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Dathomirian Porporites

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  • Name: Dathomirian Porporites
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Bio-engineered/alchemized species, no true Homeworld, currently being trained on Stewjon
  • Language: Basic, Paecian
  • Average Lifespan: 25 to 30 years
  • Estimated Population: Rare
  • Description: Dathomirian Porporites and the Porporites they are based off of bear a marked resemblance to goblin sharks which may have been their ancient progenitors. Its hard to say precisely how the physical forms of Dathomirian Porporites vary from original Porporites due to how long Porporites have been extinct.
  • Breathes: Type I Atmosphere, Aquatic
  • Average height of adults: 2.1-2.5 metres
  • Average length of adults: ~1m tail
  • Skin color: Commonly Greys, Blues, Greens, Browns, rarely brighter colours
  • Hair color: None
  • Distinctions: Aside from genitalia, there is no real difference between male and females.
  • Races: While there are no distinct subspecies or cultures as of the time of writing, the first batch of Dathomirian Porporites has been christened the Bone Ruins Clan, for the location the DNA which created them was found in. As they multiply, other clans will almost certainly come to be, and are likely although not guaranteed to follow the naming structures of Dathomirian Witches.
  • Strengths:
  1. Closed Minds - Dathomirian Porporites are not force dead, but their minds are utterly closed to the force, making them proof against mind tricks, mind-reading, fear and the like due to the effects of Je'daii Alchemy of the Flesh
  2. Raging Transformation - Stolen genetic information from the felacatians was turned into the ability to transform into a hulking quadrupedal form with thicker skin capable of deflecting most blasterbolts, blunt force and blades, and stronger and longer claws and teeth, capable of shredding durasteel
  3. Keen Senses - While their eyesight is actually rather weak, their senses of smell and hearing are far above average
  4. Strong Swimmers - Though they're well adapted to life on land now, they're still more than at home in the water
  • Weaknesses:
  1. ​Addicts - Dathomirian Porporites are extremely easily addicted to all forms of spice
  2. Keen Senses - Exceptionally loud noises and strong smells can hurt of confuse a Dathomirian Porporite
  3. Naive - Dathomirian Porporites are a species in their infancy. They do not have a long history behind them. They are trying to find their place in the world and currently have only the information they've been taught to go off of. While they do share information among the Clan far more effectively than humans, they have not, as of the time of writing, come across anyone specifically trying to deceive them or the like.
  4. Rage - In their quadrupedal form, while they can still distinguish friend from foe, the Dathomirian Porporites are largely incapable of higher thought, and tactics tend to be thrown out the window replaced by often suicidal frontal attacks until the enemy is dead or otherwise removed from the situation
  5. Vegetation Intolerance - As mentioned under diet, plant matter when ingested can cause anything from nausea to death. A Dathomirian Porporite out in the world has to be careful of new dishes they do not know the contents of.
  6. Not Quite Humanoid - More of an inconvenience than a true weakness, much gear, armour, furniture and the like does not accommodate the Dathomirian Porporite form, and must be either altered for them or custom made.
  7. From the Seas - Although they are comfortable on land, Dathomirian Porporites do not do well in places with very low humidity, tending to develop wracking coughs which can eventually debilitate them, they are likewise more easily and quickly affected by smoke, gas or other airborne toxins than many races

  • Diet: Carnivorous. While they can process very nearly any meat, they do not process vegetation well. This can range from upset stomach from relatively plain plants to poisoning to the point of death from more exotic plants. Most Dathomirian Porporites have the sense to purge themselves if they ingest vegetation, but this can be particularly dangerous if they are unaware they have ingested plant matter.
  • Communication: Spoken Basic and Paecian, tends to be growled
  • Technology level: Advanced, Dathomirian Porporites are descended from a space-faring race and have been introduced to the tech heavy CIS
  • Religion/Beliefs:
Dathomirian Porporites have adopted an interesting blend of beliefs and religion, a large part of which is borrowed directly from the Dathomirian witches, with the first generations being raised and taught by Dhakarta. This includes worshipping the Winged Goddess and Fanged God, and the Ur-Spirits of all creatures, as well as the belief that the Spirit Plane exists beside the material plane. Many individual Dathomirian Porporites take specific animal totem or spirit guides, picking a creature with a trait they find admirable and wish to incorporate or strengthen in their own lives. Dhakarta also gave them a bastardised version of the cant found in the Book of Law;

Learn these words and learn them well, for they are the foundations
that will increase your strength and keep you safe from harm.
Those who choose ignorance will never know their own greatness.
Those who yield to passion will fail to dominate.
Those who fear death will never achieve pure power.
Never concede to addiction, lest you be consumed by it.

In addition, although she did not set out to raise them as Mandalorians, not knowing how successful her attempt to resurrect and shape a dead race would be, and as such they do not specifically know of the Resol'nare, the Dathomirian Porporites nevertheless hold some very Mandalorian values. Their teacher knew no other way to train them in combat after all. They held the Paecian language as sacred, something that united them and allowed them to exchange information relatively freely without worry of being overheard. This was important as understanding and knowledge was the first step towards preparation and victory. They were ready at all times to fight, keeping their bodies in the best shapes they were able, and ensuring that they had weapons and armour close to hand whenever possible. They were fiercely defensive of their comrades in arms, their young and their employers. Aside from where spice was involved, they tended to be selfless, bringing earnings back to the clan for the betterment of the whole. And they obeyed their Clan-Mother. In the early days of their creation, this meant Dhakarta, but it is exceedingly likely that as generations pass and multiple clans are developed individuals who show an ability to reason and learn beyond most of their kin, and who have attained at least ten years of age and clutched several batches of eggs will come to fill this role.

Language, Education, Defence, Equipment, The Clan and the Clan Mother. These things Dhakarta taught the Dathomirian Porporites to value and hold most important.

  • General behavior:
Dathomirian Porporites, like their progenitors, breed incredibly quickly. This is partially offset by their short lifespans as well as their generally martial existences. An egg laying species, no true weight is placed on breeding, and the young tend to be raised communally with those of a gentler temperament acting as Clan 'nannies'. While they can identify biological lineage based on scent, beyond an instinctive avoidance to avoid incest, it is otherwise seen as inconsequential, with deeds and honours belonging to the individual and the Clan, not to bloodlines.

They will however, sometimes take what translates relatively closely to mate, but more directly to -of-my-heart. This is a friend, sometimes lover, and close comrade who is trusted and treasured above all others. Gender is entirely inconsequential in the forging of these bonds, with temperament being far more important. They may clutch together or they may not, again breeding not being seen as anything important. It is quite possible this could even occur between a Dathomirian Porporite and an alien species if the two found they worked in a complimentary enough fashion.

Eggs hatch within ten days to a month of laying, the infants are immediately mobile and hungry. At this stage they are not particularly smart. It takes about a year before they are capable of communicating, and in that year they are treated almost like beloved pets by all adult members of the Clan, allowed to go within any home they like, fed at any table, and generally shepherded away from the negative results of their own stupidity. The 'nannies' are extremely important at this stage and spend much of their time shepherding the rowdy younglings. At this stage they are also the most dangerous to other species, because while they cannot yet transform, they are exceedingly curious, and like to test things by biting them, and their teeth are very well formed from birth.

Once they reach a year, the catering starts to end. Adults will explain to any interested youngling what they are doing and why, but they will also begin to enforce rules and stricter boundaries. Dathomirian Porporites are quite tough, so it's not unusually to see an adult swap an unruly youngling who is not listening to what they have to say. This is also when training starts. Often, this begins with the basics of hunting. Of working together without technology to bring down prey with tooth and claw. Hunting well together require discipline, attention and forethought. It also helps keep the Clan fed, no mean task. When this is at least mastered enough to show that the youngling has developed some self control, weapons training will begin, and from there on to more dangerous hunts armed and armoured, using the mind instead of just teeth.

Dathomirian Porporite arts and culture are not well developed, though some few have started in hesitant ways to either carve or paint their animal totems. They were made for war, and this is the art they practise most often.

Not relying overly much on eyesight, they function as well at night as they do during the day. For the most part they are diurnal, if only because their makers and deployers are, but they will vary their sleep schedule for hunts or tactical reasons without much biological backlash.

When it comes to other species, they are not xenophobic in the least. After all, the original clans Clan-Mother was a human. Likewise most of their current commanders are from within the CIS, a notably diverse group of beings. They tend to be curious about others, but while they will assimilate tactics and technology without a second if they judge it to be useful, they are quite certain on the matter of their own Religion that their way is best, and listen to other views in the same way they might listen to a younglings tale. Interesting perhaps, but nothing to take seriously.

The original Porporites became know the the galaxy as a whole around 4,990 BBY. Almost immediately after this the Neimodeans exposed them to ryll spice, having no reason to predict the immediate and extreme addiction they would suffer. Their suffering became the suffering of all those within reach of their homeworld as they lashed out almost indiscriminately, desperate to secure themselves more spice and killing any who got in their way or in their withdrawal ravaged minds was seen as a threat. The Jedi of the time managed to at best contain them, but they could not stop of calm the Porporites, who continued to raise the body-count in their sector, their quick breeding allowing them to keep throwing wave after wave at the galaxy as a whole.

The nearby systems, seeing the Jedi failing, and extremely anxious to avoid having their own planets attacked, or in some cases attacked again, hired the Gank Mercenaries. to protect them. This would eventually lead to the Gank Massacres, but the important part to us, was that by 4,800 BBY the Ganks had entirely exterminated the Porporites, judging genocide to be the best and most efficient answer to the Porporite Problem. And for many, many years, that was that.

​Until only a short while ago, as these things are measured, and the entrance of Dhakarta, a woman of both Mandalorian and Dathmorian Witch heritage. Early in her career she had recovered and begun the study of the Holocron of Dam Powl, a Je'daii master, particularly in Alchemy of the Flesh. Unfortunately the mastering of these skills was difficult, as to be certain of her own abilities, the more difficult challenge of changing a sentient species was necessary, and this was for the most part illegal in the CIS space in which she was operating. Until the liberation of Felacat from Trandoshan slavers when history suggested a.. work-around, so to speak. Felacat was one of the places that the Porporites had attacked in their madness, and an extinct species had no rights. Indulging her own interests, and justifying it by telling herself that if she was successful the CIS would gain a valuable asset, Dhakarta retrieved several bone fragments, some Porporite, some Felacatian from an ancient and ruined city, left barren by the disconcerting echoes of the force wound all the deaths there had caused.

CIS assets were used to clone embryonic Porporites, the luck of having retrieved bone fragments from several individuals allowing them to create a genetically diverse test population. First Dhakarta used them to copy exactly a process Dam Powl had perfected, by which a sentients mind could be closed off from the force, free of its influence. Now content in her own mind that this was within her range of capabilities, she tried for something more difficult.

Je'daii Alchemy of the Flesh had long been used to create fusions of beasts, as well as to change them. One had only to look at the infamous rancor-dragon to see that. Dhakarta had in mind something no less ambitious. Among the bones recovered were some of the Porporites victims, the Felacatians. The most interesting thing about that species being of course their ability to transform under stress. The Porporites looked to be a useful enough tool in war as they were, but what if they could transform as the Felacatians did? This was a long and arduous process, with many dead ends and failed attempts. Science alone could not make what was at its core a shark and a cat compatible, but Alchemy? Ah with Alchemy...

Eventually, viable combinations were made, and when allowed to grow, where found to be relatively mentally stable and capable. These first few, christened the Bone Ruins Clan, were trained directly by Dhakarta herself. They owe their allegiance to the CIS, whose assets were used to create them. With their quick breeding however, it is only a matter of time before they spread and begin to find independence and build a true culture of their own.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

My sincere apologies for forgetting this sub for the past few days. I'm swamped for the next day or two, so I've asked [member="Irajah Ven"] to find another judge to take over, in the interests of getting your sub in gear ASAP.

Another interesting sub. I am impressed with the story thread, considering they aren't necessary, nice job on that. A couple of things before I can stamp this.

1. Going to need you to either spoiler the image or make it smaller according to the Codex regulations on dimension sizes.
2. I think the main issue that we are facing here is that there is a distinct contrast between its strengths and weaknesses.

Let's list it for convenience sake-

Strengths: Immune to mentalism, as strong as a wookiee (which is on the upper level of strength in the Star Wars setting), strong smell/hearing senses. Both at home in water and on land. Can transform into something even more powerful.

Weaknesses: Naive. Gets angry (which is a boon for fighting as far as I am concerned). Allergic to plants. Gear has to be custom made. Easily addicted. Sounds and smells can confuse it.

So- a Porporite is *always* immune to mentalism. Almost *always* as strong as a wookiee. Has an even stronger shape than their general state.


Only the keen senses can be readily exploited in a combat situation. All the other things are situational or not really functional in a combat situation.

So I am gonna need you to tweak these.

If you want complete mentalism immunity, I will definitely need you to tone down your other strengths and add a whole lot more weaknesses that can be exploited in combat.

If you change it to mentalism *resistance* I will give you some more leeway, but I am still going to need more weaknesses, etc.

Let me know if you need any help with this and tag me once you are done with your edits, so I can review it again.
Hullo again [member="Jairus Starvald"] !

Sorry you got stuck with my super long submission. I've edited the picture.

I took strong out as a Strength, because really do their regular forms need to be that beasty when they can carry guns and turn into scary landsharks who ARE strong? Probably not.

I would like to keep the closed minds bit, as thats one of the things that Dhakarta is looking to perfect and which has been done by Dam Powl in canon, but in fairness she only did it to a singular individual, not a race so I get having to add more flaws in.

I added some lung issues for them, so they don't function well on desert planets, in smoke (as most battlefields would have I think) or with airborne yech.

Let me know how it's standing now for you and I will continue to tweak as needed!

Not a problem, this is what I signed up for. ;)


This looks better, but we are still running into the same issue sadly.

That being that you have some pretty hefty strengths that are always applicable and your weaknesses are mostly situational.

These dudes always have their minds closed off from mental interference, that is hefty stuff and only a handful of species can say the same in canon. They can also turn into combat-forms that are scarily effective in combat. In return their senses can be exploited, but that is the flipside of having very developed senses to begin with.

To help with ideas, this is basically the sort of thing I am looking for:
  • Fragile and physically unimpressive. (I am fine with them being able to transform into their strong form, as long as you add reasonable limits in terms of duration, etc.
  • Far more vulnerable to x (you can pick whatever makes senses here. Maybe they are more vulnerable to electricity and easily incapacitated by stun blasts, maybe they can't handle fire at all. Things that are always the case and not easily countered).
If you need more help feel free to ask and I am fine with you removing a few of the situational weaknesses, if you add some more strong weaknesses here.

Of course, you can always request a second chance, if you don't agree with my assessment.
Sorry, I've been having a think [member="Jairus Starvald"] !

I could add a 'hard' weakness to electricity as I have vague memories of real life sharks getting frigged up by it. My concern is that on my end, I know you say the current weaknesses are 'soft' weaknesses, but literally all you have to do to utterly disable in a current battle AND make them significantly less capable or dependable in the future without addressing the issue is dump a load of spice on them, which literally every single character has access to. And it's not like, a secret weakness. Literally anyone who looks up Porporites or has any knowledge of them will be like, 'Oh, spice',

Flashbang and explosions both double screw them because of the noise and the fact that their lungs can't deal with smoke.

The naivety isn't the cute wide-eyed sort, if someone came along with decent charisma, they have no experience with liars, unless they are under direct PC guidance someone could literally just talk my troops into wandering off with them.

I know you see rage as a good thing, and yes they get strong so it might counterbalance, but you're going from well trained troops acting together to some frothing idiot running into heavy fire and basically dying before they actually get close enough to accomplish anything. This isn't Sith 'rage and pain make me stronker' this is idiot berserker.

So I can add electricity as a hard weakness, but then I'd likely be looking to drop the addict trait. I know they're pretty tough, bu there really are a lot of ways to take advantage and over power them, I would say more than for most species, and I'd rather not make them utterly useless.

I can see your perspective too. Here's the thing though... drop a load of spice on anything and they will go haywire. That isn't a hard strength, that is more status quo. In that way one could add the weakness 'vacuum' to this and say that they are always vulnerable to having no air to breath.

This is true, but this is just normal its not a combat weakness.

I discussed the sub with the others to get a second opinion and the end conclusion is this: You can switch out the spice for electricity, either way you will need to downgrade the mental immunity to high resistance (mental immunity is something I am only comfortable with stamping if there are severe downsides. Such as physically being incapable, etc.) and I will stamp it after that. Alternatively, if you want to keep spice, you will need to make clear why this is a combat weakness. How is this more detrimental to these guys than what would be the case on average?

That means they need to be more heavily afflicted by it, re: something as a small smidgen being enough to incapacitate them.

I am aware we have our differences on balance in this submission, you are always welcome to request a second chance, if you disagree with my assessment.
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