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Approved Tech Digi-Ink

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  • Manufacturer: Darkwire
  • Affiliation: Darkwire, Anyone
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: Digi-Ink
  • Modularity: Yes, designs and materials can be drastically customized to suit the individual, can connect to variety of cybernetics or accessories
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material: Generally made of skin-safe inks, insulated conductive materials, optional Datalink, optional electrodes, optional Synthskin
  • Tattoo which delivers electrical power and information along embedded circuitry
  • Can work with all designs and colors
  • Optional datalink or electrodes can connect to cybernetic implants, electrodes will especially work with neural implants
  • Optional synthskin can create interrupted patterns that appear to be wireless while preserving subcutaneous hardline connections
  • Offers an attractive, less-invasive alternative to implanted cybernetic designs which can accomplish similar tasks.
  • Extensive customization allows for a truly unique aesthetic identity among the denizens of the galaxy.
  • Compatible with virtually any electronic device that is small enough to be embedded in the skin, as well as most implanted cybernetics.
  • Application method is as safe as traditional tattoos, and simple designs can be completed in as little as one session.
  • Basic designs are unshielded to direct EMP attacks; adding additional insulation is possible but significantly limits the data and power capacity, and comes with additional expense.
  • Not cheap to begin with, these tattoos are for those weathy or vain enough —or employed by someone who is.
  • Strong immune systems may wreak havoc on the insulation materials, causing performance degredation or a need for touch-ups over time.
Digi-Ink is not a novel technique, but rather an evolution of the well-known electro-tattoo method for delivering data along the skin rather than implanted underneath via cybernetics. Digi-Ink is as much of an art form as it is functional, with sensors, lights, data, and artistic designs woven into what might be considered rather ordinary if it were contained in a wall or device.

The Digi-Ink application method, at its most basic, consists of an enhanced tattoo needle that can deliver a multi-layered application in each puncture, reducing the traditional process of receiving Electro-tattoos to a single session at minimum. The Digi-Ink needle first deposits a layer of insulated conductive materials, and then a compatible layer of electrodes or other datalink-compatible materials (sometimes a small light-cable is also embedded). Optionally, the needle deposits a layer of Synthskin on top for tattoos that use hardwired methods to link between different disconnected parts of a design, allowing for the look of unblemished skin between different parts of the tattoo.

The results are highly customizable. Sometimes the Digi-Ink will terminate at or surround an embedded sensor, power cell, memory chip, lights, a cybernetic implant that breaks the skin surface (such as a port for a datalink or embedded weaponry). Often the Digi-Ink may store data, encrypted or not, that is accessible to anyone with a compatible reader, and can be used as a substitute for access keys, code cylinders or identicards. The Digi-Ink can be uncommonly used for medical purposes, particularly for those with chronic conditions who may desire to self-monitor without an extra device. Many security-conscious customers use the Digi-Ink as a method for transferring data between different regions on their bodies, allowing them to fuse with worn devices or armor that are customized for their bodies to an extreme degree.

Most wind up using Digi-Ink for aesthetics, such as activating embedded lights by providing a small electrical current through the tattoo. Many, though not all, beings choose to advertise its capabilities by using designs that imitate real circuitry or technology.

Digi-Ink works with many designs, it is created to be a platform for individuals to customize to whatever look and function that's desired.
HPI AI; Terraris Command
Factory Judge
Daiya Daiya

This is really cool! And this reminded me I have to finish the HPI's tattoo sub. It will be "interactive" tattoo, the tattoo will able to change the appearance, of the wearer wants this.

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