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Approved Tech Dragon’s Dogma

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  • Intent: To give Abyss a magical alternative to smoke grenades
  • Image Source: Dragon Pipe 2 by houseoflostplay
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Restricted Missions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Smoke Magic
  • Self Burning
Smoke Magic: Multiple sith rune structures were carved into the pipe, created to form or manipulate the smoke created by burning Korriban Incense, a substance known for its arcane properties, in it. These spells are cast by fixed incantations which have to be spoken to direct the force. Only those who know the spells and what they mean are able to perform them, as the mind still has to guide the force even with the help of words and runes. Species with a natural resistance against mental attacks can be affected by the spells aimed at the mind, but to a far lighter degree than others. The spells which are able to be cast are: (OOC Note: These spells only work if a write agrees)

Cloak of Smoke:
Spell: "Difi is toka, Nu buti nenx vel us zo Dvasia" ("Shrouded in smoke, I am not more than a Ghost")

Effect: The smoke of the pipe gains thickness, to the point of becoming blinding. Once cast the smoke also grows in size, creating a smokescreen around the caster that can not be seen through with the naked eye.The smoke fades quickly, one minute at best. Should the spell be interrupted the smoke simply fades without effect.
Enter the Void
Spell: "Kvapas is. Kvapas del. Finsezi malsini noj tu'iea dvasi dziu salini." ("Breath in. Breath out. Stay calm while your mind fades away.")

Effect: The smoke loses its smell, as well as becoming less thick. Should the smoke be inhaled, the magic will start to affect the mind. Similar to a hallucinogenic drug the smoke alters and distorts the perception of reality, leading to confusion. The alteration is not of a horrifying, but instead of a confusing yet oddly relaxing nature, rather twisting things like depth perception, balance and colors. The effect fades after roughly one minutes. Should the spell be interrupted the smoke simply fades without effect.
Cloud of fear
Spell: "Kvapas is. Kvapas del. Lyteti vi naile vartoti j'us." ("Breath in. Breath out. Feel as fear consumes you.")

Effect: The smoke loses its smell and taste, but its thickness stays the same. Once inhaled it leads to a general feel of fear, paranoia and unease, yet without any hallucinogenic properties. The effect fades after around one minutes after being inhaled. Should the spell be interrupted the smoke simply fades without effect.
Breath of the Dragon
Spell: "Saud ir Kraujas, nuyak laikas mtoni kia sunya." ("Fire and Blood, my enemies burned to dust.")

Effect: Five seconds after the spell is cast, the smoke becomes fire. This can be used in two ways. Either to actually breath fire, or a trick weapon, burning a person from the inside after taking a drag from the pipe. If the caster interrupted, to slow when exhaling or does not manage to blow the smoke far enough there is a high risk of the spell backfiring.

Self Burning: The Pipe has another set of runes which creates magical fire inside once power is channeled into it. Through this the Incense does not actually has to be smoked for the pipe to be used, even if that is still possible.

  • Smoke and Mirrors: The Pipe is a powerful tool for trickery and deception, as the various spells linked to it hold effects to mask or obscure the senses of an enemy.
Weaknesses :
  • Slow Burn: To properly use the spells of the pipe, the Korriban Incense has to burn a little, so that enough smoke has gathered to be called upon. This takes up to around a minute.
  • Force nullification: The Pipe does not work in a area where the force does not work. It can still be used for smoking.
The Pipe, formed with impressive craftsmanship, once belonged to an influential Wookie elder, yet it got lost ages ago. Legends told the stories of the dragon pipe that rested somewhere deep in the Shadowlands, rumored to be a artifact of great magical power.

That this rumor was untrue was quite disappointing to Abyss, once the pipe found its way into his possession, a feat accomplished through the underworld network of smugglers, merchants and looters controlled or at least overseen by the sith lord.

Yet instead of discarding the pipe as it would've been fitting for such a piece of random junk, Abyss rather decided to make the legends true. With sith runes, and blood the pipe was tainted by the dark side, and imbued with spells designed to aid the shadowy nature of the sith lord who owns it.


Well-Known Member
<p>Hello, I'll be the factory judge reviewing your submission. If you have questions, please feel free to respond to this thread once we are underway.</p>


Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Abyss"]

Good stuff, always nice to see some creative use of Alchemy.
The base idea is solid, but it does need some tweaking before I can stamp it.

The spells are pretty basic Sith Sorcery abilities, that works. My only concern on the whole are the duration times, which are super long from a PvP perspective.
2 minutes of thick fog? 5 minutes of hallucinations? Whole wars can be won in that time for Force users.
  • The duration times will need to be dialed back before I can approve this

Darth Abyss said:
Slow Burn: To properly use the spells of the pipe, the Korriban Incense has to burn a little, so that enough smoke has gathered to be called upon.
  • Since you specify the duration for the spells themselves, could you give me a ballpark for this as well? A minute? More, less?

Darth Abyss said:
Effect: Five seconds after the spell is cast, the smoke becomes fire. This can be used in two ways. Either to actually breath fire, or a trick weapon, burning a person from the inside after taking a drag from the pipe.
  • Could the user potentially set themselves on fire doing this? If the smoke is surrounding them when they use the rune, for example.

  1. For each spell to be activated, the Force user actually has to know and speak the spells, correct?
  2. What happens if the user is interrupted mid-incantation? Does the spell simply fail, or does it produce any potentially dangerous side-effects?
  3. What happens to Dragon's Dogma if it's exposed to a Force nullification of some kind (Ysalamiri, Yuuzhan Vong, etc.)?
  4. Since the abilities are entirely Force-based, do the mind-affecting ones affect species such as Hutt or Epicanthix, who are immune to Mind trickery?

@mention me with edits and clarifications when you're done.
[member="Netherworld"] Changed times of the spells to one minute each, added a backfire option to the fire spell, added a weakness against force nullification and added that species such as Hutt or Epicanthix are affected but only very lightly. Hope this checks out now.


Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Abyss"]

Good stuff, looks fine to me.
Obviously the final effect is still determined by your writing partner, but this has the potential to be a lot of fun.

Approved, pending mentor approval.
[member="Tai Fa"]
Darth Abyss said:
Species with a natural resistance against mental attacks can be affected by the spells aimed at the mind, but to a far lighter degree than others
I am not comfortable with alchemy that can affect species with a natural resistance against mental attacks from the Force. However, as you stated that the results of said damage are completely subject to the writer of whom it is affected, I will allow this to be approved as those who have mental resistances can simply say they barely felt a brush of anything.

I do not want affliction enforced on any species with mental resistances or this utilized as precedence to suggest such a thing is possible.

It is not.
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