Lost in her own memories of life on the streets, it took Sayl a moment or two to digest his words, and a bit longer than that to take the candy that had been offered, not eating it right away. The only other person she'd ever even considered talking about her past with was her twin, but after having been given a chance to meet someone else who actually had an idea of what she was referring to when it came to living life quite literally by the day, she decided that maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing to break that rule, at least this time. She had a feeling he would keep their time together between the both of them and no one else, a factor that hadn't been included in her life before. When one got past his Jedi exterior, there was a presence she could perhaps learn to appreciate in time.
Nodding in understanding, if not some sort of agreement with his words, she finally met his gaze again, her lowlight vision slightly better than average with her Chiss genetics. For another second she was silent, not quite sure how to put things into words. "I only just got off of the streets, so it isn't like I've had much time to adjust. But I get where you're coming from. It's not that hard to give up, but I guess we all have our vices." She shrugged, still not quite certain of her words. He understood on some deeper level than even her brother could, though both of their childhood experiences had been questionable at best. It was a strange feeling for her, confronting her own thoughts like this. But at the same time, it was nice to have someone just to talk to.
"It's just a lot to take in, really. The only reason I ended up on Ession training to be a Jedi in the first place is because of my brother. Our training's been a bit unconventional, to say the least." She fell silent then, flicking a strand of raven hair out of her eyes with a shake of her head. Of all the events she'd imagined transpiring on the planet this day, ending up sitting cross-legged in a section of an abandoned building with a Jedi she hardly knew was the last on the list, if it was on it at all.
Taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly, speaking almost all at once, "I grew up on Nal Hutta, in an orphanage with my twin brother. Never knew my parents, but I learned later that our dad denied being related to us at all, and the mom side of the equation was never solved. The owners of the place sold off a group of kids when I was about ten, but I left the night before. It turns out that my brother was one of them, but that didn't come until later. After that I lived on the streets for the better part of nine years, running with some other kids here and there, all of us just trying to get by. Then it turned out we have a half-brother, but I only met him about a month ago, and he helped me find a place to live until all of this gets better. Met up with my brother a few weeks before that, he wound up being a drug lord after he escaped from the slavers, but that isn't important. Skip a few weeks, we're both at the temple on Ession. And now we're here."
[member="Gherron Vael"]