Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Devourer against the Mando

In the weeks since Tython, Kyrel’s hunger had started to know no bounds. Not was he attacking Alliance worlds, he also started to venture deeper into the galaxy. His hunger being drawn here and there to the far reaches of space. There Kyrel’s ghost ship of a resurgent hung over a world being protected by the Mandalorians, like a gloomy cloud that arrived to block out the sun.

When Kyrel arrives to the surface, he wandered with curiosity aand drive to discover who or what drove him this far. His heavy boots against the ground, he moved in a stride as if to discover what starved him on this world. Normally, Kyrel would seek out the Force wherever he could feel it from. It was as if he was constantly being taunted, often leading him to gorge himself int, leaving many dead across his path.

When he did finally arrive to the town, he found that there was hardly of interest there. Ordinary beings living out meaningless lives, Kyrel had grown angry by this. What followed was a path of carnage, the once lively village was utterly destroyed by the Wrath of the Maw. The joy that had once been untouched was gone forever.

In the end, bodies were laid strewn about. Unlike Kyrel’s normal methods, these people were drained of all life force. The bodies themselves looked like withered husks, like they were mummified with faces horrified and grotesque. If one could reach out through the Force, all they could feel was a hollow echo. There was nothing there, but a quiet rage that seemed even more perverse than the emptiness that cling to the village.

At the center of it all had stood Kyrel. Now more than just a corpse, he only lives now to consume and devour, anyone or anything. Still he stood as if waiting for something, still he remained more hungry than ever before.

Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla


She was awoken from deep sleep by a disturbance in the Force.

It was distant and faint, but there. The disturbance, haunting and sickening. It felt like being drained, like the life force being drawn like poison from a wound. She sat up in her bed, bringing her hand to her head. Her heart pounded. She could not shake it. With a sigh, she slipped off of her bed and stumbled out of her quarters. Entering the hallway, she pulled a comlink out and alerted her droid companions, Mini and Cabur'tomad. <<"Hey guys, I sense something off to the northern hemisphere. Let's check it out.">>

Mini, her astromech droid, rolled out from the living quarters, past Gwyn, and to the bridge. He started Gwyn's beloved freighter, the Tauntaun, as Gwyn returned to her quarters to gear up. Even as she changed into her beskar'gam, she could sense the disturbance growing louder as she flew closer. It was becoming more and more nauseating, more and more desperate. She could sense the dark side, and she could feel Force Signatures fading like stars going dim in a sky. She dropped her buy'ce, calling out, "Wait! Stop! I'll save you!"

She grimaced, clenching her fists. People were dying. She swiped her buy'ce and yanked it on, shouting through the comlink, <<"Hurry!">>

She grabbed more and more weapons, pulling her kama over her as she turned and darted out of the quarters. She tugged a heavier weapon over her back as she made for the loading bay, and the ramp. Mini knew Gwyn's haste meant something in these situations by now. The ramp lowered from the sky. Gwyn stepped out, the wind rippling her kama. Her beskar'gam covered her entire body, concealing her face. The half Arkanian has a kama over even her armor, the hood shrouding her helmet. She wore a multitude of weapons. On her back, her favored rifle, the Distant Chill, hung. The folded up Anti-Material Rifle also hung over her back. On her side hung a light repeating blaster.

Strapped over her shoulders, twin slugthrower pistols shone. On her hips, her twin light blaster pistols were sported, alongside twin M.I. pistols. Strapped below her back, at her waistline, a final two blasters were also ready. A cyroban pistol and a multi purpose pistol. Strapped over her chest were several grenades, two each of "droid poppers," repulser grenades, and plasma detonators. Finally, inside the storage compartment of her cybernetic leg, she kept her lightsaber and shoto lightsaber.

Equipped and ready, she looked down from her vantage point to the source of the Force wound.

The image horrified her.

This was Emerald Beacon. A small town located near a forest, this was the first town that had greeted the young Karjr as she first arrived here. She had come by periodically, checking in on local life and helping to "remove" shadier people here. She had even kept an eye on the aruitiise children, wondering if any could turn out to be potential Foundlings. Now, all she saw was the hollow corpses of the townsfolk littering the streets. She could sense the hollow corpses, she could feel the dark side, circling like a black hole. In the center of the town stood a... familiar opponent. The one she had faced protecting Chiss for the New Imperial Order.

Her entire body burned with hatred.

She pulled the Anti-Material Rifle out and clicked it together. She leapt from the ramp and landed atop a building as her armor cloaked. She knew her location could still be sensed, but it would be harder to sense her exact movements. She slipped into the prone position. She knew that this opponent was immortal, but she would make him feel as much pain as she could before moving on to taking him down.

She fired the rifle. The devastating beam ripped for his abdomen, meaning to both inflict pain and depilate. Before he could regenerate, she would be able to fire more hits - that was, if this first shot landed.

Revenge would be her's today.

Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren

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