Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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 *demands love reacts*

if they're watching anyways

Been reminded recently that this exists, and I don't need to sit around and freak out about how I don't know what people think of my writing! Instead I can freak out because I do know what people think about my writing.

I've really enjoyed writing Auteme as of late; recent threads with other lovely Jedi (you know who you are) have allowed me to really get into her head and establish how she acts normally. Still, I feel like she hasn't met many real challenges yet that will force her to change or adapt. While I do want her arc to be a flat one (she's equipped with everything she needs, she just needs to keep doing what she's doing) I do think changing things up will be good for her.

So, how should I challenge her? Is there anything missing from her story thus far? How's my prose/voice/style? Where do you think Auteme should end up at the end of her arc?

Thanks so much!
I haven't read a ton of your posts, but the overall impression that I get is that Auteme is generally a more passive character. There's nothing wrong with that, but it does mean that she probably does better when she has someone to play off of. If she were a character in a novel, I don't see her being the protagonist. Does that make sense?...

She does have that Hermione-esque know-it-all schtick going, which is fun but not used enough (imo). I dunno - my personal preference when it comes to academically inclined characters is that they have more spit and fire, whereas Auteme is generally a soft and gentle Jedi scholar more in line with Tionne Solusar than Evelyn O'Connell. That could be easily explained by her age, though - she's still very young and you wouldn't expect her to go all out and take tons of responsibility on her shoulders.

On the other hand, if she's still Ryv's girlfriend, you could play up the growing gap in maturity between them, which could add some more depth as she is confronted with how much he's changed due to his (very intense) experiences, whereas she has more or less stayed the same and can't relate to him as much anymore.

Again, I'm not super familiar with your character, so take everything I say with a grain of salt. I am throwing this stuff at you as more like suggestions for future threads than real criticisms.

Auteme Auteme

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