Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Different Strokes...

For different characters, this is basically a personality evaluation.
Give a short situation each post and the person below you has to describe how their character would try to handle it, be as outrageous and unrated as you want.

In short:

Post 1: Question1: Their answer

Post 2: Post1's Question: Your answer.
Question2: Your answer.
(Not too hard)
How would you get what you want?:
Force Lightning
How would you get what you want?:
Force Lightning

What cybernetic limb would you like?:
Left Hand, easy saber twirling.

Best ship?:
Super stardestroyer (Executor class)
How would I get what I want: By verbally screwing with your mind.

Which cybernetic limb?: Extra arms.... So I can give you the finger four times instead of two.

Best Ship?: My beautiful Duchess

Favorite Planet?: The one with my Jungle House on it...


Inactive Character
How would you get what you want? By force.

Which cybernetic limb? A powerful one.

Best ship? One that flies.

Favorite planet? One where there's people to kill.

Favorite method of killing? Gutting.

My characters are starting to go insane.
How would you get what you want? Force lightning

Which cybernetic limb? Hand

Best ship? Superstar Destroyer (Executor class)

Favorite planet? Nar Shaddaa

Favorite method of killing? Force Lightning

Favorite pass-time: Studying and increasing his force powers
How would you get what you want? Reasoning. If that dosen't work, with a blaster.
Which cybernetic limb: My arm.
Best ship? Err... One that works.
Favorite planet? Togo-- No comment.
Favorite method of killing? Blaster.
Favorite pass-time? Hunting.

Favorite exotic beast? Gorog.


Lightning-Struck Angel
How would you get what you want? The point of a sword. Or, seduction if the former doesn't scare them...
Which cybernetic limb: My leg. I want a weaponized leg.
Best ship? Something... Birdlike
Favorite planet? Fosh... Such Feather, Much fangirl
Favorite method of killing? Throwing a bird at you. Preferably an eagle.
Favorite pass-time? Flying (on my wings)
Favorite exotic beast? Giant eagle... I've always wanted to ride one.

Favorite color? Black... Or gold... I like gold... shiny...

*Grabs at reflective streamer*
How would you get what you want? Shotgun...
Which cybernetic limb: None, I AM cybernetic.
Best ship? X-Wing, one of which I stole.
Favorite planet? Funny enough, Coruscant.
Favorite method of killing? Crashing a ship into ya, that's always funny as feth.
Favorite pass-time? Flying my ship.
Favorite exotic beast? Wolf... I consider those exotic 'cause I never saw one outside of a book in a factory somewhere.
Favorite color? The Blood of My Enemies (Red)

Favorite Music Type? Industrial, hahaa, get it? Because I'm a droid...? Ah kark it.

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