Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion : definition of proper strengths and weaknesses

I know this is an issue for both Factory and Codex. We have members who do not understand the difference between a solid weakness, fluff weakness, or a weakness that is really a strength.

I'd like to come up with a combined list of definitions for these to present to the members.

Thoughts?? Ideas? Suggestions?

Lay it on me.

Haytham Kaze

Judge, Judgury, Judgecutioner
For strengths and weaknesses, at least for the factory, if a blaster's strength is that it has a high rate of fire, its weakness is that it shouldn't hit as hard as a standard blaster.

That is, without development to better patch up perceived weaknesses in the submission.

That is only an example however.
I don't think this is an issue we can standardize or list out cookie cutter. We can try, like Haytham did above me. But as we see with his example, there are almost always 2-3 exceptions to each rule, and a good user will be able to think of others. Creating a list won't really help, and is just where we as judges need to step up and shoulder the burden.
I don't mean a list as much as:

A solid weakness Is a tangible flaw. IE "this ship is vulnerable to IONemp"

A fluff weakness is something that really is more used as RP flavor " this ship is super expensive and costly to maintain. "
I feel this is fiddly to define in exact terms. A lot of weaknesses, for instance, are perfectly valid but are up to the writer using the sub to incorporate into RP (such as 'hard to handle' or 'needs frequent recharging'), and in situations like these the legitimacy of the weakness depends on how trustworthy the writer is.

If we're looking to define what sort of weakness is always valid, I'd go for weaknesses that other characters can actually exploit (as opposed to just hoping that the other writer will stop mid-battle to recharge their sword). In neater wording, a proper weakness is one that other characters can use against the sub owner in RP.
In my mind, a weakness should be related to it's strength. As [member="Haytham Kaze"] said, if a blaster has a high rate of fire, it shouldn't hit as hard as a slower blaster.

In my mind for ships, if a ship is fast and hits hard, it shouldn't have much in the way of armor. Or, if it has decent for all three, it needs to have a fairly big weakness/weaknesses, like a weak armor spot, with limited arcs, or something like that. The main thing for me is balance, if it can do everything and julienne fries, it needs more work.

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