Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nobody has turned me on yet.
RANK: None
SPECIES: Droid starfighter
AGE: Made around 18 BBY, so judge by yourself.
SEX: It does not care how you designated it.
HEIGHT: 1.86 meters tall (flight configuration) 6.87 meters tall (walking configuration)​
WITH: 3 meters (Something I estimated.)
WEIGHT: 6,000 kgs
EYES: Red glowing 'eyes'
HAIR: None
'SKIN': Brown/greenish

VOICE: A calm monotone (mostly) voice just like HAL9000



+ Faster reaction than organic pilots and can calculate situations effectively for each and every move

+ Very loyal to the one who earns its trust.​
+ Unlike battle droids like the B-1 DFS-8DS has little emotions, and the ones that it does have are stable and controlled, it can easily make split second decisions under stress were a B-1 droid would probably do something stupid while displaying its fake.

+/- Even though it did learn a lot about organics and social interaction from Elise. . .the droid is still awkward. . .it is usually closed off and comes over to new people as cold. . .but it will be a loyal ally if you gain its trust, which is also heard to break once you earned it.​
+/- Its desire to learn and investigate has its ups and downs.​
- weak to Ion or EMP systems

- It does not have any hands. . .so 8DS will need assistance with anything more than a simple button

- Big and slow target in walker mode

- Even though 8DS can handle unknown scenarios / tactics better than normal Vulture droids because of the more complex A.I and learning capabilities, it is still not on par with organic pilots and their 'gut' feelings from instinct or the force.


It has a brown/greenish paintjob that includes the expected scars of war like scratches, blaster marks and just signs of wear and tear that reveal on everything over a period of intense activity gained overtime, especially since this unit exceeded the expected 'life' span of this type by miles. unlike most other vulture droids it did not get converted to the blue colour scheme used in the clone wars era because it was called into battle when the converting of its type took place, and nobody bothered to start up the whole progress again for just a single droid.


It has four blaster canons for use in flight mode and two energy torpedoes that can be used in walk mode (though those need 45 seconds to recharge, quite long.)



DFS-8DS started just like any battle droid that was spewed out of the dark hot mouth from a droid factory right before the start of Clone Wars. . .a mindless cold fighter drone that needed to be fed an endless stream of directions, code and situational information to do anything beside serving the hanger by being idle inside it.

Then something very unexpected happened that turned the tables on who was winning the war. . .the Jedi that called themselves to use a peacefully code of ways and ethics copykatted the other side and created an army of soulless cheap cloned humans, they were simply made of matter, protoplasmic crud formed by subatomic bumping in a random sort of way, with no goal and no direction, simple animated clay made for following linear orders. It was clear that the Jedi were trying to compensate for the dwindling numbers of Jedi 'fighters' (Not so peaceful now anymore are you JEDI ?!)

Though that being said. . .the sacks of semi-sentient entities seem to be outperforming the cold droid war machine. . .the news slipped through cracks of reports and information to be spread around the worlds that are protected by the empty walking metal structures.

A new scientist named Elise took notice of the struggling army that tried to keep their side on the favour. . .times were getting slightly worrying, and desperate war times plead for investments, improvements, war has always demanded that on factions that got in trouble. She has been allowed to start her research on ONE droid, though it can be called up to battle at any time without question.​
DFS-8DS was the lucky droid to be chosen. . .Elise liked the colour brown over blue and also adores everything that can fly. She took the still mindless automaton to the small research vessel that has been provided by the CIS that contained everything she needed to build upon the existing code inside the Vulture.

Some months passed. . .Elise had to scrap her work a few times. . .maybe she was over confident to take on a project like this ? maybe. . .but her deadline was coming soon, she took a risk and modified some opensourch droid programming to cut away some of the more tedious parts of making the new A.I.

What could she lose ? her home. . .planet. . .the republic will capture her for war crimes if they won. . .it was best to at least try something.

Things are going great, she has proven to herself that the integrated droid brains. . .or at least the ones in Vulture Droids could handel more complicated and smarter AI. Perhaps she made it too intelligent for a mere battle droid. . .Elise realized that she spent too much time on the AI side instead of the tactics and battle side. . .though the improved AI alone should show increased stats. She used her last week to add some battle dedicated programs to the 'brain' just to be sure.

"Tomorrow is the battle, I will try my best to give good results." DFS-8DS said in a cold, calm monotone voice while Elise was doing some final calibrations on the droids thrusters.

"Aww, don't you worry." She replied before kindly petting the robot.""You're going to be fine, it are only 35 minutes. . .that's enough to show your improvements against the petty little clones, and in the global stats."
"Yes. . .I will. . .thank you."

Elise smiled when she heard the compliment come from her own project. . .this turned out to be well worth the time after all. "You're very welcome."

((I'm plotting the past-RP that will continue this 'bio' with some clones, and eventually make the connection to the current RP timeline, a start has been made with

SHIP: DFS-8DS can do fine on its own.






Nobody has turned me on yet.
Nomad Crimson said:
droid... *Takes out spanner* DROID!!!! *Tries to take apart DFS-8DS*

I'm just joking. Nice character. I'm friendly I swear :3
I'm sure you are ! *Lifts up feet* Stand still so I may pet you.

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