Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Down on the Corner



TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Listening to Valery, she gave a little nod. Not entirely sure if she can actually feel people that way but on the other hand. She never tried and didn't even need to do it back on her planet. The training she was taking was different and perhaps it was for the better. But regardless, she decided to employ what was told to her on the way. And she was focusing a little too much on it, noticing that she is falling behind, she quickly run up to her masters.

Then, perhaps it was a lucky guess of her intuition. Or she truly communicated with force to figure out that someone is nearby. Regardless, she looked at first at her masters without uttering a single word to see if they also felt it. But the anticipation and her eagerness to say something, was too long to keep it at this point. She nodded and raised her hand, while trying to figure out if she should wait out or not. But then, eventually spoke out to her masters. While pointing at rubble.

"I think... Someone might be there masters? At least it feels to me this way... I am not entirely sure."



NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsabers
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Amara Niri Amara Niri

"Stay close to me in case the fire gets out of hand," Valery said as they all agreed to go down into the sewers. She knew Kahlil could just as easily protect them against fire, but her connection to it ran deep, and allowed her to do more than just protect them. Valery just hoped it wouldn't be necessary, and that that there were safer pockets in the sewers where people could be hiding if they were down there for some reason.

Hopefully, there were none.

Together with both Kahlil and Amara, Valery soon climbed her way down through an access tunnel that wasn't spitting fire, and settled on the ground below. The sound of flames spewing out hummed in the distance, and the temperature even where they were, was only barely manageable. "If it's a gas fueled fire, the reason it didn't stay out could be continued supply of gas. But... something just felt odd about it," Valery said as they began to walk.

She was keeping her senses sharp as well, and picked up on various life forms inside the sewers. But it wasn't until Amara spoke up that she felt it too — people buried beneath debris.

"Someone is trapped there," Valery said with a frown. But before she could act, another pulse echoed through the Force, originating from another pile of rubble.

Then another.



Multiple people trapped all throughout where they were planning to dive down into. Kahlil closed his eyes then. There was no getting around it. Kahlil raised his hands and pulled on the Force. It wouldn't last long, he knew that much, but as his sigils spread through the air around them he didn't see an alternative. They brightened, going from the faintest blue to something far brighter and brighter until, once they were spread around enough, he let them unleash.

Clear ice formed in an instant. The flames themselves froze solid, turning the blistering heat to a frigid cold. He turned his gaze to the two, nodding once. "Go find the source. I'll get these people out, alright?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Amara Niri Amara Niri



TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

At first, considering that it was confirmed by Valery that there were even more people in different directions, she tried her best to go and get out of the rubble. First with her hands, then trying to even use the force, which worked a little but clearly was putting a bit of toll on her. Which could give impression that she didn't really practice it that much back on her homeplanet. Regardless, she was determined to help all of these people and show the masters that she could be good addition.

That is, until she heard the words of Kahlil. They were supposed to leave this work to him and find the source of all of this. She then looked back to Valey, bitting her lips a little not sure what to do. On one hand they should be helping others, but on the other finding the source before there is something even worse happening was logical thing to do. And they could possibly split here, with one master doing one thing, the other another and... Amara helping whoever needed it more, as she looked over at Valery ready to go if needed.
"Um master... What do we do? Would it be fine to leave Master Kahlil alone?"


NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsabers
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Amara Niri Amara Niri

Valery could have tried to get those people out with Telekinesis, but the heat inside the sewers was intense, and it seemed the Temperature was only rising. It'd expose whoever was trapped to another dangerous environment, and they were likely injured too. Luckily, her worries were taken away when Kahlil tapped into his runes to freeze up the fires. This made sure they couldn't reignite, at least for now.

But there was more to be done.

"We've got this," Valery told him with a nod, before running off with Amara to find the source of the flames. Naturally, she wondered if splitting up was a good idea, and Valery just chuckled. "He'll be fine, and he's never truly alone," she said, hinting at her Dyad with her husband. If something were to happen, Valery would be with him faster than a blink of an eye.

"Alright, we need to find the source somehow. Any ideas? We could look for compromised pipes or try to track the flow somehow... if it's even gas." She frowned and looked at Amara.

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Kahlil let out a breath then as he felt the two leave. Slowly he sat down, once more closed his eyes. Meditation, focus. He chuckled just a little under his breath as he did so. He felt stiff. Was he getting old, or was it just exhaustion? Maybe it was exhaustion. He couldn't settle for being tired right now. A different rune formed below him as he let his presence fill the Force around him. Focus, control, enhance.

Then he spread it further. Piece by piece he lifted the ruined buildings, freed the rubble that had trapped people within. It'd take some time, but this was where he would excel.

Deeper down, though, the pair of Jedi would find the gas line that had been ruptured. Not just once, though. What first looked like an accident continued on. Strategic puncturing for maximum damage, further and further down. The emergency shut offs weren't triggering. The smell of gas, the lightheaded feeling of not having air. It wasn't apparent at first, but now within, it was.

Then the hatch above shut closed and locked.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Amara Niri Amara Niri



TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Everything was going more and more south, at least according to what Amara was thinking. And then the hatch closing, making her and the master trapped in. It wasn't too good. And at first the young padawan wanted to panic, shout out and start running around. But she remembered the teachings back at her home planet. What her previous master has taught her and she decided that there is no need to panic.

"We should be able to get out of this... I hope, master. I wouldn't want to keep you restrained here.."

She said, clearly more worried for her master than her own safety. She started to look around. Her eyes were looking calmly, but there was a hint of feeling anxious, even when she spoke her voice trembled a little, showing that she is just putting on masquarade. She tried opening the hatch again, but to no avail as she sighed. Then looked one more time at Valery.

"Do you have any idea how we could get out of this master? It doesn't seem like there is much we can do... Or I am not seeing it yet."

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NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsabers
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Amara Niri Amara Niri

Well, this was bad.

Valery looked around and felt the dizziness of the gas slowly creeping up on her, so she did what she knew how to do. The Force began to flow through her body, filtering the dangerous gasses from her system, and allowing her to even go without breathing at all if necessary. No amount of gas would take down a Jedi Master, as even Padawans could learn Breath Control.

But Amara was rather new...

<I wouldn't worry about me being restrained,> Valery said as she looked around. <This room is filling up with gas. You're going to run out of breathable air very soon unless you learned how to filter it out.> This time, she turned to Amara and raised both her hands, not to help her breathe directly, but to create a bubble around them, driving the poisonous gas away into the corners of the room. It still had them trapped in an air bubble that would eventually run out of air, but it gave them more time than if they were to breathe in those gasses.

<Either you have to rapidly learn how to control your breath with the Force, or try to break open the hatch while I maintain this barrier. We don't have much time.>



The hallways were long and dark. Whatever lights were supposed to be on seemed to be as sabotaged as the pipes leaking gas. With how much gas filled the room, even just a spark would blow up more than just the Jedi. Those above would just as likely be caught in the resulting blast. Worse, the Jedi weren't alone in here. They stepped from the shadows. Droids. Armed with batons, knives, weaponry that couldn't set the gas off. Four in total, their mechanical eyes scanning through them.

"Two for the price of one. Surrender, Jedi. We'd prefer to take you in alive." A voice came through one, and clearly not the droids voice. "You can't use your sabers here. So let's just make this easy, alright?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Amara Niri Amara Niri



TAG: Valery Noble Valery Noble Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Looking a bit nervous, she tried to open the hatch but to no avail. She then did her best to hold her breath, with the use of force and she managed to do that. Until the droids came. She went behind her master, not sure what to do next as she wanted to reach to her lightsaber but hearing the droid, she didn't have really much choice. There were a lot of them and if they cannot use the lightsaber, they might be really screwed up there. She just looked at Valery and nodded a little.

"Um... I told you master... You might have been target after all, they even know who we are... And I don't think we have much choice right now do we? Please, tell me you have some plan B....."

There was some nervousness in her voice as well as impatience, as she was very close to holding the arm of Valery to comfort herself in the entire situation. But for now held her urges, to look what her master will do without attacking or doing anything to the droids for the time being. She needed a signal of someone more experienced in situations like this.[/FONT]



NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsabers
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Amara Niri Amara Niri

<We'll be fine.>

Valery stood in front of Amara, shielding her against the droids that demanded their surrender. She looked confident as always, stood tall and there was no doubt in her voice at all. Of course, she knew that igniting her weapon was no option, and while she could more than likely obliterate these droids with the Force without setting off the gas herself, even just a little spark from their crushed bodies could cause ignition as well.

That, and she didn't want to expose Amara to unnecessary danger. So only one option remained.

"We surrender," Valery said as she raised her hands up. A Jedi should know when to fight, and when to retreat or even surrender for a better opportunity. They'd have to bring them out of here, and that's when she could make their move — a Jedi Shadow was not so easily restrained, after all.

<Just stay calm and it'll be okay. I'll get us out of here, or my husband will.>

He already knew what was happening, after all. She'd just prefer for him to first rescue the people trapped down below.

"Just don't harm her," Valery gestured at Amara. "I'm your target, am I not?"



"You, our target?"

There was a pause in the droids speaker, presumably as someone put it on mute. Not that the droids stood down. In fact, they moved closer, testing to make sure that there wasn't any sort of trickery before going up to handcuff Valery. And Amara.

"Ah, okay. So you're the Sword. I'm sure they'll pay extra for you, but no. We're not here for you specifically. We're here for Jedi. The more, the better. Come quietly and you won't be harmed." Metal hands reached out, threating to actually handcuff the two woman. It seemde it was going to be an easier haul than they'd expected.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Amara Niri Amara Niri

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