Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep Space Horror Wrangling [Mandos or Invite]

"This ship, is too damned big."

La grumbled, sweat beading her forhead. She was about ninety-five percent certain she was still going in the right direction, though she'd already had to leave several more trail signs at intersections.

"Or one could say it is precisely the size it's meant to be."

At the same time as the voice speak, a soft glow, seemingly bright in the dim conditions sprang to life. With a yelp she spun, barely managing to keep her balance. Her fists balled and rose instinctively, and she dropped into a crouch, using the lower center of gravity, as well as the support of one wall to steady herself.

"Be at peace, child. Remember, there is no emotion."

"What?! Copaani mirshmure'cye?"

She demanded, heart still racing. Her eyes found a feline form before her, semi-transparent and giving off the gentle opalescent glow.

"Center yourself. I feel you've not had training, but surely times have not changed so much that the Jedi code is unknown? There is no emotion, there is peace."

"Look here y'damn furball. You can take your Jedi code and shove it. Damn right I've had no training and there's no reason for me to. I'm Mando through and through right?! Who the feth are you?"

La did not take surprises very well sometimes. Particularly when she'd been going out of her way to be vigilant and still had no warning before this jackass popped up behind her. If she'd been armed he'd likely have been shot on the spot.


"Big talker that one.."

Jidte muttered when the others reply was tranmitted, at least the use of Mando'a meant he probably was a vod. The transmitter check had come back, and the ship was down as belonging to aliit Itera. Knowing that it was easy enough to find [member="Hulle Itera"]s feed and patch him into their channel. He would now he able to hear all their communications without needing to use the ship comms, as well as being able to patch into the viewpoints of any of them save for La herself, MIA and out of touch as she was.

"I'm sure your sensors told you the same ours did, ships biomechanical. We've got one of ours, Harampr-"


"seeing if he can access the main portion of the ship via one of the hulks it's in the process of absorbing. Primary mission is currently to find or ascertain the status of our missing squad mate, secondary and original was to bring this bad boy back to Manda'yaim."

Haramprs viewpoint would currently show him studying a wall of the same somewhat oily looking material that made up the ghost ships hull running down the middle of the trapped corvette.

"Look at these readings, I don't think it's as thick here, I reckon a controlled charge could blow a way on. I probably have enough explosives on me now to do it.

"You do that you might be opening the damned thing to the vacuum. Las air went bad before we lost her, bad's better than none."

"I could close the hatch to this ship beforehand. It would mean till we were on our way out no one else could come in this way."

"I don't like you in there with no backup. You don't know what condition La's in."

Or if she's still alive. That hung unsaid.

"At the very least we need to run you a spare EVA suit."


Leave it to Sasctayr to have used the other mans feed and clan to identify him.

"What's your skillset?"

In short, his assistance would be accepted, they just needed to know what he could do and how best to use him.
"Ah, who I am does not matter anymore I'm afraid. Long forgotten. It was here that I was struck down by my own Apprentice who I failed to steer clear of the Dark Side."

The feline replied mournfully.

"But, the force corrected that eventually, and all is as it should be."

"Are you telling me you're dead."

"There is no death, there is only the Force. But in laymans terms, I suppose I am. The Force has more mysteries than any of us could ever unravel my child."

"You're the bloody ghost of the ghost ship."

This observation was paired with a hand warily probing into the felines form and meeting no resistance, or any indication that she was touching anything at all. Likely not a threat then.

"I'm sure you have many questions for me my child."

"No, feth off."

"I- pardon me?"

La had already turned and was continuing her undignified foray further into the ship. As if she had the time or inclination to deal with Jedi or ghosts. Let alone both. Pfft.

"I have seen your future child! You will have much need for guidance!"

"Carn't hear you over the karks I don't give!"

She called back, not even looking over her shoulder. As if she needed some stuffy know-it-all ghost-cat to tell her what her future held. 'Oooh, so much darkness, repent, embrace the light, otherwise you'll fight a lot and probably get shot!'. That was what being a Mando was all about thank you. If she needed guidance she'd download a map.

Hulle Itera

The sinners blood must be spilt...
[member="Werdla Dardalab"]

Hulle scoffed, "What can you throw at me?" He didn't exactly want to seem arrogant, but he was a vet, and even though they didn't know it, he disliked being asked what his "skill set" was. But considering that a life was at stake, he decided that he should clarify his skills.

"I'm a clansman of Itera,"
he paused as if he had said enough, but after an uncomfortable silence he clarified with a sigh, "Zero G's our specialty. And it seems like the specialty that you need right now."
"Solo operator eh? Fair enough."

Jidte restrained himself from rolling his eyes, unseen as it would be. At least the other eventually offered his specialization. Maybe this one was a recent convert, or maybe Itera were just full of it. Obviously any Mando ought to be proficient in almost anything when it came to war and survival, but that didn't mean there weren't things some were better at than others. This was particularly obvious when you worked in a squad. It wasn't efficient to have everyone trying to do everything, better to assign people to what they did best.

"Don't know what Harampr's going to find in the ship, y'could probably breach it with him if you wanted to."

No mention that it could be dangerous. They were mandos, if it wasn't dangerous they likely wouldn't be doing it. He'd been warned about the known and unconventional threat, don't make contact with the surface of the ghost ship, beyond that he'd have to figure it out on the fly, same as them, if he was inclined to take part that was.

"Whatever you folks decide make it fast. Once I blow this thing the hatch is staying shut. I'm not venting whatever atmo this damned thing has when La's in there with a breached suit."

And if Jidte knew his vod, and they all knew each other, he wouldn't wait patiently for too much longer. Harampr was a lot of things, patient wasn't one of them, particularly when a vode was in danger. Jidte could understand that, and valued the mans loyalty and dedication, it was comforting to know if he was ever in trouble his squad would come for him, but he also knew that planning and preparation often won the day. He'd rather go a little slower and make sure he was successful.

[member="Hulle Itera"]
"This fethin' ship is definitely too damned big."

La panted, pausing for a moment to catch her breath. Hopping was incredibly tiring after awhile, even for one as fit as she was. On the plus side the subtle background noises of machinery were picking up so it seemed likely that she was getting somewhere. Too bad the damned dead spook was still following her, occasionally spouting platitudes that was was stubbornly ignoring. No dead kitty-cat was going to tell her what to do. Spooks didn't know anymore when they were dead than when they were alive. If anything it was even more useless. Plus you couldn't shoot it or punch it to make it shut up. Vexing to say the least.

"This ship is a vessel of war, it has seen much misery. You should leave it, while you can my child. Hatred does not cease through hatred at any time. Hatred ceases through love, this is an unalterable law."

"Now I see why you ain't in the Long March, they got annoyed and kicked your furry shebs back out. Besides, aren't you not supposed t'love stuff?"

Alright, it was a bit hard to ignore. She pushed off from the wall and continued on her way, doggedly heading for where she hoped the ships controls were.

"The root of suffering is attachment. To claim a thing and love it as a possession is the first step towards falling. To radiate boundless love towards the entire galaxy, above, below and across, unhindered without ill will, without enmity, this is ideal. Love without attachments."

"Don' even reckon y'were a Jedi, reckon y'wrote fortune cookies. And even tacking 'in bed' on the end of 'em don't make 'em worth hearing."

La grumbled.

"Ah, I see now child, you know one of the truths!"

"I know a lot of things what are true."

"But the truth you have learned is for those further down the path. You have learned the truth of silence, and seek to apply it to others, but you lack the other necessary building blocks."

"Yes, truth of silence. Lets all practice that."

Honestly La was a little out of breath by now, between the exertion and the bad air. Sass was getting harder and harder to manage.

"As the small stream is loudest and the great river travels silently, so to do those who are most empty speak the most and those who are full travel in the dignity of silence."

"Be a karking river."
"Ah, but it is meant as a lesson my child,"

"Ain't yer fethin' child."

"the silence you see, is meant to be both internal as well as external. It could be seen as a metaphor for peace rather than literal silence."

"Could be literal. I like literal."

"There is no stillness within you child, you have known too much war, too many conflicts. Your wrath and anger is quick to rise. You take pleasure in it. But you could be so much more, if you would just accept my teachings, my words. He who can curb his wrath as soon as it arises, as a timely antidote will check snakes venom that so quickly spreads, such a being gives up the here and the beyond, just as a serpent sheds it's worn-out skin."

"W- That one don't even make sense!"

"As a bead of water on a lotus leaf does not adhere, neither does the enlightened being adhere to the seen, the heard of the sensed."

"Now I'm a bead of water. I thought I was a bloody river."

"Ah, you are my child, and the blood is the crux of the issue. You must learn to draw parallels. As these are, so am I, as I am, so are these. Seeing the parallels you must not harm nor kill, not encourage or allow others to do so."

"Y'need to stop talking to me."

The next bend of the corridor, revealed a closed hatch. With a sigh, the Mando moved, grasping the wheel in both hands and straining to turn it. Slowly, slowly it began to move with a creak of protest.

"You defile that which is holy within you when you hate and kill. A mind unruffled by the vagaries of fortune, from sorrow freed, from defilements cleansed, from fear liberated, this is the greatest blessing and the only thing worth striving for. As irrigators channel waters, fletchers shape arrows and carpenters shape wood, so should the enlightened being seek to master themselves."

"HA! After all your don't kill, no blood, blah blah, you're using a fletcher as an example! Hypocrit!"

It was at this point the wheel started to turn freely under Las straining muscles and the hatch swung open.
"Thank the gods."

La commented, looking into a large circular room filled with screens and control panels.

"There are no Gods, there is only the Force."

"Shut up."

"It is not to late to change your ways and turn back child."

"You are literally the worst."

Moving to what looked to be a central and important station, La was semi relieved to see familiar markings and controls that looked easily operable by a human hand. None of the stories had said who had built the bloody thing, it would have been just her luck if you had to fly it with controls stuck up your nose while wiggling your eyebrows a certain way or something.

"It is unlikely the Guardian of this ship will allow you access in any case, you'd do best to listen to me and my advice."

"The what now?"

That sounded semi relevant. Maybe some people thought of benevolent figures when they heard the word guardian. La had been fighting her entire life, she thought of opposition, dangerous opposition. Still, she'd not seen anyone or anything else yet, so with a mental shrug she began hitting buttons that looked like they should coincide with controls and tasks she knew from other ships. The full lighting of the bridge flickered and came on. Screens around the room slowly came to life, displaying the surrounding space, illusion broken by the occasional dark spot where something had gone wrong in the display or where it was broken for an instrument panel or hatch.

"Bridge displays; activated. Observation; an unnecessary waste of power shortening the projected lifespan of this vessel by point threeseventwonine percent. Statement; this course of action is not advisable."

"To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our minds strong and clear Guardian."
Chided the Ghost.

"Statement; this vessel was not built to accommodate non-living beings. Conclusion; your opinion is invalid."

"Well I'm a living thing!"

"Observation noted and confirmed."
"What was this vessel built for then?"

In her limited experience, ship-souls, AI's, droids that hadn't been wiped in too long, whatever, tended to be touchy. If you could find the right commands however, everything became much easier.

"Response; this vessel was built to serve both offensively and defensively in fleet to fleet actions."

"War is a sure path to the Dark side, we are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. You must cast aside such violent thoughts and inclinations child. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a light that never leaves."

"Oh that's wonderful, then snipers can pick me out with no trouble. Think I'd rather not."

"It is not meant to be literal, as suggested by the terminology, in particular the use of the word 'like' my child."

"Who built this vessel?"

"Error, data corrupted, information not found."

Maybe if she rephrased the answer and insight could still be found.

"Where was this vessel built?"

"Error, data corrupted, information not found."

"What vessel is this?"

"Reply; this vessel is the Gorgorror."

"How old is this ship?"

"Error, data corrupted, information not found."

"What'd you do to my armour?"

"Reply; your armour was absorbed to strengthen hull integrity, make necessary repairs and to acquire additional power and data."

"You already got a bunch of ships you half ate why couldn't you use them!"

"Reply; the ships in question are being held in reserve in case this vessel suffers extreme damage. Additional Information; signals to and from the absorbed metallic suggested a wealth of information available, this was confirmed. Statement; this vessel thanks you for you coordinate data and cooperation."

"Who owns you?"

"Reply; this vessel is operating without a crew."
"Fantastic, you belong to the Mandalorians now."

"Statement; no."

"What d'y'mean no? You don't have a crew, I'm standing here pressing buttons telling you you're mine."

"Reply; this vessel continues logs indicating Mandalorian culture to be viewed as a threat."

"A threat to who?"

"Reply; this vessel."

"Well we're not a threat to you if you're on our side are we."

"Reply; this statement is technically correct."

"Besides, you said you were made to for offensive and defensive fleeting yeah?"

"Reply; correct."

"Well you're not doing much of that out here are you? Just going about snagging the odd ship. I seen what's stuck to your hull, half of 'em are just cargo haulers. You're not fulfilling your purpose. You were made to fight and you're not."

"Reply; this statement is logically sound."

"Plus, you don't know who made you, and you don't have any other crew, so it's not like you're hopping the fence."

"Idiom identified. Reply; these facts are also confirmed. Statement; new objective accepted. Transferring ownership. Updating Files. File update complete. Please input new commands."

"That's more like it. Open up the comm channel t'the corvette out there."

"Communication channels open and engaged."

"Su cuy'gar! Miss me?"


"Where are you?"

"What happened?"

"Udesii, vod. You know I'm hard t'kill. Gorgorror ate my damn armour, but we've reached an agreement, he's Mando now."

"He? Is that ship crewed?"

"Naw, it's got like.. an AI, or a shipsoul or whatever. And a karking ghost."

"A what?"

"Don't ask. I'm sure you'll have the pleasure of bein' preached at soon enough."
"Gorgorror, you're not to eat any more Mando ships, or Mando armour, right?"

"Reply, command accepted."

"So they can link up and you're gonna let 'em go afterwards, right?"

"Reply; correct. Statement; while lacking a traditional port, this vessel is capable of temporarily bonding to without absorbing any vessel. Additional information; a temporary opening can be formed is this vessels hull to allow access in such a situation."

"What, y'can like, decide what you attach to, unattach, eat, and let stuff through at will?"

"Reply; correct."

"So you could've let me in without eating my armour."

"Reply; correct."

"Well, you're still a bastard but that might come in handy later."

"This is incredible!"

"Haha, we actually caught a ghost ship!"

"First rounds on me when we get home!"

"Speakin' of, let's bring 'im home. Show the rest of the vode what we managed."

"If he's behaving now, it's probably faster and easier if we dock and let Gorgorror make the flight home yeah?"

"Pft, y'just want to come play on my ghost ship."

"Maybe a bit."

"Let's go back to the bit where there's an actual ghost."

"He was a Jedi apparently, and he's a right pain in the shebs."

"So there's just some man floating about."

"Well, more feline. And he don't exactly float, though he does glow and is a bit see through."


"It's not nearly as awesome as it sounds. Now someone get over here and bring a stick, I wanna see the rest of Gorgorror on the trip back!"

"A stick?"

"He ate my bloody prossie too."

"Didn't you specifically say you weren't going to be hoppin-"

"Shut up."

"Love you too La'ika."

"I know. Now land the damned ship somewhere and get your shebs in here."

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