Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Space

Draco grinned. "The intention is for it to show up everywhere within the bounds of the government that purchases its use, along with a group of them for me and mine, and a few made to order. You know how it is." While a major government may use it as a line ship, minor governments supported by larger corporations may appreciate having one or two on standby for defense. Star Destroyers are always more than enough to deal with most pirates, but not all star destroyers can preform as well.

"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, my dear. I'm glad we could come to a mutually beneficial agreement." The Mandalorian stood from the comfortable chair and extended his hand, palm up to the pretty little felinoid woman behind the desk. Despite being raised on the outer rim, and having adopted the culture of a group of space barbarians, Draco was capable of being well mannered and even gentlemanly when the situation required it of him. His other hand cradled his helmet, waiting to return the buy'ce to cover his face once he left.

With a smile, he spoke, "I hope we can do business like this again miss Swift." It was after all, profitable.

[member="Camellia Swift"]

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