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Approved Tech DD-12 Blaster Rifle

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In Umbris Potestas Est

Intent: A main battle rifle for the stormtroopers and armed forces of the Sith Empire, to replace the first-generation Chimera blaster rifle.
Development Thread: No.
Manufacturer: BlasTech Industries
Model: BlasTech DD-12
Affiliation: The DD-12 Blaster Rifle was produced for the Sith Empire and used almost exclusively by Imperial Stormtroopers.
Modularity: No.
Production: Mass-Produced.
Material: Durasteel and the usual suspects.
Description: With an ammunition capacity and range comparable to the classic E-11 blaster rifle, the DD-12 is more expensive, upscaled for slightly greater power, and more accurate -- after all, only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise. The front grip contains a backslung secondary trigger, inset behind the normal grip point. It contains a three-shot, reloadable microgrenade launcher capable of deploying fragmentation, CryoBan, chemical, concussion, flashbang, thermal-detonator or incendiary grenades, each with an effective radius of two metres. The weapon's drawbacks include having the size and weight of a main battle rifle, far larger than an E-11. This size includes advanced cooling systems. The weapon lacks the Chimera's overheating issue unless the wielder uses sustained fire for more than ten or fifteen seconds.
Classification: Blaster
Size: Handheld (rifle)
Status: Military
Length: 0.7m
Weight: 6kg
Ammunition Type: Standard blaster ammunition: Spin-sealed gas/power pack. Micro grenades.
Ammunition Capacity: 700 shots (gas), 150 shots (power pack)
Effective Range: 450m (semi-auto), 300m (full auto), 150m (grenade launcher, 2m effective radius)
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