Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Discretion | Jend-Ro

if they're watching anyways

Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill | Concurrent with GA/NJO/NIO Talks

"Master Quill." It was quiet at first -- Auteme's thoughts were often quiet, so her projected telepathy through the Solitude Stone was no different. The second time came with more force. It was as if she was reaching through his stone in search of his mind. "JEND-RO."

The image came next. Her, seated at a long table in an open pavilion, clutching the stone in her lap. The figures around her were blurred, yet the eyes of the crowd were in sharp focus. Overwhelming. Piercing. Their gaze, ever present, all seeing; Auteme, forced to sit straight and keep a calm expression. But the stone spoke her thoughts. She was angry, confused, sad.

A second image. Quill, ten feet tall, glowing blue, projected from a Nemoidian mechno-chair.

A question. "Why?"
if they're watching anyways

There was rarely a time when Auteme wouldn't waffle on a decision or try to avoid disagreement, but for once there was a sort of steeling in her mind -- perhaps in defense of her own indecisiveness.

"You have an outside perspective. You're smart. You're observant. But you also aren't here. I want justice and accountability as much as you do, but if we aren't careful things will just spiral. I was meditating on the memories, doing research, trying to get things in place so I could talk to the Jedi and bring about real change and not give the senators who hate the Jedi ammunition.

"Some people like Jedi. Some don't. They don't see us as individuals; if any of the New Jedi are going to be punished, it's going to be all of us.

"I wish you would've talked to me."
You're right, I should have, and I'm sorry. Just know that nothing about what I did involved any lack of trust in your morals, judgment, or capabilities.

Someone needed to recontextualize the meeting - urgently, publicly, blatantly. You know it couldn't have been you.

If they order me detained, try to make sure they don't send anyone who purged an academy.
if they're watching anyways
"Did you seriously think that rules of engagement weren't on the table?" Her tone was frustrated, bordering on angry; as if some part of her mind had ignored his apology.

"The Sith have been leaving civilians on nearly every world the New Imperials and Alliance have fought on. Things were never handled perfectly. I know I'm indecisive and conflict avoidant but that's the point. I don't want more people to die. Nobody here does." She calmed down. A brief image of Chancellor Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra -- a swell of respect, a feeling of hope. "I'm not the only one here. You aren't the only one there.

"They won't send anyone after you. Talks starting. Stay safe."

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