Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Do you like setting things on fire? | The Sons of Shadow



Through out time and space, one universal truth remains a constant: Some people just want to watch the world burn.

The Sons of Shadow have now allegiance. They do not bow to an Emperor, nor do they observed the laws of any planet or nation. They follow a Specter, an ancient evil with a hunger for ancient knowledge. A vagrant fleet of neerdowells with no home, they ride the waves of hyperspace through the void between worlds to rip and tear, burning civilizations to the ground as they see fit to expand their horde. The galaxy is ripe with artifacts of power and bountiful resources, goods which the Sons seek to plunder for themselves. There is no clear ultimate goal, nor a great power to drive the blade of their carnage forward. The Specter does not share his sectrets, only asking that his Sons spread hell and high water.

It is the promise of riches and the thrill of destruction that drives them....


Hello. I have an evil old guy. I've been wanting to do uncivilized things like burning planets and being quirky, but unfortunately I haven't found a place that I felt like I could fully lean into being shamelessly evil 100%. So I've decided to make this, The Sons of Shadow! They are some stateless goons who travel around looking for dark artifacts and some good ol' fashioned pirate booty, and they exist primarily to cause problems and be fun. I wanna start out with a few things, of course, some basics of my concept here...

One: Not a Major Faction contender.

Yeah, this is kind of just a thing I made for setting things on fire and having a good time. I don't feel like stressing over that kinda thing, more so just make a place where people can get their fix of being evil and rolling up to torch a planet with the boys. Perhaps I'll reconsider in the future, but I see that as highly unlikely. Think of this as a book club, but for lunatics. You show up, have some wine with the other book club moms, level a few villages, and head back home to do real life stuff like taxes.

Two: Evil?

Yes, evil. Now, I like me some good philisophical debates, but this is a no-moral-highground kind of opperation. These guys love being the baddies. No thoughts, head empty, steal candy from babies evil. So if that is the kind of evil you wanna write, by all means feel free to join up and have some fun. We raid every Tuesday.

Three: No three?

No three. There ain't much to this atm. Just here to have a lil fun and cause some chaos. If you wanna join the baby phase of this, Shadow over Manaan is open to the public and full of some good raiding shenanigans. And, if there is some interest in more force tradition things for all you nerds out there like me, I have a funny philosophy for my guy here called the Way of Voice if anyone wants to learn how to scream real good. Anywho, thats sorta it. I will prolly make this thing a discord server or whatever eventually, but this is more to let people know that they can swing by and come do a lil bit of destruction with me. Thank you all and good night : )

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