Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Back to familiar territory. Seltos was a nice enough world, and the politicians were easy to grease. Sun Forged Industries ran a Phrik mine on the world. Their claim turned out to be quite the mother-load. Producing well past expectations of the initial drill samples. That was months ago though. Full production had begun as he was star hopping around the galaxy in a funk. Rayl was back on his feet, feeling more driven than he'd been in a long time.

Two of his compatriots accompanies him. The golden haired [member="Ariella"] and the always; well, a little meek she seemed [member="Wendy La Fey"]. The latter had been here before with him and the tentacled haired smuggler. Rayl though about what happened to the Nautolan. He hadn't seen him since the last time here. Maybe running off in the Fringe or a corpse. Until the sea dog washed up or news came in his fate lay undetermined. "Well ladies. If we want to get some Phrik for your weapon and armor respectively. Means we're gona have to deal with the end line of production. I'd like to show you around first if that's cool though".
[member="Rayl Wilded"]

Wendy looked at the man who had brought her here and she raised an eyebrow only as she stepped out wearing her durasteel armor. A small smile on her face. The last time she had been here they had been having a good time and workign to get the equipment they needed. Wendy touched the saber on her belt as she walked off to see what was coming and who was coming with them. Arielle was an interesting persona and one of the few force users in the Sun not being trained by Miss Domino. At least if all of this worked out she'd have something that might provide protection for the Date her master had auctioned off.
Coming off the ship in a set of nothing but a stander Black Sun armor what little protection it could offer her. With just some stander weapons when her having a gun she didn't know what any one was thinking when they ended up giving her this old thing. At less she knew better then to fire the thing but in full sun light. As she walk with her fellow black suns. Rayl she getting to know pretty good even having to break down and show her girly side to him. Which she some what seem to be awkward at. Finding herself look at [member="Wendy La Fey"] as she seem to be some what of a mystery to her she seen her around and hear some stories but she hadn't personal met the woman of yet. This trip here she hope to get to know the lady better.

I think that a wonder Rayl just remember my thing with dim light place they don't mix like oil and water don't mix.

[member="Rayl Wilded"]
[member="Wendy La Fey"] [member="Ariella"]

"We won't be going into the mine itself. Not safe you know. Now before we get to anything. We need our safety gear, cause that's the rules. Hardhats and reflective vests. If you aren't wearing protective boots I feel sorry for your lack of foresight". Rayl spun around to lead the girls to a nearby building to grab the gear. One of the workers break buildings. "Also that's against the rules, but we're criminals and such, soooo, guess you don't need to worry about that, unless you get hurt". His hand waved them to follow. It was a short walk anyways.
[member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Ariella"]

Wendy looked at the other girl and then at Rayl as she went towards the building. Not having to go into the mine was a good idea and would be helpful in the end but she was still wondering what else they might be missing. Moving to get a hardhat and vest taking the extra large one over her shoulders. Wendy checked her short hair running a hand through it briefly to keep the bangs out of her face while she put it on. "Alright ready to go and see what we can get." SHe was rather cheery about this now it wasn't such a bad thing here they could do a lot.
Finding herself slipping on a hard hat but not before she twisted up her head and slipping int into a tight bun boy with it tight. After which she put on her hard hat. Coming the vest next along with already having on her combat boots. Stepping up to the side of him, "Readying to go Boss as long as you promise me you don't have one of those crazy old buddy that likes to play rough with you." giving him a wink and light hardy chuckle. Looking over to Wendy seeing her suited up ready to get this show on the road wondering just what the end of this whole thing would look like.
[member="Wendy La Fey"] [member="Ariella"]

"This is a business Ariella, not wartime buddies. No horse play here on site". Rayl fitted his hard hat on and the rest of the gear. SFI's mine was theirs to explore as they wished. Rayl would try to keep it brief though. Leaving the structure to the dust and bustle outside the three headed for the pit. Situated a few hundred yards away. Arriving at its edge, they'd a good view of the work below. "Well here is the guts of the mine. The Pit. Simply named I suppose, but it wasn't my choice. The Phrik itself is in the earth and rock. Dust, nuggets and locked away in the earth and stone. All we have to do is blast it apart, then transport it to the processing facility. We planned on conveying the material upwards. But the size this pit will grow to won't allow for that very long. So repulsor trucks were the best option afterwards". Several trucks were going up wards, loaded with tons of earth. Far to heavy to lift higher than a few feet from the ground. The empty ones headed down sat higher, but adjusted to not ride to high. "This is also one of the only Phrik mines not in state ownership of some kind. I acquired the place when the Republic began the process of absorbing this world. I sell the Phrik to the Republic still. Making a mint off it doing so. Selling to both makes much more sense then choosing sides now".
[member="Ariella"] [member="Rayl Wilded"]

Wendy looked at the mining operation itself and was listening to Rayl as he spoke about it. She saw the benefit of that, there was a great deal of it all as she thought about the Republic for the first time in a long time... She was glad to have gotten out, Miss Domino had saved her and there were only a few friends within the order she had known that were now gone. She had less reason to stay or want to... even the healers circles were gone so she wouldn't have had anything to do with it herself. Now moving though she was ready for more mining if they were going to be blasting. would be good to have a healer just in case and she gave a nod of her head. "Makes sense and keeps them from trying to take it from you. "
Listening first to what would be business way out here also give some more insight in on [member="Rayl Wilded"] couldn't help but wanting to listen more and the other one that had came with them was added bounces[member="Wendy La Fey"] for sure. Then listening to the words come from this one mouth. Coulnd't said it any better then that. That was for sure then going on to something else as she listen to the hum of the machines now.

After all she wanted to see where the core was broken down no double that place would be a bit more hotter then it was now in the room that they found themselves in but no matters. She wanted to learn just maybe at the end to get a bit for her for a good strong staff for the making.
[member="Wendy La Fey"] [member="Ariella"]

"It certainly helps. Now, lets get to the business at hand. Obtaining the metals for your projects. No need to mine it and process like a fresh operation. We'll just go to the shipping docks and get it". Rayl snubbed the side of his nose to clear an itch. "Follow me girls". Boot chomping the ground beneath him they headed towards the back end of the smelter. The air was thicker the closer they got. The wind not even a whisper to carry the soot and exhaust away. Dust coated everything along the way. Filthy but such was the result, the stacks couldn't scrub this much without clogging to often.
[member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Ariella"]

Wendy looked at the man and gave a nod of her head while she was heading off with him, if they were able to get it quickly and quietly without more mining well that was a plus in the end that she could enjoy and have some fun with. The small smirk on her face though while she thought about the armor she had prepared and that Miss Domino was fashioning for her hopefully to match the Song of Mandalore.. well not completely but it would be really really cool if it could. That armor was strong and worth it while she continued to walk with Rayl and the blonde.
Looking at what was around keeping in mine that there may be a chance that she would turn to look like a something other then her pale white skin. On the off chance this was the the case a nice hot soak bath would be in order. As she let her own soft healed sole boots do the crunching as she moved a long with the two companions. Giving a small nod there and then again there something like place like these that she didn't like very much. The number one reason would be always have to hve darkness. Speaking of which making know to get those contacts lenses made by mmm if she could remember his name.

"so how much does get produce in a day a week or a month." [member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Wendy La Fey"]
[member="Wendy La Fey"] [member="Ariella"]

Rayl's boots kicked up toxic dust as they stomped their way over to the shipping docks. "On average... It makes around eighteen tons of Phrik a month. Not bad at all if you understand the numbers. About three quarters of that is sent to manufacturers within the Republic. The other quarter is sent to our territory for various uses". Rayl lead his compatriots inside; away from the dangerous outdoors. They didn't have a mask like him, but a few minutes weren't going to harm them. Before them lay an open warehouse. Not terribly large but well organized. Several hover pallets held the precious resources they sought. Pure bars of Phrik just waiting to be alloyed and put to use. "Well here we are. So what is it you two were planning on making with this metal"?
[member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Ariella"]

Wendy listened and gave a nod while she was walking, she had a few ideas of what the metal could be used for and spoke. "I am working on a suit with Miss Domino's assistants and techs. We are using a suit she encountered to model it and improve upon. Just phrik instead of beskar that can self repair itself and is immune to lightsabers." Yeah that was a big thing as she stood there and looked on the idea they paid a large portion to the Republic wasn't a pleasant thought as she stood there stretching and checking her carrying bag.

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