Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Artist Div Storage

I Keep My Head High

I don't Know Freedom

Last edited:
Final Dawn Draft #2

Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick Thoughts here?


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. In est ante in nibh mauris cursus mattis molestie a. Accumsan lacus vel facilisis volutpat est velit egestas dui id. Blandit cursus risus at ultrices mi. Ultricies mi eget mauris pharetra et ultrices neque ornare. Arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique. Vulputate mi sit amet mauris commodo. Mauris augue neque gravida in. Porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis varius. Morbi enim nunc faucibus a pellentesque sit amet porttitor. Pellentesque nec nam aliquam sem et tortor consequat id. Rutrum quisque non tellus orci ac auctor augue. Dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque habitant.

Fermentum odio eu feugiat pretium nibh ipsum. Vel fringilla est ullamcorper eget nulla facilisi etiam dignissim. Sed risus ultricies tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor at auctor. Massa id neque aliquam vestibulum. Sagittis purus sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc. Ac auctor augue mauris augue. Pretium lectus quam id leo in vitae turpis. Aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in dictum non consectetur. Massa eget egestas purus viverra accumsan in nisl nisi. Ante in nibh mauris cursus mattis. Sit amet purus gravida quis blandit. Quis varius quam quisque id diam vel quam elementum. Lectus sit amet est placerat in egestas erat imperdiet sed. Volutpat commodo sed egestas egestas fringilla phasellus faucibus scelerisque eleifend. Aenean vel elit scelerisque mauris. Velit aliquet sagittis id consectetur. Duis convallis convallis tellus id interdum velit. Viverra orci sagittis eu volutpat odio facilisis mauris sit. Fermentum iaculis eu non diam phasellus vestibulum lorem. Ultricies tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor at auctor urna.

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Lacus luctus accumsan tortor posuere ac ut. Imperdiet dui accumsan sit amet nulla. Ut enim blandit volutpat maecenas volutpat blandit aliquam etiam erat. Sit amet mauris commodo quis. Libero enim sed faucibus turpis in. Mauris in aliquam sem fringilla ut. Egestas sed tempus urna et pharetra pharetra. Convallis tellus id interdum velit laoreet id donec ultrices tincidunt. Egestas congue quisque egestas diam in. Nec sagittis aliquam malesuada bibendum. Arcu odio ut sem nulla pharetra diam sit. Mauris cursus mattis molestie a iaculis. Tristique et egestas quis ipsum suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum. Vitae nunc sed velit dignissim. Non enim praesent elementum facilisis leo vel fringilla. Vel facilisis volutpat est velit egestas dui. Sapien pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus. Gravida rutrum quisque non tellus orci ac auctor. Nulla facilisi morbi tempus iaculis urna id volutpat.

Amet justo donec enim diam vulputate ut pharetra. Sit amet mauris commodo quis imperdiet. Laoreet id donec ultrices tincidunt arcu non sodales neque. Pulvinar etiam non quam lacus suspendisse. Pulvinar sapien et ligula ullamcorper malesuada. Sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo nulla facilisi nullam vehicula. Mi eget mauris pharetra et ultrices. Amet aliquam id diam maecenas ultricies mi eget. Diam quam nulla porttitor massa id neque aliquam vestibulum. At erat pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit at. Id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget. Id nibh tortor id aliquet lectus proin nibh nisl. Eget felis eget nunc lobortis mattis aliquam faucibus purus.


  • Intent: (Example: 'To create a medical ship to support the growing crisis in the Outer Rim.')
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writers' submissions as part of the submission)
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Manufacturer: (Kuat Drive Yards, BlasTech Industries, [Character Name], etc. Please ensure you link these accordingly. For Manufacturing limitations on who can make what, please see For more details see the Star Ship rules)
  • Affiliation: (Individual Character Name (an individual PC/NPC who is permitted to use this item), Company Name(s) (Companies authorised to use this submission), Faction Name(s) (Factions authorised to use this submission), other potential options include a submitted NPC unit, or another general organisation/group. For Affiliation limitations on who can field what, please see For more details see the Star Ship rules.)
  • Market Status: (Closed-Market (Any character can use this if they have explicit permission through, for example, a marketplace purchase), Open-Market (May be used by any character without permission from the Manufacturer))
  • Model: (Example: TIE (Twin Ion Engine). For submissions where a model wouldn't be appropriate, such as a custom walking stick, put 'N/A' for 'Not Applicable'.)
  • Production: The scale is Unique (Only One Character), Semi-Unique (A single small unit, squad, or squadron), Limited (Only one small group of characters. IE: A Single Minor Faction, Company, or Group within a faction.), Minor (Large groups of characters. (IE: A Single Major Faction, a few companies, or groups.), Mass-Produced. (Anyone.) Characters refer to NPCs & PCs.)
  • Material: (What is it made out of? Certain materials are more resistant, or vulnerable to certain weapons. Example: 'Durasteel, blaster components.' If this submission uses materials not found on wookieepedia, please link. You may also be asked to link materials that are obscure or difficult to find, e.g. exist as a byline in wikia entry)
  • Classification: (Cruiser, Assault, Anti-Starfighter, Escort, Exploration, Heavy Cruiser, Medical, Patrol, Transport)
  • Length: (Via Metric System. Max: 5,000 meters. Examples: Venator-class Star Destroyer: 1,137 meters, Imperial-class Star Destroyer: 1,600 meters, Allegiance-class Battlecruiser: 2,200 meters)
  • Width: (Via Metric System. Max: 5,000 meters. Examples: Venator-class Star Destroyer: 548 meters meters, Imperial-class Star Destroyer: 900 meters, Allegiance-class Battlecruiser: 1,100 meters)
  • Height: (Via Metric System. Max: 5,000 meters. Examples: Venator-class Star Destroyer: 268 meters, Imperial-class Star Destroyer: 400 meters, Allegiance-class Battlecruiser: 450 meters)
  • Armament: (You may provide your armament in list format and must provide your vessel an Armament Rating. (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Armament Ratings are scaled in relation to the class of ship, meaning a Starfighter will not equate to a Destroyer.Armament Ratings provide only basic weaponry (ex. turbolasers, ion cannons, concussion missiles. laser cannons, etc) unless the ship also has a description of weapons. Please link to all Factory subs used. Links: Starship Weapons, Approved Technology)
  • Defenses: (You may provide your shield and armor systems in list format and must provide your vessel a Defense Rating. (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Where None is a man in a space suit hanging on to an engine, Average is typical defense, and Extreme is heaviest defense with heavy armor plating and multiple layers of powerful shields. Defensive Ratings are scaled in relation to the type of ship, meaning a Starfighter will not equate to a Destroyer. You should list particular systems under advanced systems. Please link to all Factory Submissions used. Links: Approved Technology)
  • Hangar Space: (Please provide the amount of fighters/support craft this submission can hold in it's hangar by count of Squadrons, which hold 12 average Starfighters. The higher your squadron count, the lower your Armament and number of advanced systems should be. )
2000m [Base: 2 | Very Low: 5 | Low: 8 | Average: 11 | High: 14 | Very High: 17 | Extreme: 20]
2500m [Base: 3 | Very Low: 6 | Low: 10 | Average: 14 | High: 18 | Very High: 22 | Extreme: 25]
3000m [Base: 3 | Very Low: 7 | Low: 12 | Average: 16 | High: 21 | Very High: 25 | Extreme: 30]
3500m [Base: 4 | Very Low: 9 | Low: 14 | Average: 19 | High: 24 | Very High: 29 | Extreme: 35]
4000m [Base: 4 | Very Low: 10 | Low: 16 | Average: 22 | High: 28 | Very High: 34 | Extreme: 40]
4500m [Base: 5 | Very Low: 11 | Low: 18 | Average: 25 | High: 32 | Very High: 39 | Extreme: 45]
5000m [Base: 5 | Very Low: 12 | Low: 20 | Average: 28 | High: 35 | Very High: 42 | Extreme: 50]

  • Hangar Allocations: (This is the allocated amounts of starfighters and support craft (dropships, shuttles,gunships,etc) this submission can hold in its hangar based on the maximum hangar space capacity listed above)
    • Starfighters: x squadrons
    • Support Craft: x squadrons
  • Maneuverability Rating: (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. How agile is your ship? Can it take tight turns? This is relative to the size of the vessel (e.g. a Corvette with Low Maneuverability will be more agile than a Star Destroyer with a Low rating.
  • Speed Rating: (Choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. How fast is your ship in normal space? How fast can it take off, how fast can it speed through a planet's atmosphere? This is relative to the size of the vessel (e.g. a Corvette with Low Speed will be quicker than a Star Destroyer with a Low Speed.)
  • Hyperdrive: (Does this ship have a hyperdrive? If this ship has a hyperdrive how fast is it? The lower the number, the faster the ship is, you may choose decimals. Any speed below 1.0 requires the hyperdrive to be added to the ship's strengths and accordingly balanced with weaknesses. Links: Hyperdrive, Hyperdrive Comparisons)
  • Hyperdrive Type: OS-10 "Hermes" Class Hyperdrive System w/ Supplementary Path Engine
  • Backup Hyperdrive Type: Imperial Standard High Efficiency T-14 Hyperdrive Generator
  • Primary Engine Type: Advanced Predator Interdiction Drive(s)
  • Secondary Engine Type: Standard Battlecruiser Class, Military Grade Ion Engines
  • Engine Configuration:
    • Primary Engine Block(s): Five Large Units
    • Secondary Engine Block(s): Five Medium, and Two Small Units
    • Tertiary Engine Block(s): Eleven Small Units
  • Optimal Crew: 7,000 - Officers, Crew, and Integrated Droid Brains
  • Minimal Crew: 1,500 - Including Officers, Enlisted Crew and Integrated Droid Brains
  • Passengers:
    • Armed Troops: 14,000 - Approx. Two Assault Detachments
    • Onboard Security Attachment: 6,000 Marines
    • Other Passengers: 10,000 (ie. Refugees, Evacuees, etc)
  • Maximum Cargo Capacity: 90,000 Metric Tonnes (Includes Vehicles, Tanks, Equipment, Etc)
  • Primary Power Unit: Star Battlecruiser Type, Advanced Solar-Annihilation Conversion Reactor
  • Secondary Power Unit: General Hypermatter Reactor Equipped with Stellar Fuel Bottles
  • [+]
    • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • [+]
    • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 strength of this submission.)
  • [-]
    • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)
  • [-]
    • (Provide, in list format, a minimum of 1 weaknesses of this submission.)

(Describe some of the history behind the submission. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)

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