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Dominion: Yalara - Sign Ups

Valessia Brentioch


  • Vianta's Last Expedition: Vianta Moxis was a historian of a particular sort, she sought the acquisition of artifacts of powerful darksided women, including Tavion Axmis. Vianta's last known location had been at the Temple of Ragnos on Yalara itself but where she died is unknown. First Imperial Historians inform the Knights of Ren that finding where the woman died, may aide them in their quest of acquiring her journals. As an incentive they inform the Knights that if they are able to locate Vianta's remains they may uncover the data regarding the location of Tavion Axmis's holocron. (Knights of Ren / Historical Artifacts)

  • Noghiri, No Yield: The immigrated species who now rule the desert planet, have been watching as the First Order's banner begins to spread across wild space. While small in size they are quite the formidable opponents. Like the Wookiees of Kashyyk, the Noghiri have a sense of honor - and refuse to simply submit to the First Order or agree to any annexation terms without the Order having proven themselves worthy. To this end, war games are arranged both on the desert planet itself and in the surrounding space. Meanwhile - a scouting force from the First Imperial Navy looks to establish a new space station and listening post between Yalara and Dosuun. Back on the planet, as the war games proceed, the First Imperial Starfighter Corps take the opportunity to stretch their wings as they participate in the war games of Yalara. (Starfighter Formations / Naval Fleeting / Space Station Development)

  • Imperial History 1304: Yalara was once under the command of the Imperial Remnant, and as such holds its own secrets. Members of the First Imperial Intelligence are dispatched to dig, explore and find any records left behind from the Remnant in the hopes of learning from them / exploiting old Imperial technology that may have been left behind. While exploring near the old Yalara Dam the Intelligence Agents make a large and potentially momentous discovery. (Shadowports / Manufactorums)

  • Bring Your Own Objective: Do your own thing, make your own story on Yalara or in the surrounding areas.
Would it be wise to make this Tier 2? There are only two planets on that hex (Yalara and Effekt, a custom submission). We might as well grab them both while we're there.

Either way, I'm sure to hop into objective 3. Though posting 20 times I probably will not happen. I'll just be picking up a little bit of slack.
skin, bone, and arrogance
I think I'll do Objective 3. Natasi could be in the big tent, drinking G&Ts and barking orders at the serfs.

There's another camp chair and glass if you're interested, [member="Marzena Choi"] :p

There is an appropriate costume for every occasion:

Marzena Vaas

[member="Natasi Fortan"]

Save me a seat, lady.

And yes, there is always an outfit...


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