Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Do you see what I see?

The creature huddled in the corner of the ship, it's body was slowed to allow it to endure the long travel without eating or moving too much. And also to let it focus on warping the light to make its massive figure even harder to detect. It was no master of the skill, but it had learned it over time. Constantly trying to avoid detection. Combine the natural shadows of the ship, the ability to see every angle, and layer some of those shadows or lighting just right. And it would be very hard to realize without already knowing it was there or doing a very specific search.

It was aware mostly of the kind of ship it was stowed on, naturally. Cargo and freighter ships were always the best, this one had a good sized hold meaning there was plenty of room. They were taking at least some of their shipment to someone specific, mandalorian was what he heard. It sounded like they were a little uncertain on that decision. He had heard of such beings before. But he wasn't yet sure what he thought of them. They seemed more on the 'fight' or "War" side of things than just the 'predator' side as he was. Still, he was curious what he would find. Perhaps, he thought, he could watch from the shadows still. See how they worked.

The ship came to it's destination finally, and Worrarg peered through the crates and walls with his force sight. The only sight he had, waiting for all to be clear so he could find a way to exit. And also so he might observe them.

Rue "null" tepmuart Rue "null" tepmuart
rue sighed, she had quite a work load today, with all these shenanigans her lads in varsuuth had managed to accomplish while she was working on her projects, it was a damn wonder she hasnt grown grey hairs already! she sets down a box, containing a nice pair of vambraces, made to order, ready to deliver to the enclave whenever the hell she decides to have varsuuth drop by, in the ship, laid rues forge, which she produced arms for alors and foundlings alike, and considered this freighter her home.

she continues to have conversations with her kinsmen, unaware of the prescance on her freighter.

Worrarg Worrarg
Worrarg watched, yes. That was it, an armored one. He understood this had to be the warrior. Slowly he began to move. A creature of his size naturally had to be very careful not to make noise when moving merely by putting too much weight on any location, and so he tried to keep as many of his feet attached to things as possible at a time. Climbing around the tops, sides, and corners to try and find a new position near the exit where he would pause to watch again.

He wanted, really, to see her fight. Or hunt. The alchemical beast tilted it's head, it was more. Not just armored more effectively or healthy. It was more than its kind. Not like his maker, maddened of mind but honed in his skill in this trait. It was present, yet unfinished. Un-expanded. Not unlike his own, though he had begun to venture beyond just the innate sight he was still so young to the skills in the force, just as she was.

Unless she was pretending, maybe she hid her skill? The creatures mind continued to watch in curiosity. As well as amusement at the thought he maybe could fit those vambraces on his smaller more dexterous arms attached to his neck, though he wasn't sure if those would have any use. But he was still somewhat tempted to take them for himself, minus the threat of being attacked for the act.

Rue "null" tepmuart Rue "null" tepmuart
rue seemed not to notice the creature aboard her ship, but something was telling her something was up.. she just couldn't put her finger on it, but she could feel like she was being watched, mayhaps she could consult her adoptive brother when they next meet about it, she sighs, ever since cremek went off to found varsuuth, he hasn't had much time for catching up with her, she took delight in being one of the few people the dark wanderer trusted.

she now walks, beginning to organize the crates and boxes around her, her OCD getting triggered over just how god damn unorganized things were here!

Worrarg Worrarg
Worrarg held still as she started to reorginize things. If he moved outside the ship too hastily, then she may notice the shadows. If he moved too slowly, she may come upon him too close for the warping of light to fool her. In either case, the sudden realization of a potential threat could prove disastrous for one or both of them. He was curious how she would fight, but not so much as to risk his safety to answer that one question.

And so he spoke quietly in huttese, his vocabulator around his neck translating it and adjusting the volume so she could more clearly hear it. ["Do not fear. I intend no harm unprovoked."] he said, very slowly he'd allow the shadows to fade from his form so he didn't rush into view all at once. As well as standing to his proper height of 2.1 meters and length of 2.5, ["I am Worrarg to mean forerunner."]

The last time he'd introduced himself to someone he thought somewhat akin to him, it went quite well. but that person was a creation just as he was. This one didn't look like that. And he was not so sure she would be happy with his presence or sudden appearance.

Rue "null" tepmuart Rue "null" tepmuart
rue would quickly turn to face this... thing.. turns out taking it slow was the smart thing to do, as rue chose not to reach her westar, she had removed her helmet, turning her head so that she could see the... creature.. the hell was that even? did it matter? the hell was this thing doing in her ship, and why the hell didnt the rest of her lads see it? she would have to speak with them to figure that out and someone was surely going to get their nether regions stun blasted.

she now looks up at the creature, unsure what to even say.

"then what the hell are you doing on my ship?"

Worrarg Worrarg
He watched, no violence. Not yet. She even removed her helmet. A curious move, naturally he wanted her to not enact violence. But were he in her position he would not set aside defenses on such an unknown. Perhaps she knew more. Perhaps she was simply confident in her abilities without it, or wanted non-violence in this moment as well.

He again answered in huttese, the vocabulator translating as he spoke, ["Exploring. I have no ship, and I am curious."] he began, ["You are a different one."

He continued to remain slow as he made his way outside the containers so her was in a more open area, and sat down lengthwise. Even so, his raised head with its long neck kept him of a good height, This move too was meant to show that he meant not to fight, ["If you found me without my actions, would we have fought? Can you see what I am?"] he wasn't sure how to ask what he really meant. But perhaps if he simply pushed it, he could find out if she could 'see' or 'sense' his presence the way she did his. Just because she hadn't realized it earlier didn't mean she couldn't at all afterall. Perhaps the eyes she truly needed to see such things were often closed, or she had never fully opened them before.

Rue "null" tepmuart Rue "null" tepmuart
"hmm?.. different?.. honestly I'm just trying to figure out what you are. And yeah, of course I would have, common sense, no ones going to not shoot you big guy if you show up unannounced. And us mandalorians aren't known for our trigger discipline."

She sighs, using her good eye to getting a good look at the beastie, of course she kept her weapon close at hand, if that thing was gonna attack, she was going to be ready.

Worrarg Worrarg
She didn't seem to understand perhaps what he meant? Was she unaware then? Hm.

Unsurprisingly, she did say she'd shoot him if she'd found him. He couldn't blame her for that really. It was a logical act. Just as it would be logical for him to have attacked here instead of show himself, most humans could be ripped apart quite quickly. And armor did not often protect them from that if he grabbed them by the head and the torso. But that was about as dangerous he figured as revealing himself, she was a different sort. And even if she wasn't, she was warrior.

["I am Forerunner."] he repeated it this time in it's basic huttese word, ["One of the first of my kind, our maker wished a species of his own design. One he wanted to be better as a whole, but to discard the necessity to blend in for the sake of greater attributes. We are called Voran."]

He explained all this with the hope she too might bring him knowledge, ["You do not know what makes you different then? Perhaps you would like to, or perhaps if you find out, you would not like it. Sometimes people seem to fear the truth. I believe that is a weakness. Many things that are feared are so irrational to fear. While lacking fear in what they should. Do you want me to tell truth?"] in the same group of sentences he added a question disjointed from the rest of it in context even if not in speed, ["When you fight in armor, do you aim to get hit so that you can power through to your enemy. Do you still try to dodge? Or just hope that where it does land, it will be in the best location, as you continue to fight?"]

Rue "null" tepmuart Rue "null" tepmuart

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