Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Death From Above


Location: Seltos
Objective: Retrieve the family of traitors
Tags: Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

A shuttle burst through the atmosphere of Seltos, shooting straight down to the surface of the once confederate planet with haste. Inside its rumbling hull was a squad of five Alliance troopers, accompanied by a lone padawan who had been sent alone by his Master Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble to help the soldiers on the low risk extraction. Silas sat in between the troopers and calmly looked ahead of him, silent and in deep thought for most of the trip. The last few weeks had left him sleepless and on edge from the mixture of no sleep and recycled concern, largely from the crystal that had been waking him as well as the obsessive thoughts of his ancestors. He wanted it all to stop so he could be normal again, but it wasn't as simple as that.

His thoughts were soon cut off by the shake of the ship coming to a halt in the mountains. Slowly but surely they hovered down to the ground and touched down safely on the ground, giving the men freewill to get up from their seats and head outside. One at a time the troopers exited the ship and formed a perimeter until Silas and the Captain himself walked out with a blaster slung over his shoulder.

"Aright folks, loose formation going forward. Me and Silas will take point..." he grunted to all of them as he shot a look to the boy and motioned to follow him. Soon after the rest of his men would follow, their heads constantly on a swivel for anything out of place. They were all clearly well disciplined when it came to their jobs, just as a Jedi was. The only difference being they were the main backbone of the alliance, without them planets would have been reduced to ash by now.

"Sir, the people who we are collecting were once a part of the Kainites correct?" The padawan asked respectfully, not from his raank but from how he talked to people he didn't know "Affirmative, more so the husband than the wife and kids. We've been in contact with him for the past few weeks. For now, he has avoided any contact with his former masters and has been held up in a cabin not far from here in the mountains" he said to the padawan in a lowered tone as they began to see the cabin in the distance "Not only that, but he also had data regarding future projects the sith had planned. Once we have retrieved them safely, we will hand them over to your master and the order"

The captain quickly pressed forwards with his men and soon began to approach the front of the cabin. Before the men even noticed the door off its hinges a disturbance in the force made him stop in his tracks. Both the captain and padawan looked at each other, both thinking the same thing as he motioned his men to form at the door "Silas, stay out here." he said sternly to the boy, who simply nodded to the request without a complaint.

Even so, he didn't want to leave the men totally alone. Taking out his lightsaber with one smooth motion, he began to carefully make his way to the window...
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Dark Valkyrie ArmorRevans Lightsaber
New lightsabers (yet to be named)

Jeff Williams - Ra'viatah, Osa Manetah


Moments ago...​
Knock Knock Knock, her fist lightly tapping against the wooden door. This was the place alright, given that there had been traps placed about. Her arrival was silent enough so that perhaps it was deceiving. No doubt instructions would have been given to avoid wires to create a signalling boom. Waiting for the door to creek open the slightest Teresa leant against the building keeping her tall and armored frame from out of sight. She could hear the taps of foot steps trying to be quiet, but the hard floor inside did not do well to dampen any sound of a built soldier only ever trained for war. Fingers slid and gripped around the cold metal Saber, one of few she now owned. Her hand raised with the weapon, thumb on the ignition ready and waiting.

The door was unlocked and slowly it creaked open. With a cautious look a face peered through the small gap a cautious look that quickly turned to fear. A black beam that emanated a red glow snapped hissed to life as the free hand slapped the door open the rest of the way, though her strenght had broken the hinges enough to leave the door crooked. She had pierced a hole reaching through the gut and into the spine, there would be no running for him now at most a crawl might get a little distance. His body would have been heavy to push for most others as it braced the door, even she would have struggled weeks ago if it was not for a perfection that Kaine desired for her. A gift for sure and one Teresa very much appreciated. "Tsk tsk tsk." Her orange eyes surrounded by black gazed down at the soldier. She did not care he was a traitor, he was no more than a target in which Teresa had been pointed.

"P...please, just... don't hurt my family." The Solider begged with pain and fear in his voice.

"Ohh? Dear, you are simply in no place to make requests. Had you have remained loyal they would have maybe lived a useful life, however your mistakes have rendered all of you as waste." Her hand motioned as she walked, the soldiers body sliding shortly behind. Teresa crouched by the mother, teenage daughter and young son. "My aren't you two just precious." The mothers loving grasp became more firm around her children as Teresa's condescending words rung out.

"I... arghhh... beg, please don't." Still his tone was the same but rapidly getting weaker by the second.

"Be quiet worm." Teresa did not look at him as his skin became white as a ghost till finally the remaining strength had been drained out of him. Of course it was not a natural death, rather it was an opportunity to train one of the abilities Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex had shown her on Tython. "Now lady, I am feeling kind. Which child stays with you, and which child do you forfeit to serve me in exchange for your life?"

"How, how can you be so twisted to ask me to choose? I know your kind, evil, corrupt cast everything that cannot fight back below your heels while all sith do what ever pleases you. I will not choose because even if I was to choose we'd all die anyway." The woman spoke out clutching ever so harder onto her children keeping them firm in a mothers embrace.

"If you don't choose I will simply end you all, can you not see this is me showing a slither of mercy." Her demeanour seemed calm but the threat in each word was ever present, as if it was a poison. The very corrupting energy that radiated bought fear into those close enough to feel its icy touch.

"I-" Just as the teenager moved to try stand up her mother tried to pull her back. "Mom, it's.... it's okay. Let me do this to protect Sable." Her gaze turned to look at the sith that grew a grin on her lips. "I will go with you." The girls face scrunched up as tears dropped from her eyes, her posture looking defensive and closed off.

"Komi, I-" Once more a snap hiss with a haunting hum rang out that cut the woman's speech off. Though it did not penetrate, rather there to scare her mouth shut.

"My, such a brave girl... Komi." Teresa pulled the girl in and lifted her up with one arm as if she weighed nothing. She appeared to have kept her word, but like Komi's father the mother and her brother's very life had been drained from them. Nothing but empty husks remained in that building. "You now serve me, not as a slave. Do well and I will reward you, betray me and your mother will be hunted down and killed along with little Sable. Do you understand."

"Y...yes." She spoke daintily as the girl cried.

Her wings beat hard lifting her body from the ground, there was no sound while taking off nor the sounds of flapping that many avian animals had. Rather hers was like the few predators that was silent. For now Teresa would let the girl have her time to cry, her pain and broken heart felt like a tiny battery. Turning about Teresa had noticed that her timing was close. It was hard not to notice the group hiking up the mountain. However she hoped if they was to see her, that she was some kind of animal. Very few took the chance to look up and really inspect.

However, one of them in the group below felt... different. Just a feeling but something perverted. It made her think of the blue blade that was on Tython that she did not have the chance to clash blades with, but it was not that guy something was a little different. Perhaps it was another blue or green blade. If it became a problem then she knew that her training would be put to use and deal with it. Still Teresa knew there was no leaving yet. Kaine had asked for a report straight away once the task was done, that and supplies needed getting from the nearest settlement, food was running a tad low and so was the strange red drink which made her head feel all dizzy. For now she remained heading back up the mountain, stash the girl in her ship and finish up on the world.

It took only minuets to get to ship. Her body angled hard as her feet touched against the rocky flat. Lowering Komi down to the ground Orange eyes watched the girl for a moment as she herself looked at the black VCX-100 remake. "Come along. In time, I'll let you decorate it as you wish, and once you have calmed down and I have had time to think, I will tell you what your duties shall be." The girl simply nodded her response with a sniffle, clearly to depressed to give a verbal answer.

Komi would be ushered forwards and taken straight inside, they would pass through a room with a eating area and a few crates. As they passed through Teresa pulled a necklace towards her and then over the head of the girl without touching it. "Keep that on." She said softly as they finally got to the small bedroom that was rather empty besides a few draws and a bunk. Once the girl was inside, Teresa did not hesitate to lock the door. Though the girl might find solace in that or perhaps the very opposite. Either way it was of little thought to the woman as she made her way back to the ramp and sat down. Pulling out a communicator to make the report the hologram of Kaine would be displayed and quickly the two began to talk.
Location: Seltos
Objective: Retrieve the family of traitors
Tags: Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

As soon as his eyes looked through the foggy glass window the troopers burst through the entrance and flooded into the living room. Upon first sight, they saw the entire family motionless on the floor, their bodies drained of any life they once had in volumes before. The troopers made fast work to secure the house and knelt down beside them, slowly closing their eyes so they could be at peace.

Whoever had come and caused this brutality was no beast, but an individual who knew what they were doing. Just when he was about to move away from the window, he heard the captain remark that one family member was missing. A daughter was not there, something which made Silas think wildly of the fact she could possibly be still alive.

Silas lowered his head and sighed in frustration, memories from a time gone by beginning to catch up with him from the same circumstance. No... he couldn't let this mutant destroy another life.

Pushing himself away from the window he ran into the forest and stopped next to a tall tree. Silas made sure his lightsaber was still secure in his pocket before using the sturdy branches to begin climbing up the tree. With no tracks on the floor, he needed to see if there was anything he could see from the sky. If he had chosen the right tree, he'd be able to see far and wide from the top. Right now, it was the only idea Silas could think of. Turning up with nothing was something he couldn't afford.

Breathing more heavily, he pulled his body above the tree line and felt the warm breeze hit his face. Silas couldn't help but close his eyes and take it all in for a second before looking out into the horizon, desperately looking for anything of importance. At first, all hope seemed to be lost, but that was soon changed from a small glint of metal not too far away. The padawan leaned forward slightly and saw a small part of a ship's hull through the thick mesh of the leaves.

Another ship parked up all this way in the wild was bizarre in itself, surely it had to be something. Climbing down as fast as he climbed up, the teen ran as fast as he could straight towards the ship. Whatever the individual had planned for the young girl it certainly didn't sound good, and he'd do whatever it took to keep her from sharing the same nightmare he did.

His eyes narrowed as he finally stopped with a slide across the grassy ground. before him stood a winged woman, far taller and more menacing than he was. The dark energy she held was almost overwhelming, one that made Silas think if it was wise to even go at it alone. Grunting with determination, he took out his lightsaber in one swift motion and ignited the blue weapon. For now, he left it to hang in his right hand as he stared down the giant woman.

"You... what have you done with the girl!?" Silas shouted with authority. Coldly, his eyes rested on the hologram of Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and snarled in disgust at the sight of the infamous Sith "Carnifex, I should have known you were working with the most pretentious man in the galaxy..."
Last edited:
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Dark Valkyrie ArmorRevans Lightsaber
New lightsabers (yet to be named)

Ok Goodnight - Awake


She could sense the person coming closer by the moment and moving fast, however Teresa still intended to wrap up her report. "Yes, I will make it back in a day or so. I've something I plan to work on and well may take a few stops along the way, you know I have to stretch my wings." She was not exactly lying, being cramped on a small ship made it hard to stretch, small periods of time was okay. Any longer than a small time and like any part of the body began to ache from been idle. There was a snap hiss of a blue blade one she caught in the corner of her eyes but paid it no mind at first. Her attention was fully focused on Kaine who had been teaching the woman in the ways of the force and expanding upon combat skills.

"Very well, apprentice. But do not make me wait for long. My patience has its limits, as does my mercy." Carnifex spoke before the call abruptly ended.

Teresa finally looked up stashing the com into a pouch. "It is rude to interject when people are talking." Pushing herself up the woman rose, She stood tall and wings stretching out wide. Light practically reflected from off the procyclin white skin, so much so that the armor highlighted Teresa's beauty. Yet not form of attractiveness could take away from the intimidating feel of eyes surrounded by black. "I've no idea what pretentious means, however I can only assume it's an insult. You know, he is a rather remarkable man. In more ways than one can imagine. To fear him is to respect him in all his magnitude." She said talking with a calm demeanour.

Slowly step by step she walked down the ramp as both wings folded back in. Black hair moved with the gentle breeze. Teresa could almost pick up some emotion, though many still felt the same. "Hummm, is that a hint of doubt I feel in you young one? I am surprised you came alone, leaving your soldiers behind is not the most strategic of moves. A minor advantage is all they would have given you regardless, or perhaps you left them behind because you could not face to loose your pets on loose leashes."

Her hand wrapped around one of the three sabers that hung from the belt. "As for the girl, she has swore loyalty to me of her own choice. A good little future retainer. Still young enough to learn her place and duties. Unlike the rest of her family, no they where a weakness needed to be wiped away. My teacher has no use for those kind of people. So tell me blue blade." Her eyes narrowed as they peered down at the child vastly smaller than her. "Do you intend to use that, to try kill me?" Teresa hinted towards his ignited blade. "Do you think you can?"

The woman leaned forward a little while bringing her empty hand to rest below the chin in a pose. "I am very willing to entertain the notion. After all you'd not be the first to try."


Location: Seltos
Objective: Retrieve the family of traitors
Tags: Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

"When did the Sith ever have manners?" he said back to her with a tilt of his head, unafraid to talk about to a more superior foe than he was. The fact her master was Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex was a telling tale of how much potential she had. Even though the sith lord was a proven mad man, there was no doubt his power was one of the strongest in the galaxy. Silas had no fear of this anyway, Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble had taught him well to look after himself in this situation. It was fitting that a father and son padawans were finally going to meet...

"I have no fear of the man you call master, nor will I ever will. Gaining respect through outright power will only end up one way, his destruction..." Silas grunted and frowned slightly from how much the dark lord had clearly shrouded her mind. Whatever she was before no longer existed, only replaced by the desperate will to fulfil her master's bidding. In truth, he felt sad for the woman. It must have been a brutal and sad life she had to live under the man's shadow.

Silas took a few steps back and raised his lightsaber up in a defensive guard as he walked down the ramp, cautious of what she was going to do next. His head slowly shook to the point out of doubt from the woman, trying to deny such a thing in the face of his accuser. In some ways, she was right but not in the context of this situation. As well as doubt, confusion was also present in the boy from who he really was. Everyone before him was the people he swore not to be, all of them choosing the same lifestyle as the woman who stood in front of him now. Inside, the truth was slowly but surely ripping him apart "Doubt? are your senses taking a break today Sith?!" he said defensively, his normally calm blue eyes showing signs of uncertainty in the response "I will kill you if I must, either way, I will free you from the chains that Carnifex binds you too" the boy responded with more aggression now

He wasn't going to let the girl willingly go with her. Choice or not, she was being blinded down a path of agony that was hard to return from "The girl will not leave this planet. Like it or not, she will be coming back to her family who LOVE her" sooner or later the Sith would show their true colours and make her realise what she had gotten herself into. Even if it meant putting himself in harm's way, he was more than willing to do anything to get her away from this monster.

"Nor will I be the last... I won't stop until she's safe" the boy promised as he bravely began to walk right at the Sith head on. Slowly, he began to transition into a running pace and barrel towards the woman with speed, determination etched across his expression. Suddenly, the launched forwards and swung a flurry of quick strikes towards her legs to try and cut at the roots of the titan above him.
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Dark Valkyrie ArmorRevans Lightsaber
New lightsabers (yet to be named)

Jeff Williams - Ra'viatah, Osa Manetah


Teresa snorted from amusement of the boy's remark. "I will have you know I have excellent manners, thank you. Perhaps if you met me a long time ago, I didn't. Then again since been under the tutelage of the Kainite I gained a rather good education that was never offered to me. Also it's easy to say you are not scared or do not fear, but if you was to stand before him." A smirk grew across the woman's lips as she tilted her head lightly to the side. "Well you would understand the delusion you tell yourself and just to make something clear, I do not call him master. He does not own me. I am no slave."

Still Teresa had yet to ignited any of her blades and it was clear that his eyes was calculating as he spoke. "No I am sure I sense doubt in you. There is more in there but I cannot quite point out that that emotion but it does not matter. Not really it's clear that in your state those emotions are driving you. Otherwise you'd not be threatening to kill me. Here I though your kind of blades preached peace. As for the chains you claim I am bound by, I assure you he holds me by non. It is thanks to him the 'chains' that bound me no longer exist."

The woman's head straightened back up as her fingers swirled taking grasp of all three sabers in the force but yet to lift them away from the belt. Teresa did not like that he was starting to threaten taking what was hers. Even in her calm demeanour the boy would feel the flair of anger and a hint of excitement. "The girl is mine, and no one will be taking her. She is my now retainer in training. Meaning her life is now dedicated to serve me. A choice she made, my she even requested her family's death for their traitorous ways. I was not even going to kill her mother and brother. My she was so adamant. Down right pushy. How could I refuse such a loyal young woman." Of course some of that was a lie, and she played it off so well. As she finished speaking the boy had already began to move towards her, gradually gaining speed.

Teresa remained still even as he barrelled and slashed at the armored plating of her legs that withstood each hit. It wasn't hard to see where his eyes focused. So much gave people away, a life of assassinations taught her that. Killing was how the woman survived before Carnifex, now she lives. Her eyes peered down with a grin upon her lips. "Cute, but now its my turn." Her foot kicked out with force to send the boy back. All three sabers flung out, one to her hand which was purple and the other two in the air that once ignited showed the crystals inside was so corrupted that the core of the beams was black as it emitted a red glow.

"Your teacher is doing poorly with training. If you intend to kill, aim for the weak spots kid. My head is open, my upper arms are covered with cloth that a saber should reach through, back of the knees are a good one. Geez, even my back has two big targets." Both wings widened out showing their size at full length. The feathers seemed to draw in light except the primary feathers that was crimson in colouration. "However, now you are the aggressor I will not let you go unscathed. I will show you no matter who comes after me, they should show the respect and fear my prowess." The woman lunged forward boosted by a heavy beat of her wings as she made a stabbing attack against the boys abdomen. Both red blades followed behind to drive down towards his shoulders.


Location: Seltos
Objective: Retrieve the family of traitors
Tags: Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax

Silas slashed away at the woman's legs, trying bravely to cut her down to size. However, the woman simply stood still and let him do so without a care in the world. As expected, the saber did not affect the armor which perfectly protected her weak point No... my emotions are none of your concern! nor am I here to kill you, I'm here to save the girl you're taking from a horrid life" he grunted glaring up at her with defiance as she taunted him by revealing all of her open spots. Kark... they were always so arrogant.

Not that it mattered, she'd be protecting those vulnerable areas like a wounded animal when it came to it. Teresa was way out of his skill range, someone who he shouldn't even be fighting in the first place. That made him think, that maybe he didn't have to fight?

His eyes widened slightly and a loud grunt escaped the teen as he stumbled backward from the rough hit. Silas snapped back into his defensive calm stance that had his saber lowered. The boy knew the sith could feel confusion flowing through his body, she just didn't realise what it truly meant yet. For a while, he has been overthinking about who he truly was, a born to be Sith or a newfound Jedi who hoped to bring peace to the galaxy. With what the future held, he hoped it was the latter.

"The way my master teaches is none of your concern. And honestly, what even is the point in going for them now? you'd just be waiting for me to go there every time now. I'm young, but not stupid..." he grunted back to her, his face unsure of what she was going to do. But soon enough, she began to speak again "I don't fear you and never will. If you don't move aside, you will then have to fall..." he said back coldly, the blue eyes of the boy staring down at her first lightsaber.

Swiftly rotating his body to the right, the trusted lightsaber goes right past him until another two come down to his shoulders fast. Silas didn't have enough to move and did his best to try and block them. Both sabers hit him and forced the padawan back first to the floor with a grunt. Scrambling backward, he did well to create some space and get back up again, his clothing stained slightly from the mud below.

"Three sabers? don't you already have enough advantage as it is?" he grunted at the winged woman, carefully eyeing them up while she stood before him. Going in close was suicide, he needed to keep his distance if he was going to have some sort of chance. Lowering his right hand down, he grasped a large chunk of wood from the floor and kept note of the environment around him. Rocks and wood scattered the floor, as well as trees that surrounded them. For now, they were going to be his weapon.

Backing away, he flung the piece of wood at her chest and moved towards the treeline. His goal was to bombard the sith and tire her down, only then would he be able to strike. His goal was to lean up against a tree and use it as a fail safe. If she decided to strike, hopefully, a falling tree would be a good enough distraction to strike.
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge

Dark Valkyrie ArmorRevans Lightsaber
New lightsabers (yet to be named)

Jeff Williams - It Was Bait


In that moment she was tempted to facepalm hearing the stupidity from the child had it not being for her positioning. "No, you really are dim witted. Of course I will protect my weak points, any good fighter will do as such, the trick is perseverance to brake down your foes defense in overpowering offence. If only you was not an evil blue blade, I see lots of potential in you. If you survive, I might just have to make you mine. Least then you will actually be taught properly. I mean you know my mentor, you have seen those who have flourished from his tutelage." A grin reached across her lips at the thought of a little loyal fighter.

Teresa was wonderfully surprised in a way to get a hit off so quickly enough to sent the boy back. The use of multiple sabers was in a sense still a work in progress. Something that Teresa thought of after one of her training sessions with her mentor. A man who pushed for the best out of those that go into his tutelage, a man who only invests his time into those who are worthy. "Yes three sabers and I plan to get more too. I wonder perhaps your saber might make a nice little addition to the collection. Clearly you are not ready for the one you carry. Besides, no such thing as to much advantage."

As she was speaking the boy made his move launching a chunk of wood at her, though she could have avoided it even tossed it aside, Teresa wanted to let it strike her let the pain enter her body. Such glorious and tantalizing pain. It made her feel stronger, better even. She tracked him with her eyes keeping tabs on the emotions that was flowing.

Teresa could not help but find it a little funny. He was running away, perhaps trying to draw her in, however all he had done was give her the opportunity to get onto the ship and go. Not that the woman was going to. The situation offered far to much fun. Clipping the purple blade onto her belt and taking hold of the two identical ones she turned part way back towards the ship. Using the force, she hit the button to raise the ramp of the ship so that no one could be so sneaky and try to board while perusing the baby blue blade.

"Your emotions do not do you justice. How they scream, I am here. Honestly its making this game of hide and seek far to easy. However, I can make it much harder. How do you think your men would feel if I turned this whole hillside into an inferno of fire. Do you think they would be able to out run it, or perhaps they would succumb to the flames and become charred corpses."

Teresa threw the offhand saber in a narrow arch as she kept walking towards the direction of the boy. The cuts was precise and calculated as large chunks of wood began to fall down. Finally the blade slapped against her palm as it returned. "Are you sure you do not fear me, or should I say fear us, you did not think that it was just me did you. Why else do you think I was waiting when you found me?" Both blades was now placed onto her belt. Doing a force jump as to not use her wings she latched onto a tree and taking a seat on one of the more sturdy branches.

The woman pushed out with the force taking grasp of the chunks of wood with telekinesis. That part was child play given she had to use that ability constantly for the past several years, no the hard part was making the several chunks to appear like her. Doppelgänger was perhaps the first ability she ever learnt, no master ever taught it but the sight did. It had is practical uses. Silas would not see the chunks of wood as they where moving in what seemed a random pattern at first, each one of them would look like Teresa.

It was a simple test of what he would do. A bait and lure to the boy.



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