Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Deliver Me Results

Mercy Mercy

Imogen had given the woman she now summoned back to her estate the job of dealing with an errant customs agent with a vendetta and now was the time to determine if the results had been delivered. She kept out of the business of government agencies for the most part, and in this particular instance she had opted to remain ignorant of the goings on with their little friend so that she could have the news delivered directly from the mouth of the person she to whom she had put to the task. This was a simple job and meant mostly to ascertain if she was able to handle the simple stuff before handing down more complex and dangerous work with more sizeable implications for the Rist family businesses.

There was no party this time. The estate looked much like it always did when not entertaining guests, which was to say relatively quiet and understaffed to those who only saw the outside of the buildings. Clearly to those in the know though, there was much more to this place that only those trusted with the knowledge ever saw. Imogen had access to worlds of information that was kept within databases deep underground, which could make or break numerous powerful entities, let alone global or galactic governments. She was quite capable of causing problems beyond just Alderaan if she had the mind to, but they were mostly there for insurance purposes. Defensive blackmail, was what she had termed it, and it had worked thus far to keep her family both in line and in power. That being said, she now simply waited for the most innocuous piece of information she could process on the day. She did not hope for good news, she expected it, and woe to those who managed to disappoint her.
Imogen Rist Imogen Rist

Mercy figured there wouldn't be a great karking buffet or anything else this time around.

That was the main reason why she went and visited the snackbar, before striding up on the Rist estate. That was why she was holding two wrapped sandwiches loaded with all sorts of meats and sauces. All precariously stacked together, but somehow Mercy was balancing it fine. She took the opportunity for another bite.

Then another one.

Okay, just one more. And then knocked on the doors of House Rist.

"Ellooooo." Into the comms next to the doors. "Do I gotta stick mah finger somewhere o' can ya identify me like this?" In her defense, Mercy hadn't been acting any other way during the buffet.

This couldn't come as a surprise.
Mercy Mercy

The notion of propriety was laughable, at best. Imogen herself only put on the airs of nobility around those who seemed to care about that sort of thing, so when the servant told her a visitor was at the gates and that they sounded like a commoner she could only imagine it being one of three people. Regardless, she simply nodded which was the simple gesture to allow entry to the would-be guest.

She had placed an order for herself for dinner with the staff of the estate and had just received it along with the news so she was now seated at her desk enjoying a meal of blue rare steak on the bone and little else save for the wine paired with it. Imogen was simply sitting, slicing, and eating, while she waited for the visitor to be shown to her office, which was to be taken care of by the service staff as her son was busy elsewhere at the moment.
Imogen Rist Imogen Rist

She looked around the place as they walked towards Rist's office.

Part of her wondered how easy it would be to break in. There was some real nice chit laying around. Antique, art, stuff that Mercy didn't really appreciate, but knew that the black market would. A sigh as they turned a corner. Deeper into the estate, closer to the office. It would be bad for their business relationship though... so probably not a good idea.


Crunch, crunch, crunch. Went the sandwich as Mercy ate. She managed to polish off one of them right as they reached the large doors giving entry to the matriarch's office.

"Ma'am," Greeting her politely as Mercy stepped on through after being given permission. "-didn't realize I would be interrupting ya during dinner." She took the opportunity to take another bite from her second sandwich. "I dun' mind finishing eating first, before making ya happy with the good news." Drawled lazily and with a lot of smugness.

That in itself was enough answer.

Yes, Mercy did the job.
Imogen shook her head, "All planned. I was prepared to have the service staff bring you a meal up but it seems you have your own provisions." she said taking a bit of her steak and cutting it with what was obviously an extremely sharp knife considering it cut through in one full swipe of the blade. "I like to share good news with a good meal, so do please, elaborate on your success. I am quite pleased to hear that you succeeded from you directly and not some news agency reporting on an incident. Discretion is a good sign that I will be able to put you to more work that requires the same type of discretion."
Imogen Rist Imogen Rist

She grinned.

"Ahhh, didn't wanna be a burden an' figured I'd get mah own food." A wink was supplied as she bit off another piece and chewed heartly. There was no concern left for any shape of propriety there. "Well, ma'am, I am good at discretion when it be required." That wasn't... well, it was true. She could be silent, sneaky and stealth when Mercy wanted to.

Only when she wanted to however.

"Roughed up da boy like ya wanted me to. Scouted his place, his work, followed 'is routine, 'til I found a place to lay low. Once he passed it during one of his late night bar crawls, pulled 'im in and gave him a roughhousing of da century." Mercy shrugged. Nothing more to say about that. It was a pretty basic muscle job.

Nothing Mercy hadn't done a thousand times before already.

One important thing? The woman said nothing about the favor Rist's son asked of her. Oh, she completed it alright, but she wasn't certain if the Matriarch was aware of it.

Best to see if she brought it up herself. That way she would avoid embarrassing the son and potentially earning herself a noble boy hater.

She bit off another piece and chewed even more loudly. All the while studying Imogen with naked curiosity and patience.
Mercy Mercy

It would seem as though this woman was so much like her late wife that it became comical to her. Imogen could not help but laugh for a moment and just sit back in her chair to collect herself. "You are so much like Samos that it strains credulity. My late wife was just the same. She would have done exactly what you did and would have explained it in just the same short way. How do women like you keep falling into my lap..." she could not help but ask rhetorically at the end of that little emotional spill.

A little more collected now, Imogen took another bite and looked so much more relaxed afterward. "Obviously you would be better suited to actual enforcer work. Would you like a steady job here keeping the peace, so to speak? There are plenty of heads to knock around. I need someone to take the place of the old underboss in Sanctuary Coast after he got himself hoisted by authorities for being a bit too rowdy. The town is pretty sleepy so most of the time you would just be collecting protection payments and keeping any sort of rival gangs in check if they feel like trying to poke their heads out of the gutter."
Imogen Rist Imogen Rist

A smile there.

"Well, if you want to get to know me like yar late wife, jus' let me know, ma'am." Mercy drawled as bold as brass. It was probably not a very wise course, but this who Mercy was. Someone with the Matriarch's experience would have known exactly what she was inviting into her estate. Not just once but twice now.

The next part though?

Mercy's smile faded away into something more of amusement. Perhaps even a touch of pride as well.

"Oh... ma'am, I appreciate yar acknowledge o' mah skills." Because clearly, yes, Mercy would do great in a position like that. Then a shrug however. "-but I dun' like to be tied-up like da, sorry. I prefer roaming 'round an' chit."

She leaned back against the door and watched Imogen for a moment.

"Yar got a rival gang problem tho? I can wipe 'em out for ya. No problems. It will cost ya, but..." A glance around the room. "Think ya can afford mah rates quite easily. Then ya can put whoever ya want at the Coast. They won't 'ave a problem anymore once I am done there. Maybe even yar son, eh?"
A small chortle was all that the first line got out of Imogen. It amused her how readily this woman put herself out there to someone she scarcely knew. It was either brave, stupid, or both, but she could at least appreciate how the similarities kept mounting. 'Another time, maybe. For now though, I can say that I appreciate what you have done for me. You are welcome in the Rist Estate as a guest any time and you will find that the amenities we provide for our guests to be sufficient. I will find a way to deal with the gang and spare you the excess. Be careful though, those that are familiar with my work will know you have done work for me and it may make you an enemy or two to associate with my house. I'm sure you can handle them yourself but it would be remiss of me to not warn you that unwanted attention may show up from time to time by virtue of your work with me, however brief."

Imogen paused for a moment, "Though, if you are more of a wanderer I do have more you could do for the family. See, I have a long list of names here of people who have earned a black spot, which means they need to disappear. If you would like to take the list and pursue it at your own leisure the only thing I would ask of you in return is that you submit biological proof that you have taken the target in question. Does that sound like something you would like to do?"

Mercy Mercy
Imogen Rist Imogen Rist

A wide grin at the compliment, the offerings and the warning.

All three got equal attention, but only the latter got a direct response. "Ahw, babe. Thankya for the worry." Mercy drawled lazily but clearly without any real worry in her voice. "Should be okay, yah. Who knows, mebbe I will make sure both o' us got less enemies between the two o' us." She was mostly teasing... mostly.

Wouldn't it be nice if someone attacked her and in response she could immediately give Rist a few heads?

Maybe that would get her a bonus or two.

Which immediately led Rist into her next point. Mercy smiled. "Oh, yes. Yesss, I think we can make dis work, m'Lady. I will take yar list an' and I will thin it out at mah leisure, certainly."

Mercy stretched there.

Now this was more her wheel house.

"Order it by annoyance, eh? I will start at da top then."

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