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Approved Tech Defiance Rad-Rifle

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In Umbris Potestas Est

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Intent: To develop a radiation weapon of rifle size for use by the average Republic ground trooper.
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Defiance Consolidated Multipurpose Manufacturing
Model: Emeritus Rad-Rifle
Affiliation: Sith Empire
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Cobalt-60(hl=1925.20 d ± 0.25 d), Polonium-210(hl=138.376 d), Agrinium(weapon frame and source storage), Diatium(power source)
Classification: Rad-Rifle
Size: Handheld
Length: 0.6m
Weight: 4.5kg
Ammunition Type: Power cell
Ammunition Capacity: 50 shots
Effective Range: 150m
Rate of Fire: semi-automatic
Special Features: radioactive residue, armor piercing
Description: The Emeritus Rad-Rifle is a second-generation rad-weapon designed for use by the Republic in its war against the Sith. Through the increased size of a rifle, the source has been made larger, allowing more energy to be placed into the weapon, further stimulating the four main forms of radioactive decay to ensure easy penetration of armor(though its thickness will reduce the effect on tissue underneath). Like the pistol, the weapon is built from Agrinium, a radiation-proof material which ensures no radiation will escape the gun. Also like the pistol, the weapon is, at the core, a particle beam that slowly grinds away on the exterior of the radioactive source within the cell, a small explosion occurring on contact with the enemy target disseminating radioactive particulate across them. Unlike the pistol, this dispersal is much smaller, within only several centimeters, as more of the weapon's radiation is focused invisibly within the beam than in the contaminating particulate.

Testing of the initial prototype indicates that individual shots on a per-round basis vary in radioactive potency between 10.2 and 10.8 kilorads. This is within a far more focused area than the highly divergent shot area of the pistol. Such is more than enough to ensure nigh-instant cellular death of most sentient life. Such is the same for Yuuzhan Vong weaponry, though the effects will be far more instantaneous than those from the pistol. Those affected by the weapon suffer from critical acute radiation syndrome, with symptoms often including, but not limited to, vertigo, vomiting, headaches, shock, and seizures due to the intensity of the radiation. The severity of these symptoms can vary wildly based on the area of the body affected, with a very minor percentage of subjects maintaining some level of functionality.

Similar to the pistol, individuals wearing agrinium armor will be nigh-impervious to this and other rad-weapons. Creatures naturally resistant to radiation poisoning will also not be affected, though the particle beam as a weapon will still have little if any effect on them. Thanks to the larger source, the agrinium walls of its chamber are unshielded, being more than thick enough to maintain integrity over numerous firings. Areas where the weapon was used, however, may likely require cleanup, though not to the same degree as the aftermath of using a pistol.

As is the same for all rad-weapons produced by Emeritus Industries, they are completely illegal for civilian use, and are authorized solely for use by the Armed Forces of the Republic.
Original Section(s):

Manufacturer: Emeritus Industries
Affiliation: Galactic Republic

New Section(s):

[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]

From what I have read about this and about Radiation Poisoning, while the localized area that is struck will die instantly, the whole body would suffer from severe radiation poisoning, close to 100 Gy to the local area, but the whole body would be significantly less, still eventually lethal, but not instantaneous. While the subject will die within 48 hours (normally) and are known to suffer from rapid incapacitation and other major CNS impairments, they could still maintain functionality.

I'd like some mention and clarification that being hit by this without wearing Anti-Rad gear isn't instant death or guaranteed inevitable death. Perhaps something along these lines
Those effected by the weapon suffer from severe radiation poisoning, with symptoms often including, vertigo, vomiting, headaches, shock, and seizures due to the intensity of the radiation. The severity of these symptoms can vary wildly based on the area of the body affected, with a small percentage of subjects maintaining some level of functionality.
Finally, bacta cures all kinds of things, Incurable and Star Wars don't really go hand in hand often, so you are aware.
In Umbris Potestas Est
Assumedly, this would depend on where the individual was shot. I would assume a blast to the neck would kill the neurons within the cervical portion of the spinal column, thus ceasing function of the individual from the neck down and leading to sudden death as the organs would begin to fail thanks to a lack of subconscious input to keep them functioning.

A variation of the block you suggested has been inputted into the description.

Bacta has never, to my knowledge, been used in canon to treat near-fatal radiation poisoning. Were it introduced, the radiation-infused necrotic flesh would, through beta and gamma emission most likely, kill off the bacterial agents within the bacta that repair the tissue and prevent it from doing anything. Regardless as to whether the greater staff judge bacta capable of solving such an issue or not, there is of course nothing stopping an individual or company from creating an anti-radiation drug(Rad-X, RadAway, et al) to nullify any sort of long term effect from this type of weapon - a key weakness which I fully expect to be exploited after this invasion.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]
Bacta is just an example, but there are drugs and Force Healing in Star Wars we can't begin to understand. Just be aware that a hit from this weapon isn't necessarily a death sentence.

Abuse and Suffer as they say.

Approved Pending Secondary.
Hi there, this is an interesting submission, but it does need a few points clarifying. :)

Vitor Imperieuse said:
Also like the pistol, the weapon is, at the core, a particle beam that slowly grinds away on the exterior of the radioactive source within the cell, a small explosion occurring on contact with the enemy target disseminating radioactive particulate across them. Unlike the pistol, this dispersal is much smaller, within only several centimeters, as more of the weapon's radiation is focused invisibly within the beam than in the contaminating particulate.
Can you just check my understanding here please?

You are firing some radioactive source material at an enemy. It will then "explode" over a few centimeters. Is this correct? If so, what is the nature of this explosion?

It should be noted in the submission that if this is the case, the radioactive particles will emit in all directions, making any nearby individuals potentially subject to radiation sickness as well.

Vitor Imperieuse said:
further stimulating the four main forms of radioactive decay to ensure penetration of armor regardless of thickness or denseness of material.
This can't be such a blanket statement sorry. Radiation is either highly penetrative or absorbed in large quantities. If someone can be standing behind a metre of steel and the radiation goes through that, it's highly likely its going to go straight through them with no ill effects as well. Radiation has to be stopped for it to be absorbed.

I would suggest adding that armour will absorb a fraction of the radiation dependent on its thickness and density.

My final question is this: If I have understood the mechanics of the submission properly, you are grinding bits of radioactive source material and firing it. What is the half-life of the source you're firing? The two you have listed are 5 years and 138 days, but as this isn't the real world I'm happy for you to pick something between a few hours to many years and be unspecific on the exact source you're using.
In Umbris Potestas Est
The radioactive source material chipped away from the exterior of the large source piece is intermingled within the particle beam. Per SW canon, particle beams produce an explosion on impact. I would assume the explosion to be quite small due to the diameter of its effect, similar to a paintball exploding on contact with the body. I also understand cleanup will need to be performed in areas where the weapon was used after the conflict has ended.

Radiation being penetrative has a significant effect on the body. I would point out that gamma radiation in particular is only capable of being absorbed through significantly thick substances for their mass, such as lead, depleted uranium, etc. Such is the reason why they're included in nuclear reactors, and why simple safety gear isn't typically enough to protect an individual from being metaphorically run through by gamma radiation. Gamma rays in particular, when piercing the body, still cause significant damage to organic tissue they penetrate into. You are correct that the level will be slightly decreased based on armor density and thickness, but any individual should be able to determine the level of radiation damage to their person based on their armor's toughness rating. I would also point out any agrinium plating renders the weapon almost totally ineffective.

I appreciate your willingness to let me use a differing source considering that this is Star Wars instead of real life, but I'd prefer to stick with what I have simply because I legitimately believe that someone down the line would attempt to challenge this submission and report it based on the deliberate vagueness of the source material. We're I to go with a custom material, I likely would dev thread it.

[member="Vitor Imperieuse"]

Could you please outline the half life of the substances used in the original submission for clarity.

Vitor Imperieuse said:
further stimulating the four main forms of radioactive decay to ensure penetration of armor regardless of thickness or denseness of material.
Could you please change the phrasing here to outline that significant armour will lessen the effect of the weapon. For radiation to affect the body it has to be absorbed. It should be noted that even in the case of compton scattering, which emits a new lower energy gamma ray, that absorption is required to have an affect on the target substance. If a gamma ray passes straight through with no reduction in energy, it does no damage.
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