Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dead Space on a ruined world

Sabrina both shocked, by, @rexus darth, and in ore of what, he just did. Then he asked her, after the man poured her, a glass of wine, did she want to know how. The was only two things, she wanted to know, how to do it, and how stop it. She answered, with half smile, and slightly nervous voice, Yes, but also how to defend against it. She did not want people, having that level of control, over her.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
Chuckling Rexus sighed afterwards and took a sip of his drink, really Rex could only do three things. He was decent at grip and push, but he was a master mentalist and that was his jam. That was his bread and butter and he would teach the girl the basics of what was going on with it. "Lets start with something simple, you see the people around us they aren't even paying attention. Because I am all up in their brains right now casting a nothing interesting to see over here vibe. If there's one thing that you need to know its that perception is reality."
Sabrina looked at [member="Rexus Drath"], and started to wonder how, he is doing it. He explained how he got into their heads, but she could not understand, how he did it to them all at once. She took a sip of her wine, and leaned in, and asked How do you do this to one person, let alone a whole room? She could see, power in this, true power, not menial power of lightsaber, or a force lighting. Compared to this power, they just mundane tools, to use drastic action. She really was impressed, with what he has done.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
"Well it's an aura kind of, like a field of effect on people. It's not too hard to do but when you start dealing with people on star ships yeah that gets hard. I can't even do that yet and I'm fairly good at what I do." With a chuckle Rex went into explaining the aura o what it was and how he got it to work. "When you can it , you want to imagine the scene that people would not find interesting at all. Like the bar tendef pouring you a glass of wine or anything along those lines. You just want to think of boring things then with the force augment that idea and let it flow out and around you into their minds."
​So your saying, you find away in to their mind, and alter the perception of reality, to what I want? She really was interested, in this, but her main thought, was how do you give them a thought. Which would stick, when she can change hers , on a whim. She then took a sip of drink, and put glass back down, and asked So how do you enter their mind, in the first place.
[member="Rexus Drath"]

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
"You just need to flow through the force, most people have force signatures and you need to feel them. This method is a bit more direct though and should only be used when you want to deal with a singular person. When you want to distract a room you need more of an area of effect. Let the force flow through you and cast that image or thought all around you and it should work on the average bar going patron." Giving her the small lesson on mentalism it would go a long way if she wanted to learn more about it but in all honesty when you broke the fourth wall every character other people write has no effect because they are all strong minded perfect people. But the power did come in handy in bar threads which were ninty Percent of what Star Wars was anyhow
Sabrina leaned in to [member="Rexus Drath"], and whispered into ear, So how do I, sense the one force signature then? She really wanted to know how to, do the basics of this force power. As she could see great deal, of potential in it, so she it would not work every time, but it did not need to. As if it worked on guards, planetary leaders, company bosses. She would be able gain, some use it in.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
"Coming on a little strong now don't you think? I know what your thinking, he's just so out of my league I need to just get all flirtatious and throw myself at him. But dammit girl you are better than that! You don't need no man!" Chuckling and joking Rex took a sip of his drink then sat back. "It's pretty easy, think of it like a beacon. And each beacon is different. Now take that guy over there." Pointing to a man drinking a glass of ale he looked back to the girl "You just need to sense his beacon through the force and channel it around you, feel it and then think of that thought. Lets make it something happy." With a smile on his face Rex implanted the idea that he would buy himself something nice on the way home. "And another happy customer."
Sabrina laughed, as [member="Rexus Drath"] said she coming on strong, she only whispering in ear. She was hoping, she would not be heard, when she asking how to, break into a mans mind. Then she listened, to how he said, sense for the individual beacon. Home in on that, and then channel that, she sat back in seat, and closed her eyes. As he Rexus had said, she sensed a beacon of sorts, She homed in on it, and realized he was married, she decide to try put thought their, to buy her some flowers on his way home......

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
"Easy as pie, now there's a darker side to this. Mentalism can be used to make people happy or comply with you. But there are just things you should and shouldn't do." Hesitating Rexus sighed then remembered a few of the darker things he had done in the past with the powers of mentalism. He wasn't really comfy with them and his body language could be seen that he was. Taking a large downing of his drink he smiled then spoke "Well you learn fast which is good." He said smiling at her, he was impressed with his new student. "I need a smoke." He said reaching into his coat pocket obviously stressed and a little fidgety
Sabrina looked at hi,m as he pulled out a cigarette, he was stressed. She decide to put hand over, his cigarette, and ask Okay spill, what`s the problem, as those things will not solve it, what ever it is. She liked [member="Rexus Drath"], and did not want to see him, weaken himself , with a really bad habit. Which had side effects early grave, and bad breath, and no wanted some one with bad breath.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
"It's nothing, just a habit I picked up when I got here." Smiling Rexus chuckled almost sarcastically and put the cigarettes on the table, "I'm not this great shinning beacon of what it means to be a force user or a keeper of order. I'm old, well not really. I'm twenty six but if you want to get technical I'm eight hundred and something. Everyone I ever knew or loved is dead. So yes I'm a little stressed and depressed that the last time I said goodbye to the girl I genuinely cared about I was on a stretcher after a roof had caved in on me!" Sighing Rex let his temper flow before he collected himself. Taking a deep breath he grabbed a cigarette and waited as his hands shook a bit, he still had a few shakes from the long cryo sleep and the cigarettes helped calm his nerves.


Well-Known Member
Sabrina looked at him, and said Would your love ones, want you to join them before your time, or loose the rest your life, being stressed, over what never was. I think, if they loved you, they want you to move on, and enjoy the rest your time. As in end we, will become one with force and meet again. She was not going to say it, but none force users, did not have soul, only force users did. That`s why force user, some times became ghosts.

[member="Rexus Drath"]

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
"My loved ones don't want anything, they are dead." Grabbing the smoke Rex's shakes were acting up again and he quite needed the nerve calming chemicals in the smoke. "Listen Sabrina, I get it you care and stuff but I'm not really worth saving. I've done bad things in my life, in war or outside of it. I'm not even a knight anymore, and my job I'm going against my job right now just by training you. So I could get in trouble for just teaching you." Sighing Rex grabbed the cigarette and put it in his mouth. "So hey an early grave doesn't sound too bad. I'm old enough to be your ancestor."
Sabrina said in hushed voice, to try and calm his nerves, I am not here to save anyone, or to judge you, we leave that to the jedi. Who let`s face it, are just a bunch of, brain washed child nappers. She took a breath, then continued, I am only say, if your alive, you may as well, have some fun.
[member="Rexus Drath"]

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
Taking the cigarette out of his mouth Rex gave the girl a straight look really resisting the urge to light up a cigarette. The shakes in his hand were starting to subside a bit and he would get over those later, it was a temporary condition but it did last up to a year or two before he would be at full strength again. "Define fun, cause fun for you might be different than it is for me. If fun is getting chased by more rakghouls I'm pretty set on fun for the month." Keeping cigarette in his still he awaited the girls retort. "Though I do agree on the Jedi bit"


Well-Known Member
Sabrina put on her, most robotic sound voice she could, for comical effect. Things people do, to enjoy them self's. She then laughed, at her own voice, then she scanned the room. She saw a blue Twi'lk, at the bar, and smiled as she saw, the dance floor. How about, you try and get her, to dance with you. She pointed towards, the blue Twi'lik, and then added and no mind control, that`s your challenge. She waited to see, if he would accept the challenge.
[member="Rexus Drath"]

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Taking the cigarette Rex light it up and chuckled before blowing smoke "Yeah there are two things I don't do anymore. Relationships, and dancing. Unless she's Jenha I'm not really interested." Taking a exhale Rex blew smoke from his nostrils and called a new bar tender to the bar to order himself a new drink. "Sorry Sabrina but I'm not a good person." Taking his fruity cocktail he chuckled and took a sip of it. He didn't want women or money or anything really, he just wanted to do his job and go home.
Sabrina rolled her eye`s, when [member="Rexus Drath"], said Yeah there are two things I don't do anymore. Relationships, and dancing. Unless she's Jenha I'm not really interested. He was beating him self up, and then he added Sorry Sabrina but I'm not a good person. Half wanted to say, who said anything about relationship, and who cares if you can`t dance. She deiced to keep her peace, and biter her tongue, and have drink of her wine.
After finishing the glass, and couple of others, it was starting to go to her head. She decide to ask, So who was jenha? Half of her new it was a bad idea, to ask him about the woman, but may it would help him if he talked about it. Then agin she may just get chewed out, for putting her nose, where it was not wanted.
[member="Rexus Drath"]

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
"She's a dead girl." He said taking another drag from his cigarette shortly after expelling the grey smoke from his lungs. "She was a imperial agent for the empire." Having a sip from his drink Rexus looked at her and knew that she really didn't need to know a lot. She needed to focus on her studies and not him. Who Rex was and where he came from was not important but it was more important that she became a knight and learned the powers that would make her a better warrior.

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