti matter torpedoes, with two hypervelocity cannons. This ship was designed to ambush and destroy, bigger enemy ships. If there was enough of them they could take on a space station.

Development Thread: Here
Intent: To have a faction stealth ship, that the empires personal can use.
Who Can Use This: The empires pc only

Star Wars Canon:

Starwars Chaos:

Pending initial review

Pending Initial review


sabrina said:
2x hypervolicty cannons

sabrina said:
Maneuverability Rating: 8 Speed Rating: 7
Hypervelocity guns don't normally go on smaller ships. While they have been mounted on smaller ships than a light star destroyer before, those ships have had quite a bit of development. Additionally this is fairly quick for a relatively heavily armed ship. and is currently corvette speed. Maneuverability 9; Speed 8 would be more suited to a frigate.

sabrina said:
Hangar: 1x Admata class gunship
Quick clarification, this means it carries a single gunship, or a single squadron of gunships? If it is the first, ignore the below, the reduced hangar will suffice as a weakness, if the latter, then

sabrina said:
Weaknesses: Expensive
This isn't a weakness that effects the role or ability of the ship at all. If you could replace it with something that effects the ship's performance in some way that would be best.

With the adjustment of the Speed and Maneuverability you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
[member="Draco Vereen"] edited speed and maneuverability, also yes it is just the one ship.

Will edit the hypervolcity cannons if you wish, just have a plan for them with tech sub later on, when I can get round to building a new facility.
Would like to keep them, and edit around them if possible for that reason.
Yes, I am going to ask you to replace them with something else.
The only comparable size ship I have seen them on has been an Event Reward ship that I linked.
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