Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dr. Pill


Name: Dr. Pill​
Age: 56​
Height: 5' 8"​
Weight: 250 lbs.​
Species: Human​
Force Sensitive: Its Over 9000!!!​
Dr.Pill started off as a school therapist, telling the kids they would never amount to nothing if they kept up their act of being open minded, and being kind to one another. He was fired from his job, and traveled around being a therapist for hire, working for the worst kind of criminals ever, and learning how they worked.​
Then when he finally got the money saved up, he started his own therapy sessions, making people pay outrageous amounts of credits for his Inner Help. When he made his first million, he took a vacation, and took his own Inner Help, then came back to work, making another million. He is considered one of the wealthiest therapist ever in the galaxy.​
Inner Help: He can help any one help themselves.​
Rich: Money Money Money, MONEY!​
Inner Help: Everyone thinks his advice is bad, but if they just followed it...if only.​
Fat, and Balding: Not the most sexiest man in the world.​


[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

If you think you've got a split personality, it's probably cause you're alone in life, and you talk to yourself a lot. Get a life, make a baby, stop talking to yourself in a Batman voice.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
@Dr. Pill

Funny part being, up until 2 days ago, Alex literally had someone else living in her head. :D

As for the things you also said, Did 1, Did 2, and...

Which one?


[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Look we are all good, and bad, its okay. You just need Inner Help, and I can help you help yourself.


[member="Ark Tallen"]

Who's got a Ph.D in Psychomindwarping here?

[member="Dakita Calfur"]

She figured out the power of Inner Help

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
[member="Dr. Pill "]

I already love you.

Please tell me you have the diamond encrusted, pure gold watch.


[member="Iris Tyrad"]

Sir..its Phrik plated with with Cortosis minute, and hour hands. Beskar frame, and Songsteel pins to hold the band of Force Crystals.

Iris Tyrad

A man with no friends, only live for revenge
[member="Dr. Pill "]

Better show me the factory submission or I'm reporting it. That is way too OP.

(Btw there is a space after your name and it doesn't allow people to tag you easily.)


[member="Iris Tyrad"]

Submission? This doesnt NEED A SUBMISSION! You need to stop carrying swords around in public, youre endangering people around you, and yourself, normal people dont do that! NOR DO THEY TALK WITH PARENTHESES!

(Will work on that.)



[member="Vale Pek"]

Son, you need to quit telling people you got burned on the face, we all know that's just a bad case of pink eye.

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