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Didn't Sign Up? You can still join the PVP battle

For folks who did not sign up for a thread-

It is too late to join the Ground Battle or Fleet Battle. Sorry, snooze you lose.

BUT. You can still join the PVP thread! Fate of the Duels. OOC.

You can also create your own, unofficial Omega threads now in the Omega Forum.

If you did not sign up for the DMed thread and want to participate, you may PM the DM of the section you wish to join.
[member="Irajah Ven"] for the events at the Sith Academy. [member="Raziel"] for the events in the Strip Mine. [member="Valiens Nantaris"] for the events at the Citadel. Each DM has full authority to decide if someone may join without having signed up. There is no appeal process as it depends on the status of the story and if it is possible to work something in.
[member="Damien Daemon"] These events take work to set up. So yes, there were sign ups for those events because the staff and volunteers needed to know who was going to be involved and in what numbers (and in the case of the battle threads, so people had time to create their armies/fleets). That was the point of the sign up threads was to sign up for what folks wanted to be involved in. If folks did not sign up for those, they cannot join late.

PvP is a different thing and requires no volunteer intervention. Ditto on unofficial threads. People who have not already signed up for one of the others can still participate in those.


Well-Known Member
I don't ever remember there being a time limit on sign ups before. That was my point. Why the addition of something so constricting? The event official feels less... well public as the ones did before.
Well define late? cause it hasn't been 24 hours even

but there was a semi quasi time limit for registration with Valen if you remember Zaiden. The fleeting event part of that event was structured and locked with the participants.

Either way it is a very interesting thing to see

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Damien Daemon"]

Dark Harvest had'em for one or two of the threads, just like Omega does. Couldn't have DM'ed those threads without participants signing up ahead of time. Dead Space was especially complex, and it was prototypical of the Omega fleet battle, which is even more complicated. It was just plain necessary.


Well-Known Member
[member="Ajira Cardei"]
I do remember that, and even some in others. But what I mean is to have the whole thing have a limit. What if I were sick the past week? Unable to even get out of bed let alone get on, now I am out of the chance to play, or get rewards etc.

Ya know?
Taking in to account valid concerns- I'm currently discussing the situation with joining the DM thread without having signed up with the other DMs (since I am not the only one running that event).

The Fleet and Ground Battle though required sign up before start and folks will not be permitted to join those late with their own fleets/armies. *However* I'm sure if you want to talk to someone already fielding an army/fleet and work something out with them, all blessings and all that jazz.
[member="Damien Daemon"] Then tough, you have the PvP thread to enjoy. Stuff like this takes time, planning and effort. They shouldn't have to wait around and do things when you've missed the lengthy signup period. Its inconsiderate.
Damien Daemon said:
[member="Ajira Cardei"]
I do remember that, and even some in others. But what I mean is to have the whole thing have a limit. What if I were sick the past week? Unable to even get out of bed let alone get on, now I am out of the chance to play, or get rewards etc.

Ya know?
Life isn't fair.
[member="Silara Kuhn"]

I feel like that's a pretty mainstream and stupid expression, "Life isn't fair". If you break it down, and make a typo, it will say "Life isn't fare", which means that life isn't beautifull, but that's not the case is it? Life is quite beautifull and many, many things to see and places to explore!

TL;DR: I'm not good at explaining my points without doing jokes.
Undin Jaii Kryze said:
[member="Silara Kuhn"]

I feel like that's a pretty mainstream and stupid expression, "Life isn't fair". If you break it down, and make a typo, it will say "Life isn't fare", which means that life isn't beautifull, but that's not the case is it? Life is quite beautifull and many, many things to see and places to explore!

TL;DR: I'm not good at explaining my points without doing jokes.
Fair has a double meaning of just and beautiful - fare, on the other hand, is how well something turns out.

In this instance, your humor did not fare well.


Well-Known Member
[member="Silara Kuhn"]
This is what leads to outright hate for staff. The age old saying comes to mind, "Don't got nothing nice to say? Don't then."

It is inconsiderate to not attempt to allocate those that play on the site, that may not always seem to have the time. My brother in law for example, were he playing the game, it would be surprisingly simple to see him only post once or twice a week, as he works three jobs. Is it wrong then to ask for an extendable output?

By no means am I saying all out there shouldn't be a limit. If its felt useful, than instil it. I was simply stating my opinion.

Plus, as said by [member="Irajah Ven"], they are looking for a fix. So.
Also, even before anything else, PvP and unofficial threads are OPEN. And eligible for rewards.

This isn't folks getting shut out of participating. But if they wanted to participate in certain threads (Ground Battle and Fleet) then they needed to sign up. Period. That's kind of the whole point of sign ups and posting your army/fleet comp.

Judgement on DM thread pending. But even there, there will be a point where people can't really just *pop* in, because the story will have progressed too far and the individual DMs will be handling dozens of people already, and it's not actually fair to ask them to back track the story for one or two people.
And yes, I have no intention of locking this because people may have other questions. Someone disagreeing with you isn't the same as someone being salty/rude.

But let's everyone keep it civil and useful discourse, okay?


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I never saw the sign ups a month ago, so just for clarification, could you link to where they were? I saw them up a week ago, and that's it.

[member="Darth Ferus"]

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