Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Descend Into Chaos

Is anyone interested in obtaining One Sith information?

Okay, so the plan is that someone hires my character--Ezra--to hack and retrieve One Sith data. Who hires him and whether or not this hack is successful is irrelevant. The intention is that the whole thing was actually set up, and now the hacker identity known as "Sage" is basically known as, at the very least, not on good terms with the faction. It would be nice to actually obtain this data, should whoever has the authority allow that this One Sith data be retrieved. Whatever this data is depends on what the employer wants. I'm assuming if it's high profile, success won't be allowed most definitely. In the end, the plan is to actually have Sage caught by the One Sith. Given his High Sensitivity to the Force, perhaps they'll take him in--likely not of his own accord. If not? Ezra will simply be pushed to affiliate with an opposing faction. Either way, the purpose of this thread will be to force Ezra to become more 'social' in a sense.

In the end, I'll be needing at least two people. One person to hire Ezra, and probably watch over the theft by monitoring One Sith security systems just to make sure the setup works properly, and another to chase after Ezra. The person who hires him? Preferably either someone from the Republic or a Bounty Hunter that is attempting to catch the hacker known as "[strike]4chan[/strike] Sage". The person who chases and inevitably catches Ezra? Preferably a Force-Sensitive person. Maybe even a Sith of some sort.

Specifically, Ezra will be entering a local 'hub' with publicly accessible 'computers', of which he will use to hack into the One Sith 'network' and extract the data and put on a physically removable drive. He makes a mistake, and the security system is able to backtrack him and trace Ezra to this hub. Realising this, Ezra immediately flees. Unfortunately, this is done on Coruscant, which according to the map is not only a One Sith controlled planet, but the Capital Planet. That in mind, I'm sure it's sensible that someone is immediately sent out to capture him. Hopefully, they are not intent on instantly killing him, as--assuming the hack is successful--I'm sure One Sith would like to know about someone that could successfully extract data from their servers and, had it not been for the mistake, otherwise escape cleanly.

If it's any consolation, there is no intention for the data to actually reach anywhere or be put to use. It's simply the reason for the chase. Now let's get to the incentive.

The Benefits:

Bounty Hunter: If the person who hired 'Sage' is a bounty hunter, they get their bounty.
Sith: If they don't kill Ezra, there's potentially an apprentice to be had, given his force-sensitivity
Republic Affiliate: Assuming a Republic affiliate was the person who hired Sage, to some extent, there's potentially a vulnerability discovered in the One Sith networks. If the Republic can successfully retrieve 'Sage', they might be able to uncover this vulnerability and exploit it
Everyone: It's plot! And who doesn't like plot? Also, if Ezra can escape, assuming One Sith officially puts a hit on 'Sage', another faction may potentially earn the loyalty of an experienced slicer if they give him sanction (or force him to work for them under the conditions that if he does, they will not turn him in to the One Sith).

So, if you're down, you'd take the "Employer" position? If you'd like to have Ezra join you as well, perhaps you could have hired Sage and purposely alerted One Sith of the breach, to which he would get caught and--if Raziel came to the rescue--inevitably join your character to escape. We'll flesh out the details somehow.
Great! The only thing left is for someone to chase Ezra down and the Fleet can rescue him! If no one is interested in that, we could always just have it be some canon-fodder soldiers come around to get him, but that guarantees Sage's escape as opposed to the loose outcome I had originally intended. Aside from that, we only need a reason for the Fleet to come rescue Sage. Perhaps something along the lines of them trying to hack into the OS before, and upon discovering a breach, like the OS they tracked down where it was being hacked from and went over to "take a look", eventually leading to them saving him. I'm sure the guy being chased by OS troops or Sith would pretty obviously be the hacker.

[member="Vassara Raxis"], [member="Tyranus Collik"]
[member="Sage"] [member="Tyranus Collik"]

You two work out the thread, tag the fleet using the master tag list when it's up!

Sage do you have a skpe? Pm it to me if you do, So I can add you to group chat!

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