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Approved Tech Doom Bringer Armor

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Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[font='Georgia] Doom Bringer Armor [/font]​

OOC Info
Image Source: Doom 4
Intent: To craft a heavy beskar armor set
Development Thread: X & X

Armor General Info
Manufacturer: Reclaimer Arms & Industrial & Tony Benetta
Model: NA
Affiliation: Closed Market & [member="Nikias"]
Modularity: Different pain jobs
Production: Semi Unique (2)
Material: Beskar
Classification: Multipurpose armor
Weight: 22KG
•Class 10 for blasters/sabers (on plates)
•Class 7 for blasters/sabers (on mesh)
•Class 9 for ballistics
•Class 8 for stabbing weapons (knives, swords, spears) ((Class 6 for beskar stabbing weapons))
Special features:
•Lightsaber Resistance
•EMP/Ion Resistance
•Badass as kark

•Power Armor Liner Therma Gel
Self sealing foam
Power pack
Digital life support system

Electrobinoculars & Rangefinder
Multi-Frequency target and acquisition system & Multi-Spectral target assessor
Sonic dampener & Annunciator
Broadband antenna & Comm link
Combat sensor
Sensor mapper
Life form scanner
•Oxygen supply (30 minutes)
•Toxin filter

•Two mounted weapons of choice. (One for each hand)
Dur-24 wrist laser, ZX Miniature flame projector, AT-1 Wrist Slugthrower, MM9 Rocket system, ACS-208 Wrist charric, Dinuul

Magno grip boots
Grav boots

Combat Harness
•Grenade hooks (6)
•Ammunition pouches (4)
•Flares (3)
•Grappling hook/high tension wire
Combat de-ionizer & Blast energy sink
Anti-security blade, EMP disruptor, Field disruptor overloader
Personal energy shield


Armor Description
The Crime Lord and part time armor manufacture Miss Blonde was curious to see how far she could get into the Beskar forging business. And with that she was commissioned to make a heavy set of Beskar for a dark Jedi named Nikias. After performing a raid on a pirate controlled mine on Echo'lya, the two took the Beskar back to her private workshop where the heavy plate Beskar armor now known as the Doom Bringer was crafted.

How it's built. Starting off with its base layer being a thermo body glove this couples with therma gel layer and it allows the wearer to maintain a comfortable body temperature in various environments. After that there is the powered portion of this suit, a micronized beskar mesh that acts like a full body crushgaunt, this augments the users strength. Once all these under layers are complete the beskar plates are forged rather standardly and basic. They are tough and are padded for the users comfort before being placed atop. When everything is set them all the added goodies are placed on the armor. Standard gear that is available on the market for a few thousand credits. Nothing to gawk or flip out over, just various pieces of gear and combat vests.

Power. Starting off with the powered feature whenever Miss Blonde had crafted a suit like this it was always without the use of beskar, generally a energized Durasteel body glove with reactive fibers. This would always give a power level at around a graug due to using inferior metals. However this time around with the use of beskar Miss Blonde was able to cross that threshold. Coming in at about the strength level of a wookie this powered feature can offer that amount of power, it is of course to be used responsibly. As for the plates themselves there's not a lot to say about them. They are your standard heavy beskar plates and they offer excellent protection. Wherever there is a plate it will block slug throwers, sabers, and blasters. They are beautifully crafted and layered like any other piece of beskar armor. But the suits real strength comes in its modularity. It's capable of having something for almost any situation, it's modularity can possibly save the users life in various situations with the amount of gear strapped to it.

Weaknesses. Yes despite how badass and wicked this armor may be it does have its weaknesses. While the armor and power system is shielded to ion damage the gear on it isn't, so an ion blast or EMP will fry all of it. Another thing to point out is the power system, while its great it has its flaws. While you can strike as hard as a wookie it doesn't mean you can lift things like a wookie. Say if you wanted to lift something really heavy above your head, while yes you may have the strength to do it once it's there it's immediately coming down on you and crushing you to death. This is because your bones, muscle, and internal organs if you are a non augmented humanoid are exactly that, not augmented. So they will not be able to support lifting something a wookie could do. Another weakness is its gaps. The back of the legs, neck, wrists, and armpit, these areas are only covered by a mesh and that mesh is very susceptible to damage. Knives, blades, sabers, whatever can puncture and wound/kill the user at the right shot. It also needs to be noted that this armor is heavy, despite the powered feature it will slow you a bit. So be sure to be conservative when using it, the micro mesh will help but only so much. But the biggest weakness has to be electricity. While the faraday cage can protect the user from shock sustained damage from Sith/Jedi/or regular old arc weaponry will electrocute the user and override the cage.

Summary. All around this is a piece of powered beskar armor with some added features to make life easier in the field. It has weaknesses and they can be exploited but for the most part it carries itself well and can get you out of some very sticky situations.
Factory Judge
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
[member="Miss Blonde"] [member="Zephyr Carrick"] To help Factory staff please post the title of your dev thread. This is for future reference since we do look for development threads that are used more than once.
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