Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dead Space on a ruined world

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member

Touching down on the ruined planet of Belgaroth Rexus had felt a disturbance in the force, he felt like he was being called to this desolated world by something. What it was he did not know, but he knew he had to chase it. A woman, that much was sure, this was outside of fringe space in neutral territory and he needed to find her. He needed to save someone maybe? "The hell you doing Rex?" He said as he walked down the ramp of his personal ship. This place felt dark, like something was watching him.

Taking out a cigarette he lite it up and took a long drag, "sorry baby, you know I'd stop if I could." Talking to himself Rex looked around at the dead world and sighed.

"HELLO!!" He yelled into the distance as he began to walk the empty streets of the destroyed planet. With a crunch beneath his feet he could feel the broken droids under him. This place was a graveyard and whoever was here he intended to find her and see what exactly it was he was sent here to do. The inquisitor still had a job to do but he knew that whenever the force called you. You picked up. "HELLO!!" He said again, but this time he was answered by a glaring howl. Whoever was there he needed to find them quick.
Sabrina turned and noticed, the man coming towards her, she looked at him smiled. She replied back, Hello, how are you. She was not sure who he was, but she new the force wanted her to find him. He was the one in a dream she had, and she new he would complete her training. Also she may help kick that habit, then again she may not be able too.
@[member="rexus drath"]

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Walking up to her quickly he could feel this was the one the force wanted her to find, and finally it had delivered him to someone decent looking. The last guy was a squid man and was not really hitting Rex's levels of eye candy. Not saying that he was inappropriate with his female students but at least this one wasn't hard to look at face wise. "My name is Rex, it's not safe here we need to go right no-" being cut off by a mighty roar he could sense the danger all around him. He had heard rumors that this was the beginning birth place of the horde and there would still be small amounts here. "Are you armed?" He said to her looking over to the woman. To truly know someone was to fight by their side and if it came down to it he would defend her with his life. When the force calls and all that jazz @[member="sabrina"]
Sabrina tilted her head and looked up at him, Of course I am armed, who`s not armed. She could sense it too, their was some thing amiss, but she unsure what it was. She scanned the area, but could not see, what she was facing. She turned back to @[member="Rexus Drath"], and asked Any idea what it is? She disliked knowing their was some thing watching her, but not knowing who or what it is.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
"Ghouls." Over eight hundred years ago Rex had a run in with a few rakghouls on a luxury cruise gone horribly wrong. It was probably rank seven of the top ten worse things to happen to him. Small little pockets of Yuuzhan Vong creatures still remained here and the ghoul was no exception to those. Backing up slowly Rex activated his imperial knights silver lightsaber and and continued slowly to his ship. "Sabrina, I know I just met you and all but could you be a doll and get into a strangers ship?" Asking her to get into the ship the roars became louder and louder as a small pack of ghouls could be seen over the horizon.

Roaring and now picking up full speed the beasts outnumbered them ten to two and it was not a good sight to see. "Get in the ship now!" He said loudly looking to the woman. He had just met her and already their lives were in danger. Always a great way to start the day @[member="sabrina"]
Sabrina, looked at @[member="Rexus Drath"], as he asked would she get in stranger ship, with a slight innocent look in her eye, I never been asked that before, but okay. Just so you it`s only because, it`s a better offer, than what their offering. As she started to run from the rak ghouls, with this man. She new very little of who he was, but she new he had to be better than, those things.
As they approached the ship, he heard him say get in, like she need to be told twice. She almost leaped, through ships doors to get inside. Once she was inside, she turned to see if he would get on as well, or would she need top close the door`s on him. If rak ghouls got him, she have no choice, but leave him to his fate.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
As the ghouls swarmed Rex he looked at them as they began to encircle the man. "So we meet again." He said twirling his blade the classing whizing noise echoed through the air as the man store down the ghouls he acted tougher than he really was. Mostly because there was a girl watching but normally we would cried and ran by now. As the first ghoul jumped him Rex maxed a quick side step before cutting it in half with his blade. "Ha! Take that you dead that's right you de-" but that's when the situation got a little more hairy. There was no come at me one at a time Hollywood poodoo happening now. The beasts swarmed him and so he took off headed towards the ship.

"Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!!" Cursing the skies he deactivated his blade then dove into the safety of the ship the doors slamming immediately as he slammed them shut with the force. Hearing the clawing outside Rex laughed and sighed "That's right! Suck it ghouls! Rex two! Ghouls nothing! In your fa-" being cut off again the durasteel doors dented inward still remained sealed by the beasts outside. "GO NOW!" He yelled out to his new friend @[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
Sabrina was almost stunned, they where bending dura steel plating. Then @[member="Rexus Drath"] shouted towards her, to go know, it made snap out of it. Then she turned, and ran to cock pit, and press the igntion button. She could hear the engine`s sequence starting, but she was not a pilot, she turned to rexus, and in almost a panicked voice asked, What know! She did not know the, lay out of his star ship controls, and how to make, fly she had no idea what she was doing.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Rex wasn't really the greatest pilot in the galaxy either but he could at least fly a ship of this caliber. "Really?!" He said loudly getting up the ghouls still banging on the doors behind him. The ship consisted of a set of coffin beds in the walls a hallway leading to the ramp and a closet. Rex was only a good two meters from the woman but when hungry rakghouls where banging at your door it looked like two miles. Standing up he quickly sat in the copilot chair and blasted off into space burning a few of the creatures to death behind him.

Panting heavily he set it to autopilot and looked over to the girl. "How old are you?" He asked the girl as he coughed. If she was as old as she looked then she could of learned to fly a ship. "Again the name is Rexus, sorry about that I'm just not a fan of being eaten or converted" and a fair point he made on his end. @[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
Sabrina looked at @[member="Rexus Drath"], as he set auto pilot on, the ship began to move, and then banging stopped. Then man asked her, how old she was, she was going to answer, it was rude to ask. Then again she owed him, her life, so she decide to answer honestly. I am eighteen, I just taking time out to see the galaxy. She then made a quip, about them wanting to eat him, ​At least they where willing, to provide dinner for me. She then asked rexus, So what where you doing, here anyway?

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
"Looking for you." He said still catching his breath from the attack, "Glob I need to stop smoking." Sighing Rex laid his head back then peered over to her. "Eighteen? I remember when I was eighteen. College on manaan. Growing up in the ocean, man that's a trip. Of course that was eight hundred and eight years ago but hey whatever." Chuckling Rex looked back out to the stars and with one hand he set the nav computer "the force called out to me and told me to find you, so I just followed my gut and it lead me to you. I'm assuming it wants me to train you like it did the last two." Reaching and grabbing a cigarette Rex coughed and felt the urge to light up another one. "Jen is gonna kill me when I see her." He said holding the cigarette up to his lips keeping it unlight for now. "So you need a trainer?" He said reaching for his lighter @[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
Sabrina, smiled and replied Well I am always`s looking for some else to teach me. As the more, you know, the better you are. And I have a lot to learn, so I am always`s looking. She got up, and looked about the ship, and asked So where we going? and then looked again, and where my room? She was only teasing, she seen the second room.
@[member="Rexus Drath"]

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Giving her a girl you cray cray look, Rex face palmed and already knew the force had screwed him once again, "Glob damn you force, damn you hard." As he finished setting the computer he stood up abd walked over to the bunks. "Galactic empire space, or well Fringe space now but you get the idea. Atrisia to be exact I have a home there and I need to pick up my training gear. Also if I'm going to train you I'm not going to treat you any different then the men I train." That was not a good thing, Rex's training involved a lot of screaming and punching so the woman could expect that in the near future.

"Ever been to Atrisia?" He asked the woman crawling into the top rack of the wall bunks, "I suggest you sleep, you are getting up in five hours." Getting settled Rex flipped his hat over his eyes and gave the woman a chance to rest. @[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
Sabrina listened to @[member="Rexus Drath"] speak, about what to expect, she kinda expect not to be treated any different. As how else could, she compete with them, and beat them. She was happy to be treated equally, as meant he had same respect for her, as he did for them.
He then asked about a planet, she never even heard of, called Atrisia. No what`s it like, she inquired, as she wonder what type planet it was. He never answered though, instead he suggested they get some sleep. So she head down to the other room, where she had a wash, before heading to bed.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
Sitting back in his rack Rex waved his hand and shut the door behind the woman, "I swear force, always screwing me over. Why can't I ever rescue a fraternity of hot chicks." Grumbling and speaking to himself Rexus drifted off to sleep for the next four hours. In the morning so to speak Rex would begin training the woman on the humble world of Atrisia. He had trained all his students there for his secret work. There were things about him that she would best not know, she was traveling with a man who did not exist.

"Four hours already." He said groaning and sitting up in his wall rack. The girl had another hour of sleep left but as the instructor he would always have to wake up earlier. Moving over to a coffee pot he poured himself some stale yet hot coffee and took a sip.

"I hate my job." Now with his liquid energy in hand he moved to check their progress to see they were right in the orbit of Atrisia. "Citadel this is shadow sword Drath, coming down now." Pulling into the atmosphere the ship rumbled slightly and the woman in back would be sure to hear and feel the ship coming onto the surface. @[member="Sabrina Kotass"]
Sabrina was woken, by the sudden turbulence, she been on ships before to realize they where going into atmosphere, of a planet. She was still tired, she had only about four hour`s kip, and she need a drink, she got her clothes back on, they smelt of steal sweet. She gave her self a wash, to waken her self up, she hoped she could get change clothes on this planet.

She wander into other room, where she saw @[member="Rexus Drath"], having a drink. Her eye`s half shut, and hair probably a mess, and not smelling brilliant. She asked him Any of that going spare, master?

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
"First off don't call me master, I'm a knight. Secondly you can call me Rex." Without looking back Rexus pulled the ship down into the atmosphere and planet side before setting it down in the forest outside the city's capital. Atrisia a very Asian influenced world the government was mostly under fringe control now and the emperor before still technically ruled but no one had seen him since their defeat on Fondor. "Lets go." Rex said downing the rest of his stale coffee. Grabbing a large back pack Rex strapped up and proceeded to walk down the ramp of his ship as it lowered itself. They were going on a little hike to the citadel before he gave her the first lesson. "Grab a spare pack trainee." @[member="Sabrina Kotass"]


Well-Known Member
Sabrina grabbed one of the pack`s, it was made a brown canvas, and had a bit of weight in it. She manged to get her back, and then she followed @[member="Rexus Drath"], towards the citadel, where she was going to be trained. She was confused a little by, the statement rexus said earlier, First off don't call me master, I'm a knight. Secondly you can call me Rex, People taught her before, always`s insisted on it.
As they made their way, towards the settlement, her clothes began chaff a little. Possibly due to sweat, of previous day, and that weight of the back pack of shoulder`s. She wonder why he wanted to walk though, as it would been quick to landed their, or get a speeder to take them their. She decide to remain silent, unless asked some thing directly.

Rexus Drath

Well-Known Member
It had been a pretty silent hike through the most of it, they had made a solid three miles and they were nearing the citadel on the planet. The long tall grass was up to their waste as they moved forward through it, the area was slightly overgrown on the outside of the capital but they were making good pace. Looking back for the first time in a few miles Rex spoke "You know you are allowed to speak." He said in a more serious tone to her. "I realize we don't have much in common but come on I'm not that ugly." Chuckling he took a deep breath as they entered a small clearing in the grass. "Take a breather." He said to her setting down his pack [member="sabrina"]
Sabrina giggled slightly, in a tired sort of way, and then replied. I never said you where ugly, but now bring it up. She said with a cheese grin face, only joking, sorry. She added while laughing slighlty, as they took a breather, she took out a bottle of water, and took a sip. Then pored some on her head, to help cool her down.
She then asked [member="Rexus Drath"], I am guess this may sound like whinging child, but are nearly their yet. She said it almost jokingly at him, with hope they where, as she wanted to find change of clothes.

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