Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Do You...Hate Me?



The Resol'nare demanded this.

The handful of edicts that dictated Mandalorian living were something that Isley held close to his heart. No matter how far away from Mandalore he strayed, those basic tenets were always obeyed. He always wore his armor, with pride. Not a day rolled by that he did not speak his native tongue. There was not a man alive who had crossed a Verd and lived. Through Arakyd, the wellfare of his family was assured. And despite the absence of a Mand'alor, Isley always went home when the Council called. The commandments did the Mandalorian obey...except one. It was not an intentional shirking of duty, mind. Yet intentions rarely mattered when falling short of one's duties. The soldier who had every intention of keeping watch was still executed for falling asleep, after all.

And in Isley's case, he was falling short of raising his children as Mandalorians.

Well, child.

Five tenets were always obeyed, without question. Yet easily the most important was not. This was something that the Mandalorian sought to rectify immediately. [member="Deneve Verd"] was his miracle: a child to the man who thought himself unable to sire. Yet, the circumstances of her birth and upbringing were less than satisfactory. A life on Dathomir was not the same as one on Mandalore; and as such, Isley had a lifetime of things to show his child. She was a woman now, of course, and could make the decision to take or leave whatever he offered. But at the very least, Isley could say that he tried, right? Thus was the reason for his bringing Deneve to the Outer Rim. Thus was the reason they stood atop the roof of an apartment building, overlooking a dismal street.

Crouched was the Mandalorian, next to his child. He said not a word, for he was playing spotter whilst she played the role of sniper. Today, they would hunt a bounty: together. Today, he would show her what he knew...and hopefully, get to know his child a little bit more.

"Multiple targets. Third floor, second window." he breathed, squinting through his visor.

There was so much he wanted to say. So much he wanted to ask...Yet how could he put them all into words? What could a father possibly say to the child he left on Dathomir for years? "I'm sorry?" "It was for the best?"

"I...Do you hate me?"

[member="Deneve Verd"]
Her eyes found the targets with no issue at all. It was only a matter of time before she took aim and fired twelve precision shots, hitting each target first in a knee then in their shoulder before finishing up with a carefully placed yet quick shot to the head. It was then that she let forth an annoyed growl. Yes, she actually growled before setting the sniper to the side of her and glaring at her father. There were no ill feelings other than obvious annoyance dancing in the eyes that mirrored his own.

Of karking course he would have ulterior motives to this particular excursion. It didn't surprise Deneve in the least bit. It was a few long tense moments before she began speaking.

"In the future father save the heart wrenching questions for after you take me on a trip. Furthermore, if I hated you then you would know."

Rolling on her back it wasn't long before she shifted into a sitting position, her legs moving to fold over themselves so that she was now sitting Indian style.

"Yes, you are a pretty crappy father. Yes, I've thought of slitting your throat a few times. But, I do not hate you. I am just simply disappointed in you. One would think one would treat their actual blood child better than their scientific experiments with their past failed relationships.. Apparently that isn't how things work.."

It was safe to say Deneve wasn't very happy with her father lately.

[member="Isley Verd"]
A literal growl was not the response that the Mandalorian had anticipated. Was Isley expecting a spontaneous heart to heart in response to his question? Of course not. However, he did not expect for his child to roll over and bare her fangs. It was in that moment that he contemplated a rather jarring possibility: was he going to get shot? With but a few bats of his eyelids, Isley discreetly primed his jetpack via the HUD...just in case...but thankfully, she did not turn the weapon in his direction. Rather, she addressed him with fiery words and adjusted into a seated position.

Reaching up, Isley removed his helmet and joined her. He lowered himself to a knee, setting the buy'ce upon the ground. A sigh escaped him, dwarfed by the screams and utter panic unfolding in the adjacent building. His child was a natural when it came to the sniper, something that Isley was immensely proud of. However, fatherly pride would have to wait for now.

"Deneve, I don't..." he began. The mention of Adela and Anastasia stung, but it was a warranted jab. "I don't know what the kark I'm doing, okay? I try to make sure that you're taken care of. I try to make sure that you're safe. But I'm at a loss as to everything else."

It was sad to admit out loud, but that was the truth of the matter. The Mandalorian knew a many great things: ways of the Force, ways of the business world, and everything in-between. But when it came to being a decent father...well, he was worse than a rookie.

"Tell me what I'm doing wrong, or rather not doing. Tell me so I can do better by you."

[member="Deneve Verd"]
He had said the wrong thing to her at the wrong time.. In an instant, she was on her feet, fists clenched at her sides.

Taking a carefully measured breath whilst the urge to knock her father flat on his tush slowly passed.
Once any desires to harm the old man passed, she would begin speaking her tone cold.

"You are my father!I shouldn't have to tell you how to parent. If you can't do it right then get the kark out of my life and stay gone.."

That said, she spun on her heel and walked away from him, the urge to draw blood from him once again surfacing.

[member="Isley Verd"]
"I never know what you want, Deneve."

The tone of his voice hinted at exasperation, especially given the nature of her response.

"When I try to protect you, it is interpreted as an insult. Ala, Geonosis. If I give you space, it is also interpreted as an insult. And I'm not about to start trying to tell you what to do. You're a grown woman and I, frankly, don't have that right."

He paused, giving her a few paces head start before following.

"What I've tried thus far, at least from where I'm standing, doesn't seem to be working Deneve. That is why I'm asking you. Meet me halfway. I don't want to lose you, obviously. I don't want to be like your grandfather. So please, throw your old man a bone."

[member="Deneve Verd"]
"You go to the extremes when acting for my benefit. I want you to meet me half way. Furthermore, you are my father and I demand a day of princesslike spoilage. I feel that is the least you can do. But, first let's go pig out somewhere because I'm starving." That said, she moved to pick up the sniper from the ground before motioning him to follow her. Walking at brisk pace she would soon come to a stop and turn and face him."I want you to promise me something dad.."

[member="Isley Verd"]

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