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Dominion: Order of the Oak arrives on Ylix (please join my faction)

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Ostdern Mastogar

Team 1
Location: Above Ylix

Ostdern turned towards his men and raised his hand.
"Alright boys, this is it! Today we make our presence known! One my count, jump out the craft and aim towards the south canyon, I'll be with you. The Nove Squadron will provide air support. There are many droids here, so don't expect this to be easy. Our mission is to take out the droid base and secure Ylix for the Order of the Oak, is that understood?"
The group replied with a load "YES SIR!"
"Alright, GO GO GO!"
The troopers jumped out the many aircraft and descended towards the surface. Ostdern felt a rush as the wind blasted at his face. The droid snipers had noticed them all too soon though.
"Brace yourself, snipers at the ridge."
The troopers aimed their weapons mid flight and shot at the snipers. They exchanged fire and Ostdern noticed that a couple of his men were dead as they floated aimlessly about. He yelled at his men with a new order.
"Change of plans, take out the snipers when we make ground and then advance on the base."
More men died around him.
The men instantly started zipping down towards the land, and no more men died.
"Three, two, one, DEPLOY PARACHUTES!"
The parachutes opened in a flourish of brown and green. The Order of the Oak insignia was on them as well. The touch the ground, and Ostdern stood up, confused.
"You there, how many men did we lose?"
A trooper snapped to attention and responded briskly.
"Fifteen men Sir!"
Ostdern shook his head.
"Not good, but we have many more. We'll camp here for the night. Tell the men that order, I'm going to plan our strategy."
"Yes sir, right away sir!"
The trooper zoomed of and spread word that they'd camp for the night. Tomorrow they'd attack.
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