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Dathomir Rising: Huntress



The light barely pierced the jungle canopy as the woman and her rancor moved through the underbrush. Her keen black eyes scanned the jungle for movement as she hunted. There had been new comers, and with new people came new opportunities for fresh laborers. Her brown hair was braided in thick rows on top and left loose in the back and skins hung from her shpulders like trophies as they moved as one.

She stopped and sniffed the air for a few moments amd could feel her rancor partner sensing the same thing she did. They were close and soon her sisters would be with her and the hunt could truely commence.

[member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Fabula Cavataio"] [member="Troy Ce"] [member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"] [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Sedita Helion"]
Sending Fable off to go find the Bloody Pilgrim was an important act in Fabula's relationship with her daughter, and one that she might not have thought of if not for the two extra minds inside her head. The girl needed to know that Fabula believed in her enough to trust her with something entirely without supervision, and retrieving a starship from across the galaxy would be the perfect way to do that. Much more importantly, though, it gave the elder clone some time to spend on Dathomir.

None of Fabula's memories had been to Dathomir in years whether it was six hundred or six. The taste of the swamps and forests and bays and was all too much to deal with. The sound of every animal, every hunting howl, every rancor scream echoed through her. It was as if the planet challenged her to think of it as home. Could she really consider it that now, after having spent so much time away? Did she even have the right, now that there was nothing for her here? Her family was long dead, the mother who had killed her vanished into nothingness after killing everyone else she knew and loved.

Maybe the memories Dathomir brought up weren't so pleasant.

Her leg hurt. Fabula dropped to sit on a rock nearby and tried once again to be able to make sounds more complicated than pained groaning. Turns out having your blasted hamstring cut by a laser blade and then trying to walk on it for hours was an inadvisable course of action. She'd just rest here for a bit, until the Force returned to her properly and she could heal away that constant agony of a sliced tendon. Her plan was perfect. This was Dathomir. There was definitely not a whole lot of dangerous stuff just waiting for her to be vulnerable so it could make her its next meal.

The sound of a rancor's footsteps were quite distinctive. Fabula chose to ignore them, because hell if she was going to get up just because the wildlife challenged her position. Nope. Not until her skin knitted.
Carden worked for a woman named Daedel, she seemed to like hunting, not your normal game, she liked to hunt people. Carden didn't care who he worked for just as long as he got his payment by the end of the job. Sure he had been ripped off time to time, but it didn't matter, thats what blasters were for.

Carden looked through his binoculars only to s see a woman sitting on a rock. Carden smiled.

"One of the targets seem to be just sitting there...." he whispered to himself before putting the binoculars down. He then got up from his position and began to walk towards the woman. Approaching her he would put on a fake smile that normally charmed people.

He then smiled. "Hey whats a matter?"

He had a plan....would it, whats the fun in that

[member="Fabula Cavataio"]
Correction. She heard a human approach. The fact that he smelled like a rancor had nothing to do with her decayed ability to distinguish animal footsteps at a distance. Still, it would change nothing. She refused to move simply because some random freeman mercenary thought he was important enough to merit her attention.

Idly, Fabula glanced toward her new visitor, leaned back against one of the jungle trees, and rested her head on her clasped hands. "I don't believe that's any of your business. You're far more out of place here than I am." The last time the little witchknight had met a free male in the jungles of Dathomir was when she had fought the Forest Ghost. This man was...not. He had a presence in the Force, he was visible to the naked eye, and he didn't seem to come armed with enough firepower to take out a military bunker.

"Your altruism is appreciated," she started with an eyebrow raised in idle bemusement rather than genuine interest. "But I've had quite the rough day, and I'm not looking for company. This is your chance to leave."
[member="Carden Lorps"]
In hindsight, perhaps Sedita should have learned to not listen to the Force every time it provided some arbitrary vision of a particular world, least of all when it apparently wanted him to travel to Dathomir of all places. He had left his vessel in orbit and proceeded down in a shuttle before ordering his men to return and await a transmission from him before trekking out into the swamps...

And that had been over three days ago.

Sedita knew that he had been beckoned to this world for some purpose too significant to be mere chance, but his time with the Sith had done little to improve his patience. He had no plan, no strategy, beyond simply walking out here and expecting to simply stumble into the reason behind his vision of this world; that alone annoyed him to no end.

Pushing aside a low hanging branch, Sedita tread carefully through the muck and dirt, glancing out from beneath his hood to watch for any indications of danger or otherwise. He could hear the distant foot falls of something...large, and he was all too aware of the association between Dathomir and Rancors...and those who made use of said Rancors.

Sedita tensed as he heard the foot falls grow louder. He calmly stepped behind a wide and twisted tree trunk, shutting his eyes and concealing himself from both view and less conventional methods of detection. The ground began to tremble as the large beast trampled through the swampy terrain, not far from where Sedita was hidden. He remained still and silent as a statue until the creature began to put some distance between itself and the acolyte.

Opening his eyes, Sedita leaned out into view and raised one brow as he watched the shape of the Rancors through the trees...and noted the silhouette of a humanoid figure perched upon it.

"Well..." Sedita whispered as he stepped into the open, discretely surveying the strange duo. "Perhaps this trip is not an utter waste of my time after all."
Thankfully it was dark, if it wasn't, he'd be in more trouble than he already was. The sounds of rancor roars echoed through out the jungle, as arrogant as he was in the arena against humanoids, the monsters cries made him shiver with fear and could take. He wasn't willing to bet his life that he could take them on. There was another feeling as well that he could shake, a feeling that was far more frightening than the rancors, so dark it made him tingle. He closed his eyes and could "feel" the presence of whomever it was but couldn't tell where it was coming from, this feeling was so powerful. "Ugh..." He grunted with a shake of his head. He fell to a knee and shook his head trying to get rid of this feeling but couldn't.

He grunted once more and In one smooth movement, he reached behind himself and grasped his swords free from the ground with an ease and grace that spoke of practice. He was good at what he knew what to do and he knew how to deal with anyone with his swords. As he roars of the rancors grew closer and closer still he made a run for it, he charged through brush and tree doing whatever he could to distance himself and the beast. He knew this game very well and knew full well why he was here. He was here for game, for enjoyment of others, his former master sold him to another and slaver and the slaver dumped him here. Tis' the life of a slave.

He rotated his wrists, sword in hand. "If you want me, come and get me." His taunt was mocking, and he felt the flare on tension. A smile appeared at the edge of his lips as he thought to himself. If he were to be game he would at least make it difficult for anyone to grab him. Ce considered himself a master at using two swords. Well enough to use it in battle and with fools. Little did he know he wasn't facing any one that would be considered a fool. He assumed he was just going to face off with mercenaries protecting rich snotty nobles. Tonight for him would come to be a unfortunate surprise.

[member="Carden Lorps"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Fabula Cavataio"] [member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"] [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Sedita Helion"]
Solan had come to Dathomir on a whim to help show [member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"] about the other cultures in the galaxy, unknowing that they had chosen today to hunt for unlucky arrivals to become slaves to the dathomiri witches. So there he stood on the surface of the planet with Nicole as he ran his hand along the back of his neck and was looking down at the map of the surface on his datapad. "Lets see, if im right we are here so i have to head..." He rubbed his chin and stared at the datapad for several more seconds.


Exiled Princess of Kesh
[member="Solan Charr"]

She sighed softly, and went to look at her saber thats clipped to her side. Again her Master has taken her on some wild adventurer. She just wanted to stay home and train. Nope, adventuring we go! The girl would stand next to Solan, and then looks upwards at the area they are at. "So... ..Where are we going?"
[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]

"Trying to find one of the nightbrother clans so that i can teach you about theh culture of this world... hopefully they will be a bit more forth coming and less... hostile than their female compatriots." He rubbed his chin and looked at her as she sighed. "Sarah, im bringing you on these trips in order to teach you about the other cultures of the galaxy. If you do not learn about the other races and species of this galaxy you will be left in a poor position when they come across you." He stared at her for a few seconds before patting her on the head. "Buck up, we are going to leave as soon as we are finished here."
Carden smiled at the woman.

"Fair enough, im just trying to be polite. " He said before taking a step closer.

He then brushed his hand through his hair.

""Rough day? Well well, and if it is company your trying to failed. "

He paused before going on. " I have a chance to leave eh?...but I wanted to play a game.....before being casted out by such a strange woman." He said with a giggle before sitting crisscross in front of her like a child.

[member="Fabula Cavataio"]


Exiled Princess of Kesh
[member="Solan Charr"]

She nodded and looked back up towards him. "Mhm. Gotcha Solan." She didn't really enjoy calling him Master. It just felt off to her. The girl would then start to head what she believed was north, and would continue walking this way. "And if they are hostile, we'll just kill them right?" The girl obviously needed a lesson in diplomacy.
[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]

"No nono, you are confusing how we react to sith with how we react to everything else. We only kill hostiles if they are sith." Ah so he did have one group that he didn't have much mercy for but the Darthomiri were not something to be pissed off because you could. He did wonder if they were going in the right direction though, the maps he had bought were a few years old but they should still be current enough.


Exiled Princess of Kesh
[member="Solan Charr"]

She sighs and groans. Yet again she was wrong. Nicole would slightly wonder if Solan knew her background. She would then shrug off the thought and nods at his answer. "Right. . .Right. . .But what if they are trying to kill us? Then we -would- be like the Sith... So My point still stands." She remains confident in her view point, and would stop walking to see where he is going. "Are you sure this is the right way?"
Perla Pirjo hadn't been back on Dathomir since her exile so in order to hunt for a slave or two she needed to be stealthy about her movements on the verdant planet.

The night before while her former clan sisters were asleep, she had snuck into the Great Canyon enclave and crept into her old friend Leelana's hut. Once she woke her sister up, they spent a few moments of excitedly whispering and catching up. Leelana granted Perla use of her rancor for a few days, describing the markings on the mount so she would choose the right one in the dark. She kissed Leelana on the forehead, crept into the Rancor stable and snatched Leelana's mount, a small gnarled female rancor.

She rode through the rest of the night to where she was meeting the Hunt Leader. It was daytime when she approached the location where the hunt would originate. Through a jungle clearing, she immediately identified the Hunt Leader by her braids and the multiple skins she wore.The Leader rode on a large battle-scarred rancor.

As she rode up she gave the other woman a Paecian greeting to let her know she was not a foe.

[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]

"Nicole, you are not allowed to try and kill anyone... or maim. Actually no attacking at all... I don't need turned into a newt because you went and attacked a dathomiri witch." He shivered at the thought of being turned into something all because they pissed off the wrong Dathomiri witch. "As for your second question that is a solid maybe, i honestly hope i am otherwise we will probably walk around in circles until i gave up and gave a call for a ride."


Exiled Princess of Kesh
[member="Solan Charr"]

She nods. Obviously her Master was right. She shouldn't go around murdering things and causing havok, but that was slightly against how she was raised. "I understand Solan. So -after- they do the first punch, we can?" The girl obviously didn't want to go down without atleast fighting first. "...Are we lost?" Her confidence slowly goes down.


Potential Targets: [member="Fabula Cavataio"] [member="Sedita Helion"] [member="Troy Ce"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"]

Allies: [member="Perla Pirjo"] [member="Carden Lorps"] 6 NPC witches

Objective: Net slaves

The rancor stopped and crouched as they peered through the dense jungle. Daedel motioned to Perla a welcome and pointed to a trail ahead. The other witches in the hunting party were likewise engaged in the area looking for the people that had wandered onto one of the most deadly worlds in the Mandalorian patrolled space.

She spoke words of power and felt her senses enhance, yet still unaware of the acolyte she and her mount had passed along the trail. Her Mother would be most disappointed. She looked farther than before and spotted the bounty hunter and a woman, the power of whom she could nearly taste even at this distance.

"Foolish man smiles at death." she whispered as she pulled the Gorgon web rifle from its harness and ran an affectionate hand along her Rancor's back. She slowly began creeping up a tree as her Rancor waited below and looked for a safe perch before making an bird call to the other witches that she had found something. Various callecalls of different creatures were returned in the distance As the young woman shouldered the weapon the Mandalorians had given them.


The other witches had begun to take similar positions and soon the rancors would begin pressing the located people toward the various traps and ambushes that were in place. The air felt tense and the jungle seemed to hold it's breath as the witches began to slowly close the noose and soon the storm would rage and some may lose their freedom.

(Everyone is free to choose where they are and what they face. The NPCs are at anyone's command feel free to have fun with the story and setting. If I could hunt you all one by one I would but you may get bored.)

"This is the last time I bet with Aramand," Jaster remarked as he and his men drugged through the heated planet. Jaster and his men could not wear their armor in this blasted heat so they wear the Guilds Light armor and robs. Looking like monks and armed patrol, Jaster and his men were tricked into going to Dathomir to look for new medical herbs. jaster was not happy that a lost in a card game got him here. "Where are we trooper?"

"The probe we put in orbit can lock onto our location, but from satellite positioning, it's har to tell sir." Said the radio operator.

Jaster was having a miserable day, the droids they brought to carry the equipment broke down and now they had to use hover carts to push the science equipment. They had passed through several tribal villages, each gave the same vauge description of a plant that is used as an ointment to the east. That first conversation was over 30 miles back. Now in the dense forest they couldn't call for a pick up, let alone a way to cancel the expedition. He looked back, he started out with 30 Healer Security Guards and 10 scientist, and he was forced to have 2 scientist and 3 guards be taken back to the ship for heat stroke, doctors say they will be fine.

He heard something in the near distance, he pulled out his binoculars and looked for a sign of life. To his very much surprise he saw the kid, [member="Solan Charr"], training behind him was a younger female he didn't recognize. Jaster looked up at the heaven and whispered, "Why him of all the people in the galaxy?" As his there was a higher power he beleived in.

He looked back at his men, "We are goin back where we came." He turned back to spot Solar Charr, this time he looked directly in his direction, 'I really hope he didn't see me.' He thought.

Sedita had trailed the hunting party for a while, his interest piqued. Was this why the Force had seen fit to summon him here? Was it connected to these Witches? Obviously they would not be receptive to an acolyte of the One Sith, so he doubted that he had been brought here to assist as a test? He would have to find out, but regardless of the answer at least this stay wouldn't be boring.

While he surveyed the lead Rancor from a distance, he became aware of movement in the trees overhead and something rising up out of the murk behind him...

"Well," Sedita sighed as he turned around. "I didn't think Rancors could be so good at sneaking around."

He was faced with two Rancors, each mounted by a night sister witch while two more dropped down from the branches on either side of him. The two on the Rancors wielded a bow while the two on the ground wielded whips.

"So then, ladies," Sedita chuckled, taking off his hood. "Might I interest you in some pleasant intellectual conversation? Maybe some fine liquor? I doubt you find an abundance of that here." He then shot into the air as one of the Night Sisters cracked her whip at him, tearing a bit of fabric from his cloak, which flared in the air as Sedita leaped down onto one of the Rancors and almost casually kicked the Night Soster riding it from her saddle, causing her to tumble to the mud below and forcing her to try and clear her vision as he Rancor partner struggled to knock Sedita off of its back, being careful not to crush its partner.

The Sith drew out his lightsabers, currently locked together by the base of their hilts, and ignited both ruby red blades of light and grinned as he tossed his cloak aside. "Very well! Can't say that I didn't try!"

Splitting his lightsaber's, Sedita plunged them into the skull of the Rancor as it tried to unbalance him. The mighty beast howled in agony as the Sith twisted the blades within its head, writing and slamming itself against trees in a futile effort to dislodge Sedita. The Night Sister on the other Rancor fired her bow at him, but he leaned back enough that the projectile passed by him, missing his chin by mere inches.

Deciding to not play around, Sedita focused a surge of Force Lightning through his Sabres and down through the skull of the Rancor. It reared back. And shrieked, the sound echoing for many miles before it went limp and finally began to fall over. Sedita kicked off of the beast and landed in a crouch amidst the Night Sisters. The rider gasped as she felt her connection with her Rancor snap, and looked towards her dead mount with a mixture of shock, despair and anger.

Clipping one saber to his belt, Sedita held one hand behind his back and struck a Makashi pose while waiting for the witches to make their next move. "To be fair...I'm not the one who came out here looking for a fight," He taunted them, "But if you wish to try your luck, by all means do keep going...I need the exercise."
[member="Nicole Sarah Feanor"] [member="Daedel"]

"Im going to have to talk to Romeo for making you so violent..." With that his eyes ran over the area around him as he suddenly got a very wrong feeling as he held up his hand to her and whispered. "Follow me, this way..." He started to walk a little bit lower as he started to hear the sound of a creature over the ridge and creeping up behind a rock he looked over the side of the small ledge he was on and saw in the distance an man that was fighting a good number of nightsisters. Solan cursed under his breath as he looked at Nicole who he hoped listened to him. "We might have a problem..."

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