Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Die and Rise

A wide feral grin took over his expression as he heard Cryax's last question. "Hells ya sir!" Ice quickly turned to his sensors. He gave a snort of indignation as he saw the defenses of the ships beginning to come online. It would seem both were playing the double cross game today. "Well fortunately, we come prepared." Seeing the fighters on either flank of the ship, he assigned one rotary blaster cannon to each of them. In this enclosed space with them unable to maneuver, they would be sitting ducks. His shields should be more than enough to hold up to their firepower for the few seconds they are around. Ice knew they wouldn't risk a missile in here. The blast would destroy their own ship and themselves alongside it at that range. The fifth one he assigned to knocking out the ceiling guns before they were fully deployed. And his battery of turbolasers he assigned to wiping out the line of fighters sitting in front of the ship that weren't able to face them. Getting back on the comm to the whole team this time, Ice said, "Ok gettin' this party started in 3...2...1..."

Before another word could be uttered, there was a terrible rumbling throughout both the enemy vessel and the Ravens own ship as anything and everything that could almost instantly began pouring in a devastating and deadly fire into each other. Back and forth the hails of blaster fire seemed to go on forever until Ice finally gave the order to lower the loading ramp and let the men all out. In the lead though to soak up any initial fire coming from the enemy was a line of the three across already deployed and shielded droideka mark 2's, four lines deep which began to march out. They formed a shield wall along the loading ramp. Two would form up along the edge of either side of the ramp while more marched down the center, soon moving to the sides of each line to extend them. They continued to do this until there was a continuous wall of them all the way down to the ground level of the docking bay. With their seven blaster cannons a piece (giving them the effective firepower of 140 troops), the goal was the have the floor cleared of enemies by the time they were finished forming their walls down the ramp.

Amid the davastation that was being dished out from both side, the valiant men and woman of the Red Raven soon got the green light to go. Now it was time to get back their comrade. Now was the time to show what happens to those who think they can take someone that belonged to the Red Ravens. Now was the time to go!

"Give 'em hell boys!" Came a yell over the inner coms to those waiting to charge.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] | [member="Colap Ticon"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Nei Laa"] | [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] | [member="Keira Ticon"]
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Nei Laa"] | [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] | [member="Keira Ticon"]


Colap ran off the ramp behind the droidekeas lowering his westar-25 and holding the broken bottle in a reverse grip. The armor plates shifted and clicked as he ran and grenades jinge-jangled on his combat webbing. The place was ablaze and acrid smoke began to fill the air.

Colap spit his cigar and slammed down the faceplate of his armor as the droids began to push from the bay into the hallway. Colap followed, soon greeted by the unsightly monsters that owned the ship. They looked very surprised and Colap intended to keep the element of that surprise.


Blazing bolts chattered from the Westar, screaming towards the enemy as returned fire smashed the droidekas shields, arcing blue flashes lit the small space. Colap fired the thrusters of his jetpack and launched above the shield wall, coming down onto the monsters in a fury of blaster bolts and swinging razor edged glass bottle.....
The sudden eruption of battle spurred emergency responses across every station on the ship. It was only a matter of perhaps ten to twelve seconds that the intercom immediately clicked in Anja's chamber. "Your Worship, the starship is militant; droids and what seems to be trained soldiers are attacking us. Our soldiers and defense in the ha--", an officer spoke over the intercom only to be interrupted by her immediate response. "Drop the lights across the entire ship. Order our nearest vessel to fire upon the hanger.", her orders were quite clear but there was an audible stutter from the officer. "If we...*coughs*.. If we-We do that; it. It could potentially cripple the entire ship. Repairs would take ages!", the protest was initially hesitant and nonetheless blasphemous in regard. "Do it.", her response was clear cut and intimidating. The intercom cut off and a moment later lights across the starship began shutting off one by one along the halls; leaving only a few sources from electronics and such. For the Sephi warriors and human slaves this would be troublesome but for the Umbarans -- who see well in the dark -- this was a common tactic.

A small distance behind Order's End the carnage-class Disgrace received orders to fire into the hanger along with the command the shields aboard the flagship dropped enough to allow the turbolasers enough firepower. The starship made its course towards the opening but will take some time to get there. Meanwhile more soldiers were on their way towards the hanger and a few guards were on the look out for Keira.

[member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Salacious Vile"] [member="Ice"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Colap Ticon"]

Puppet Kyrios

Location: enemy ship
Allies: [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Ice"] [member="Nei Laa"]
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Objective: kill, find Keira, kill

Asteria jumped out, blaster a'blazin', her bloodlust almost outmatching Nei's. She ran towards the enemy, activating her vibroblade, and started chopping and shooting like a crazed lunatic, only a glimpse of her more insane side. The enemy men were staring as she chopped and shot like she was dying and trying to take as many lives with her, momentarily forgetting that Ice's men were also shooting at them.

Asteria noticed the lights turning off and allowed herself to disappear from the view of the naked eye still in a killing rage her sensitive eyes adjusting to the slow darkness.

Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
Location: Next to [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] on the enemy ship
Allies: Asteria, [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Ice"] [member="Colap Ticon"]
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] and her cronies!
Objective: Assist with finding Keira, get more kills than Asteria

Nei had tuned out most of what the men had been discussing as she anticipated the beginning shots. As far as she was concerned, the plan was simple: find Keira, kill anyone who tries to stop them, and then leave. Of course, that was probably what they had just said, but who cares?

The Nautolan followed closely behind Asteria, letting out a roar as she withdrew her blasters and started firing at enemies. "Oi, lady! Save some for me!" she called over the sounds of battle. Her hearts were pumping with adrenaline, and she let out a few whoops here and there as her bolts met their marks.

When the lights went off, save for a few, Nei continued to shoot. Little known fact: Nautolans had excellent night vision, due to the fact that they originally lived in the darker depths of the oceans of Glee Anselm. Well, technically it was low-light vision, but the idea was still the same. Moving on land had done nothing to diminish that, and as such it took little effort for her to pick out who was an enemy and who wasn't. Though, it should be noted that if there was no light at all Nei would probably be stuck with the rest of the folks who couldn't see.

"Si'hklesi fohs!" the Nautolan shouted. "Hiding in the dark be cowardly, like womp rats! You all be womp rats!" Not particularly the best insult in the world, but it did it's job: It made Nei feel better. She kept her blasters raised and continued to shoot, ducking the bolts from the enemy ranks.
Ice let out a curse when the lights went out. "Oh come on! Is that really the game we're going to play here!?" Looking across his control panel, he flipped another switch which turned on his ships exterior lights. "There!" He said with some satisfaction. He knew the lights wouldn't help the crew once they left the hangar bay. But at least their initial success and surprise push wouldn't be so quickly blunted here in the first room.

Having finished off the few fighters that the enemy was able to have facing them, Ice turned his rotary guns on the enemy still inside the docking bay. It seriously was overkill. As those guns are meant as anti fighter weapons, a round from them would split a man in half. Still, Ice saw no need to let the Ravens have all the fun. Meanwhile his battery of turbolaser cannons continued wiping out the few remaining fighters that were left in the bay.

His eyes soon drooped back to his console to check on a few readings. His heart sank when he saw what was displayed. Pulling up a comm, he sent Cryax a message over a secure channel. "Cryax. We got a problem. Interior defenses within the docking bay have been destroyed....but I'm afraid they beat the snot out of my ships shields before they could be taken out. We only have 10% shields left."

He paused for a moment to let that initial information sink in. Continuing on, he said, "You now have a secondary objective. You need to knock their reactor offline. I don't care how you do it, but make sure it's down by the time we leave. If it isn't, their exterior guns will more than likely tear us apart before we can make the jump into hyperspace."

On the outside of the ship and after all the Ravens had poured out to attack, fifty more droideka mark 2's rolled out and set up behind them. As their shields all sprung to life, they added their firepower to that of the Ravens. Twenty fresh droidekas with full shields separated from the main group and prepared to move out with the ravens. Darkness was not something that hampered their sensors...

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"] | [member="Nei Laa"] | [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] | [member="Colap Ticon"] | [member="Cryax Bane"]

Puppet Kyrios

Location: with [member="Nei Laa"] on enemy ship
Allies: Nei, [member="Ice"] [member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
Enemies: Non-Ravens
Objective: kill, leave lots of men for Nei

Asteria came out of her blood rage when Nei called to her, slowed down, and called back to her, her voice infused with insane calmness, "Okay!" Her heart was pumping so hard she thought for a second that she might die of takotsubo syndrome, but remembered that she wasn't human and kept fighting.
Location: Halls of the enemy ship
Allies: [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Ice"]
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Objective: Find the reactor core and disable the ship's reactor

Flanked by a team of Mirari Bodyguard Droids, Cryax stalked through the darkened halls of the ship with his blaster ready. Luckily his species low-light vision allowed him to navigate it's labyrinthine passageways with no problem. As Ice's message came through, he flicked on his commlink and gave a quick response. "You got it, Ice. On my way to the reactor core." He didn't know exactly where it was was but he guessed it was centrally located deep in the bowels of the enemy cruiser.

As he moved through the halls, the Chiss noted how the ship itself had a foreboding quality about it. He thought he heard the sounds of anguished screaming coming from some of the wings he passed, and there seemed to be dried blood on the floors. These folks were no choir boys and girls, that was for sure. Desperate to find Keira, Cryax continued his way down into the ship, listening for sounds of the reactor's humming to guide him to the reactor core.
Oh, that was absolutely perfect. As if her day hadn't been going badly enough, the lights on te ship went off without warning, leaving Keira in complete and total darkness, identical to what she'd been subjected to in the isolation chamber. At least she could still hear what was going on. It was really the little things, at this point. Silver linings were something she'd learned to appreciate more and more as her time on the ship wore on. But as the sounds of blaster fire a distance away caught her ears she couldn't help but smile. Maybe the little things were about to turn into something much more. One could only hope, but for her, that hope alone was enough.

Halting in her movements once more, she relied on the Force to tell her who was nearby, cursing near silently as she sensed the Umbarans that had become her wardens nearby. That type of familiar company hadn't been what she had in mind, and nor would it suffice. So she slowly began walking again, using the tendrils of the Force to aid her, warning her of anything that might have been ahead. Despite these efforts she found herself caught by the two in short order, her arms in their grip once more, being whisked off to an unknown destination. If she knew anything of her captors by this point, it would most likely be the bridge to reconvene with whoever was in charge, most like the woman from earlier.

Uncharacteristically for her she didn't struggle, having conceded to her predicament for the time being. In the dark she was unable to do much other than push them back via the Force, but even if she had been successful she'd still be at a disadvantage in the darkness. So, muttering a long stream of insults, she let them escort her where they would.

[member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Asteria Starcatcher"], [member="Ice"], [member="Nei Laa"], [member="Anja Aj'Rou"], [member="Colap Ticon"]
The battle had only begun but by this point things didn't seem to be going exactly in their favour; the simple salvage run turned into a big mess when as it turns out a trap had been sprung. Although he was quite pleased that Anja had called to make things dark, even if it didn't stop the droids surely it'd still be enough to cause a distraction. Nonetheless it was fairly obviously what he had to do and as an Agent he was quick to to the point.

Objective 1: Keep all systems online. It was quite obvious to him that if they were to do anything with a small crew in such a large ship they'd need to take control of the internal systems.

Objective 2: Discover their motive. If he knew what they wanted he could use that to his advantage.

It hadn't crossed his mind that Keira had escaped her cell by this point. Although being force sensitive, Catalys was neither attuned or caring of the force; if anything its occasional passiveness was just intuition. The Umbaran agent kept a close eye on his path, a few scattered soldiers marching up and down the halls swiftly moved past him. At that moment he quickly engaged in his headset, commanding voice orders over all the loud speakers throughout the ship. "I'm taking command. Double up at the hanger, sweep the maintenance shafts, and activate blast doors in key access points.", his commands were swift and decisive. Of course he realized that they too would have heard but it wasn't like that mattered much. This is their ship, there's no real strategy other than bottleneck them with as many men as possible and overwhelm them with sheer numbers. The zealous crew was trained in combat for the most part and had veteran experience from their initial conquests. Taking the KX-80 strapped across his back, Catalys moved out with a small squad of commandos backing him, heading towards the control room where much of the ship's on board systems were managed from.

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Ice"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Nei Laa"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"]
Anja was growing impatient and a startling realization crossed her mind; this was the first engagement where she had true control over. Although she regularly managed the fleet, she had always relied on the individual ingenuity and commands of other officers across the fleet. Unlike those encounters this was on her flagship and became quite close and personal in terms of events. There was a real threat and with Pyrrhus Alet engaged elsewhere she felt alone. When Catalys had given the general orders a narrow moment of relief escaped in a light exhale as her heartrate paced more calmly and her chest relaxed rather than pumped. This sparked her first true meditation with the force and she was able to reach out across the ship, glancing at visions of the intruders and noticing that Keira had indeed escaped from her cell. This brief meditation was crushed by the sudden rage, taking her from her knees to her feet and rushing towards the wall where she slammed a clenched fist into the intricate metalwork. The sudden stress against the metal echoed loudly; several guards rushed into her chambers in defensive efforts at the sudden outburst. Anja's pale eyes glared at them, staring deeply with dark intent and lacking remorse. "No one -- Not a single person will leave this ship without my express permission. A lowly filth such as her will not leave! Even if it means death. Order the shut off of all life support outside of my chamber and the bridge. Tell Catalys to make sure it's done. You go as well, leave me.", Her voice was coarse after an initial shout and insult filled with anger and fueled by hate, zealousness, and pride.

The battle had only just begun, the Carnage-class still approaching but not yet in range, and Anja's strict commands were becoming dangerous for both sides. Regardless of what events unfold, what outcomes become realized, this battle would be grim.

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Ice"] [member="Nei Laa"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Colap Ticon"]

Puppet Kyrios

Location: enemy ship
Allies: [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Ice"] [member="Nei Laa"] [member="Colap Ticon"]
Enemies: [member="Catalys Maijora"] [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Objective: camoflague, slip around and find Keira or anything useful, kill anyone in the way

Asteria noticed the doors closing and ran for them, diving through just as they closed. She turned on her commlink and whispered into it, "Nei, do you copy, it's Star. You get to kill the rest. Cryax, I'm stuck past the blast doors, and I don't think they'll open until you do whatever techy thing you're doing. Ice, I'm going to sneak around and see what I can find, if I locate Keira I'll tell y'all, if I don't, I'll either find a way back to the ship, or I'll be in an escape pod, got it? I'm pretty sure I'll find something, so I'll see y'all then, 'kay?" She camoflagued and began to snoop around, vibroblade in have ready to activate if nessicary.
Location: Reactor core
Allies: [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Ice"]
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Catalys Maijora"]
Objective: Disable the ship's reactor

Sneaking down deeper into the bowels of the ship with his team of droids in tow, Cryax finally came to a dead end with a door behind which there was a very loud humming. This had to be the entrance to the reactor room. As the Mirari droids watched his back, he took out his Datapad and plugged it into the security terminal next to the door and started slicing. Then he heard Asteria's voice calling his name over his commlink. "I'm about to hit the ship's reactor, not sure if I can open those doors just yet, Asteria, but hold tight. I won't be long."

Getting access to the reactor core room wasn't that hard of a job for the crime boss, as he'd started out in the organization as one of their geeky slicers. If anything this was a nice chance for him to keep his slicing skills nice and sharp. I few more minutes of code-breaking and the door would open with a hiss and he and his droids would be inside.
The armed group following Catalys split off and made their way towards the prison cells; if Keira did indeed escape then they had to get her back quickly. After receiving his orders Catalys made his way towards the control room, the orders were quite worrying and meant his own death as many others. "What is she thinking?", he thought to himself after thinking on the last order. The control room was just in front of him now, the door slid open; stepping inside there was already one of Anja's guards giving commands to the various technicians.

"Turn off the life support systems across the ship except in the bridge and the Host Lord's chambers!", the guard spoke fiercely to the technicians most were slaves and human; already struggling due to the lack of light. A few pleaded but were silenced when the guard drew a blaster pistol. Something in Catalys' mind clicked, he wasn't about to let nearly the entire crew die over a boarding action. Aiming his KX-80 he unleashed a volley of blaster fire at the technicians, the guard turned around and the two struggled in an unarmed fight; forcing Catalys' rifle out of his hands. A single blow to the guard's head ended it. Catalys could noticed the twitch and sound of breathing, he was still alive but the blood leaking into his brain would eventually kill the cells and end his life. It wasn't a painless death but more importantly one of the technicians was alive in the corner, looking straight at him and holding a blaster wound near his stomach. The human was still alive and something in his eyes suggested that there was confusion. Catalys had momentarily became sympathetic towards the tech and finished him off with a round from the pistol he had wrestled out of the Guard's hand before swapping it out for his favoured rifle. "Your Worship. The technicians were slaughtered but I have the control room locked down. Unfortunately I cannot work my way around the systems.", he sent out a secure communication to her chambers and after disconnecting prepared his rifle and held out in the control room. If anyone came through that door, he'd be ready.

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Ice"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Nei Laa"]
The news that the Control Room was already attacked echoed throughout Anja's thoughts. She was not angry but rather eager to prove to them that they're not going to make it out of here alive; she wanted every movement to be at the cost of blood. Gripping onto the lightsaber that was Keira's, she held it tightly and activated the blade with the force; it was a subconscious act and the light reflected off her pale eyes, momentarily blinding her. The Umbaran woman had become further attuned with the force; like something alive awakening inside her and trying to tear its way out.

Anja took a deep breath, deactivating the blade weapon and walked through the door and out of her chamber; marching down the halls. A few guards, soldiers, and various servants stopped as they noticed that their Host Lord was approaching the forefront of the battle before turning down towards a pathway that lead nearer to the prison cells. She was on a mission to find Keira and to end her.

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Ice"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Nei Laa"]
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Colap and his contingent of droids pushed through the mass of warriors. Skulls cracked, flaming holes appeared in their chests. Colap swung right and left, gashing two of them with the bottle right across their throats. He punched another and sent him down with a blast to the skull. Alarms were wailing across the ship and suddenly he could feel decompression.

Moving fast he smashed the switch to activate his air reserves as the halls became a suction of death. The Droidekea began to loose their footing, tumbling along before it stopped and they were scattered across the hall.

"Head's up Ravens, all air is left tha' vessel!"

The bridge seemed to be just up ahead. Colap squinted just as darkness over took the bay. Through the green tint of his night vision he could see the shapes of a taller warrior and some other moving.

"I'm headed to the bridge."

Colap fired his jetpack again, heading like a missile directly at the taller one, arms outstretched, broken bottle gleaming in the dull emergency lights...

Nei Laa

Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid!
Location: Still in the hangar
Allies: [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Ice"] [member="Colap Ticon"]
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] and her cronies! Including [member="Catalys Maijora"]
Objective: Keep shooting, try not to die. The usual.

"Copy that, Star," Nei grunted. "Thanks for leaving some for me!" The Nautolan continued to shoot and duck, using Ice's droidekas as cover. So far, she had managed to take out quite a few enemies, though she wasn't unscathed: One bolt had caught her in the gut, while another had got her leg and a third had left a faint burn across one of her tresses. The armour had managed to dissipate most of the bolt energy on impact, but she knew she was still going to have a few bruises in the morning. No broken ribs, though, which was good.

She heard Colap's warning as soon as the decompression started. The Nautolan took a deep breath, holstering her weapons before finding a spot to take cover. She then sealed her helmet, automatically starting the air reserves. While her armour had some type of breathing thing, it was only temporary and certainly not as advanced as others. By her calculations, Nei had about twenty minutes of air -- thirty, maybe, if she slowed her breathing.

"Colap, take me with you!" she gasped. She could see him and his jetpack, heading towards a new figure. Taking another deep breath, the Nautolan made an attempt to move closer, firing at the new warrior guy.
Location: Reactor core
Allies: [member="Nei Laa"] [member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Ice"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"]
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] [member="Catalys Maijora"]
Objective: Disable the ship's reactor

As the doors to the reactor core room opened with a hiss, Cryax was pleased with himself. "Still got it," he muttered to no one in particular and motioned for his droids to follow him inside. As the Chiss's red eyes adjusted to his surroundings, he found himself standing on a platform inside a huge chamber. Several hundred feet below in the center of the chamber was a large spherical device brimming with a phenomenally dense light inside its protruding ventral bulb. Underneath the sphere was a power tree of trunk-sized cables that spanned out and most likely connected to the longitudinal axis of the ship. Bingo. The ship's reactor.

Cryax found the main terminal that he assumed controlled the ship's reactor, the most fundamental component of the enemy vessel. This was going to be a more difficult slice than merely opening a door. This was a job for Little Brother, Cryax's own custom slicing software. The Chiss plugged his Datapad into the mainframe and fired it up, executing the commands to let Little Brother loose to play around in the enemy's networks. If there was a back door waiting to be exploited Little Brother would find it soon.
The battle was now well under way. A squadron of soldiers counter-attacked their way towards the reactor room, meanwhile more and more Sephi were bottlenecking the path of the main party and pushing towards the Hanger. The sudden rush of air that escaped was quickly replenished, oddly enough, as word came that the Control Room was atttacked; none the wiser that Catalys Maijora either had a change of heart or saved his own skin. Of course there were always those who'd contest such a harsh move as drowning out your enemy and taking your own men with them.

The carnage-class had just made its way around the rear of Order's End and prepared to charge its heavy turbolasers, only another turn and the targeting would be dead on into the hanger. One squadron of seven gu-54 bombers launched from the Carnage and stalked the exterior of Order's End in-case of a premature launch in attempt to escape now that the tractors were down.

Meanwhile the ship's computers were by no means familiar with Little Brother's efforts; quickly the reactors multilayer defenses were falling one by one but the pressure was being put on them as the counterattack approached the slicer. A few of the soldiers across the ship now had ion blasters to contend with the droids.

[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Nei Laa"] [member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Ice"]
Even in her weakened state Keira proved to be a handful for the guards, shaking herself free from their grip and dissuading them from pursuing her by aid of a simple mental suggestion via the Force, sending them on their way more or less unharmed. With that inconvenience out of the way she was free to walk the halls once more, however dark they were, still using the ethereal tendrils to guide her on her way. One way or another, she would make it to where her fellow Ravens were. It wasn't a matter of if or how anymore. It was a simple matter of where and when. And she intended it to be as soon as possible, whether her captors realized as such or not.

And for the next few minutes, everything was relatively uneventful. With no real idea how close or far she was from any allies, wandering the ship was her next best option, though she was tracking their presences the best she was able, unable to pinpoint them exactly as they kept moving, and understandably so. Had her position been traded with either of them, she would be doing much of the same. But for now there was more to contend with than just her own imaginings, namely the figure she could sense she was nearing, one by the name of [member="Anja Aj'Rou"]. Not aware of much else about the woman other than the fact that she was more or less in charge of the operations of the ship, one thing that definitely drew her focus was the lightsaber the rogue could all but sense in her grasp.

Stopping once they were a few feet away from each other at best, she pushed off of the wall to stand on her own, regarding the woman before her even if she couldn't exactly her. "You shouldn't take things that don't belong to you." Her voice was hoarse from disuse, but that didn't stop her from continuing to speak. "Besides, if you missed me this much, all you had to do was come visit earlier. It isn't like I was going anywhere. Now, though, I'm going to have to ask for that back. You lost your chance for talking things out, and I'd much rather be on my way. It's your choice whether you get to walk away from this as well."

[member="Cryax Bane"], [member="Nei Laa"], [member="Colap Ticon"], [member="Ice"], [member="Asteria Starcatcher"], [member="Catalys Maijora"]

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