Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dive into sithspawning


After having for the longest time the knowledge of certain alchemy because of his time in the Jen'ari archives...he was diving into the how to create a Sithspawn he was ...he had several prisoners and texts on the subject and serums and vials the works to start practicing....he kept one of the prisoners on a surgical table and prepared to experiment with random concoctions. he mixed various serums together to see what he can come up with. This will indeed take time..


Rapax started with the subject he had on the surgical table..he injected him with a serum he made if this worked he would become a simple creature of the darkside nothing more.....however instead of said creature the man convulzed and spassed out ...until blood dripped out of every pore of his body and the life slowly drifted away from his own body...leaving nothing but quite literally a bloody mess. He sighed as he figured the first subject would fail.....however he will try again and again until he solves the problem...he had plenty of test subjects it doesn't matter how long it will take....He tried a different combination this time......he tried it on his second seemed to be working so far...the prisoner turned into the creature he wanted it to be.....everything worked to perfection.....he had an idea ...why not try a new experiment on his own apprentice. why shouldn't he ....he let him self become sith spawn...why not turn his apprentice into the same would make her more useful then she is currently....mix the traits of a few predatory species he knows off into one serum....then give it to her and watch the transformation .....this will indeed prove interesting....and the more fun part is....she wont be a disobedient little brat anymore ...she will have to listen to her matter the order. He summoned [member="Quincy Evelyn Sharpe"] to the lab.
Quincy cracked her neck as she started to head over to her masters lab. She knows she was summoned but something gave her a really bad feeling about it. She knew it wasn't the ordinary butt whooping she normally receives from her master. Or at least that is what she figured. After walking around for thirteen minutes she happened upon the lab doors and walked in without announcing herself. The lab itself smelled of death and decay and Quincy crinkled her nose at the smell. "You summoned me master?" Said the cool headed apprentice as she stood behind him.

[member="Darth Rapax"]


He looked to [member="Quincy Evelyn Sharpe"] who walked in little did she know what would be to come for her its a new experience to him its simply a new evolution along the path of power...itd make little difference to him. "Good ...your finally here...i have brought you here to give you a transformation that will make you stronger then you are will become a new creature that will be extremely deadly in the will be painful yes but you will be stronger then now."
Quincy crossed her arms and popped her right hip out. "Okay, first off... What the heck are you talking about. Second why would I agree to pain. Third why in chaos would I want to become a new creature?" She tapped her finger against her forearm and raised an eyebrow at her giant master. Waiting for an answer being sure to show all of her attitude.

[member="Darth Rapax"]


he sighed and took off the top part of his armor his pitch black skin.... a result of the same process he was willing to put her through." little one you wish to grow be something more then a simple street rat...nothing more then a brat with some street wits who wont last long in the new world we have created.....this is the way to become feared..respected..obeyed...not looked down upon like an a little want that word to stop being used to describe you this is the way to do it girl...i went through the same process...and look where i am now ...look at how strong i am in comparison to the others..look at how some fear me and listen and respect me where as they would no more then step on me.......the process is difficult to explain to the young is a ancient art a art that when you reach the ranks of the knights i will be willing to share with is how mortals become gods in this world..the pain comes with the transformation there is no other path around this ...and when i say creature...i mean youll become a unique individual and new species that has never been seen or heard of ....a species of my what say you."

[member="Quincy Evelyn Sharpe"]
Quincy looked down at her feet as her master spoke, each word piercing her like a dagger through her heart. A tear drops from her eyes as she stood there silently. Her left arm dropped to her side and her right hand held onto its biceps. "B-before we do this... Is that how you see me master? As some street rat that can't do things on her own?" There was an audible quiver in her voice as she refused to look up at [member="Darth Rapax"].


He sighed....he was afraid this would happen....perhaps he was indeed abit too harsh for his wordings but the truth had to be spoken in no matter the form." I use the truth little one....if that means point out what you used to be then that will have to be the case...if i viewed you as a useless would not be here...I don't pick an apprentice if i didn't see potential in them you understand that..?"

[member="Quincy Evelyn Sharpe"]
"The truth..." She held out her arm in front of her as she spoke. "Then do what you have to." Her face never looked up and the tears still dropped but the quiver in her voice stopped. Though she had no idea what would happen to her afterwards but she didn't care. Honestly she didn't care until she got her masters approval.

[member="Darth Rapax"]


He motioned her to the table and for her to lay down as he put the restraints on her to keep her from running off. He took a syringe that had a greenish liquid in it he spoke to her when he approached her" You will feel pain...more pain then any other should feel....but when its all over you will see your change ..and your new evolution." Was all he said before injecting her with the serum

[member="Quincy Evelyn Sharpe"]
Quincy complied to her master and lied down on the table as instructed and tested the restraints. But the more her master talked the more she felt cold feet and the want to run. Once the syringe entered her body she started writhing with pain. Screaming loudly and pulling on her restraints. The pain she felt was not what she expected to feel. Behind the restraints she felt her bones breaking, that alone was from her trying to pull her arms out.

Then even more pain filled her body as she started to feel it tear itself apart. Blood oozed out from her mouth and eyes. She felt tugging all throughout her spine. Her skin became paler and paler as spikes started to grow out from her arms and back, causing even more pain because of the fact she was restrained to the bed. The violent writhing stopped and she blacked out from shock from all the suffering the serum was doing to her body.

In her head, images of dark beings filled her thoughts as well as sounds of voices that were driving her mad in her blacked out state. "Break. Break free! Kill! Kill him!" The voice called out into her head as she jolted awake in pain screaming again. Her eyes now yellow and reptilian. A tail has grew in place and had torn through her shorts. She was much taller than she was before. The room started shaking as she screamed staring at her monster, two voices playing out as she called out her master "I WILL KILL YOU! YOU DID THIS TO ME!" The next thing her eyes flashed back to their red nature and she did her best to hide herself and started crying.

[member="Darth Rapax"]


the restraints snapped off and flew across the room letting the new [member="Quincy Evelyn Sharpe"] free."Welcome to the sith spawn race little appears another personality has arrisen as a result.....most matter you have become more powerful then you where ....enjoy that fact while you still can" He said as he turned his back to her


She was able to swing the arm but the moment it got a few inches close to even his arm it would be unable to move past that if some barrier was in her way of attacking him. He chuckled a little" I forgot to mention....sith spawning means you are bound to me. Meaning you cannot hurt me...and you cannot disobey me .. not anymore...When you are at my level then i will release you from your enslavement but until such time you are bound to me and no one else...however there is a down side...powerful sources of lightside power will burn it does to me ...the lightside if potent enough can harm or kill it burns away the darkness that we have become...understand?"

[member="Quincy Evelyn Sharpe"]
Her eyes jolted back to their average red color once again. Once so she bowed to her master and offered no retort. She was still in pain from earlier but she felt something was up with her broken arm. She managed to ignore it as it was nothing compared to the pain she just felt. The next thing she knew the tail started to wrap itself around her leg as if it had a mind of her own. "This new form... It will take time to get used to..." The next thing she knew she was on the floor curled up from the pain catching up to her.

[member="Darth Rapax"]


"You will adapt quickly..... i am sure of it ...for now go and practice your new abilities until i need you again"

[member="Quincy Evelyn Sharpe"]

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