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Character Darth Vyle


Fayre Kymeri
Darth Vyle, Faye, Fay
Mid-to-late 20s
123 lbs
Sith Order

Darth Vyle, born Fayre Kymeri, is a Force-sensitive human female and a Sith witch, holding the rank of Sith Knight in the Sith Order, and hailing from a clan of human Nightsisters from Dathomir. A Sith Eternalist, Vyle cleaves to the belief that non-Force sensitives and other 'lesser' beings owe the Sith their worship. Her ambitions lie in unlocking the true arcane nature of the Force so that she may one day bend reality itself to her will.

B I O G R A P H Y​

Human witches were rare and discriminated against on Dathomir.

Though, Dathomiri legend holds that the human Jedi witch Allya was the mother of the Witches of Dathomir, the Zabrak witches who later carried her torch postulated alternative beginnings to their ancient culture. Yet, small pockets of human witch clans persisted, and into one was born Fayre Kymeri.

Fayre's birth was rumored to be as intense as it was brutal. When she was at last brought into the world, her mother prophesied that she would be a fouler witch than those who typically walked the Red Planet, and disowned her, leaving her to be raised by her father — a great dishonor even among the human witches of Dathomir. When an older Fayre discovered this secret, she vowed to fulfill her mother's postpartum prediction as an act of spite.

Her ambition, her natural affinity for the Dark, eventually caught the eyes of a wandering Anzati Sith who saw her first as a potentially useful servant. However, seeing Fayre's skills with the dark magics of her people, and how well the young witch took to his teachings, he eventually named her apprentice and taught her how truly vile Sith training could be. Fayre was broken under her master, transformed from the petty, ambitious young witch, intent on only spiting her absentee mother into a Sith witch with a hunger to consume the galaxy and revert all to primordial darkness.

Upon her Knighting, her Master named her 'Vyle' in the Sith tradition and to remind her of the breaking that had remade her. A lesson she carries still to this day...

P O W E R S​


Shadow Magick - ✦✦✦✦✦
An ability possessed by all who train as a Witch of Dathomir. By drawing upon this obscure and mysterious aspect of the Force, Darth Vyle can enhance her powers of deception, illusion, and manipulation. Her magick manifests as wisps of red energy, instead of the typical green wielded by Dathomiri Nightsisters, though this coloration grants her magick no special properties. She is well versed in the use of both the esoteric and practical sides of this magick, as she has been shown to know to brew potions, such a blackroot, in addition to manipulating this power for more traditional purposes.
  • Magical Ichor Manipulation - An ability possessed by all Nightsisters. Darth Vyle can conjure and control red magical ichor, allowing her to conjure objects she needs, including her own lightsaber. The ichor has a corruptive property, which is what allowed her to bleed her lightsaber's kyber crystal and bond it to her.
  • Telekinesis - Unlike other Sith, who channel their telekinetic powers purely through the dark side, Darth Vyle uses her magick to perform the technique. This causes objects affected by her telekinetic powers to glow with the same red mist that appears whenever she uses other spells. She can also generate concussive blasts of red telekinetic power that she can unleash, similar to a Jedi or an ordinary Sith's Force push.
    • Force barrier - Darth Vyle can project a telekinetic barrier around herself to defend herself from some forms of damage, such as environmental hazards and esoteric attacks.
  • Art of the Small - Using her magick, Darth Vyle can shrink her dark presence in the Force to almost molecular levels, allowing her to disguise herself as an ordinary human. However, this level of magick requires an inordinate level of stamina and focus, and so she cannot sustain the spell for long periods of time.
  • Chant of Resurrection - A powerful spell known by all Nightsisters. Recited properly, it allows for the reanimation of the mummified corpses of dead Nightsisters. These zombies can then be commanded to attack Darth Vyle's enemies. It only works on Dathomir.
  • Spell of Lightning - Darth Vyle also uses Force lightning through her magick. She is reasonably proficient in this art, though her lightning takes on a scarlet hue thanks to its association with her Dathomiri Shadow Magick.
  • Spell of Cinder - A spell that allows Darth Vyle to produce flames. This spell is mostly used to light torches, or fires for supplementary purposes, but can be used offensively in certain circumstances.
  • Bodily Enhancement - Like other Force-users, Vyle can use her magick to enhance certain aspects of her body and its performance. This is her version of Enhance Attribute.
    • Force jump - Vyle can use Shadow Magick to enhance the range of her jumps, allowing her to reach areas that would normally be inaccessible to ordinary beings. She can also use this skill in combat to dodge or leap long distances.
    • Sense of the Veshet - A spell that enhances Vyle's sense of smell, allowing her to distinguish scents carried by the wind for up to 100 meters. It also enhances the sight, allowing her to see clearly even in pitch black spaces.
    • Ears of the Chiroptix - A spell that enhances Vyle's sense of hearing, allowing her to hear 'whispers' and use a form of echolocation that can paint a clear mental image of her surroundings.
    • Scream of the Ssurian - An offensive spell that greatly enhances Darth Vyle's voice, allowing her to produce a shriek that can shatter teeth and burst eardrums. With control, it can do lower damage, merely knocking the target unconscious.
    • Speed of the Toocha - A spell that briefly allows for a burst of supernatural speed. This is Darth Vyle's version of Force dash.
    • Touch of the Kiin'Dray - A spell that binds Darth Vyle's limbs to the surface she is attempting to climb, allowing her to scale dangerous cliffs and buildings without fear of falling.
  • Seeking Spell - A spell that allows Darth Vyle to sense the presence of a specific person and determine their physical state.
  • Spell of Discovery - A spell that, when cast, reveals all sentient beings within 10-meters of Darth Vyle.
  • Spell of Creature Understanding - A spell that allows Darth Vyle to sense the emotion of non-sentient animals, allowing a form of communication with them.
  • Spell of Assistance - A spell that allows Darth Vyle to heal surface-level injuries on herself and others.
  • Spell of Mimicry - A spell that allows Darth Vyle to change her physical appearance—from something as simple as changing her clothes, to her entire physical appearance. However, the spell is only a convincing illusion, and does not change the molecular make up of her clothing or body. Additionally, she can only assume the form of something similar in shape and size to herself.
  • Spell of the Open Mind - A spell that allows Darth Vyle to scry the minds of her target(s). This spell does not allow her to see exact thoughts or memories, merely to read the emotions and intentions of those she casts it upon, allowing her to anticipate what they might be thinking.
    • Spell of Thought-Touch - A related spell that allows Darth Vyle to telepathically communicate with whomever she wishes. Unless she identifies herself, the spell can be used to converse with the target anonymously.
  • Teleportation - A spell that permits Darth Vyle to teleport over short distance by dematerializing into red mist. She can only teleport if she is familiar with the area she intends to move to, and she cannot move beyond the planet she is currently on. The longer the distance she travels, the more taxing this spell becomes.
  • Tutaminis - Darth Vyle can coat her hands in magical ichor allowing her to dissipate or redirect concentrated sources of energy, such as blaster bolts and lightsabers. Against lightsabers, she is restricted to holding them off for a mere minute, as holding them back takes considerable stamina and focus.

Sith Sorcery - ✦✦✦✦
Unlike Shadow Magick, Sith sorcery relies on rituals replete with preparation, proper timing, and the right ingredients. Nevertheless, Darth Vyle is trained in these arts and has obtained a vast knowledge of the ancient Sith tongue in order to perform the proper incantations. Sith sorcery also enhances her ability to manipulate others, allowing her to invade and torment the minds of those who become her victims with visions, sounds, and other horrendous conjurations aimed at breaking them.
  • Force drain - Darth Vyle can drain the Force life energy from a target. Small doses of absorbed energy can heal wounds of equal severity. Draining larger amounts of power can heal more grievous injuries, strengthen her connection to the dark side of the Force, and even, at the highest quantity, extend her life.

Sith Alchemy - ✦✦✦✦
The ability to use the dark side of the Force to create and transform reality around the user. The secrets of Sith alchemy are both the most difficult to master and, yet, are the secrets Darth Vyle covets the most. With them, she can warp beasts and other victims into Sithspawn that will serve her and guard her secrets.


Lightsaber Combat - ✦✦✦✦✦
While trained in lightsaber combat, Darth Vyle rarely makes use of her weapon, as she prefers to rely on and wield the Force and her dark magicks in combat.
  • Form II, Makashi - Because she only really uses her lightsaber against other Force-wielders, Darth Vyle has focused most of her training in developing Form II, the saber style most suited to lightsaber duels. She is a competent saber duelist, capable of holding her own in an ordinary fight, or against blaster-wielding foes. However, she will have a distinct disadvantage against those who have dedicated their careers and training to the art.
  • Telekinetic lightsaber combat — A skill with which she has a slightly greater degree of success. Darth Vyle can use her magick to manipulate her lightsaber in mid-air, both to defend herself and attack, leaving her hands open for Force-use and spellcasting. However, since using her lightsaber in this way still takes a high degree of focus, she only uses it against enemies she believes she can overwhelm and intimidate, since telekinetic lightsaber combat is rarely encountered.

O T H E R _ S K I L L S​


Galactic Basic Standard - ✦✦✦✦✦
She is fluent in this tongue.

Dathomirian language - ✦✦✦✦✦
Born on Dathomir, Vyle is fluent in this tongue and primarily uses it to cast and weave Shadow Magick.

ur-Kittât - ✦✦✦✦✦
Vyle become fluent in the ancient language of the Sith during her training, both as an initiation rite and to help perform Sith magic.


Potion Brewing - As a trained Sith witch, and with her background as a Nightsister, Darth Vyle is extremely skilled in brewing and conjuring potions depending on her needs. This skill comes with an intimate knowledge of galactic botany, so that she can collection the right plant materials needed for her brews. All potions also require her Shadow Magick (or any of her other arcane arts) to give them their distinct properties.
  • Blackroot - By mixing certain herbs with magical ichor, Vyle can create a beverage that, when drinken, can restore the body after a long journey and rejuvenate one's stamina.
  • Invisibility potion - A brew that can douse the target and grant them true invisibility. The effects can last a long time; however, the potion does not protect one from being heard, or from being sensed through the Force.

E Q U I P M E N T​


Darth Vyle's lightsaber
A curved-hilt weapon hewn from rancor bone. Darth Vyle's lightsaber has a distinctive sickle-shaped blade resembling the lightwhips used by the Witches of Dathomir. The weapon typically hangs from her hip, but can also be summoned with magick.


Books and Tomes - As a seasoned witch and dedicated spellcaster, Darth Vyle owns a number of tomes and magical paraphernalia. She typically does not keep them on her person and instead conjures them through her magical ichor whenever she needs to consult their contents.
  • Book of Shadows - Commonplace tome in the libraries of many current and former Nightsisters. The Book of Shadows was authored by the witch Gethzerion and contains the foundational spells of Shadow Magick that formed the basis of early Nightsister culture.
  • Standard Book of Spells - A controversial text that nevertheless details other spells endemic to the witch-culture found on Dathomir.

R E L A T I O N S H I P S​

  • Maeve Linahan Maeve Linahan - DEVELOPING
    • A Jedi Knight Darth Vyle first encountered on the Ocean Moon of Endor. The two women saved each other from drowning, though Maeve does not yet know Vyle's identity as a Sith Knight.
  • Quintessa Quintessa - Temporary Student
    • A young Sith Acolyte who formed a tenuous alliance with Darth Vyle so that both could unlock the secrets of the Voss Mystics. Vyle agreed to teach Quintessa some Sith magick in exchange for her help, but the young Acolyte is no true apprentice.
  • Belfry of Tund Belfry of Tund - DEVELOPING
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T H R E A D S​

☐ Ongoing
After becoming stranded on Kef Bir in the aftermath of Exegol's destruction, Darth Vyle encounters an unlikely savior.​
☐ Ongoing
Accompanied by an Acolyte, Darth Vyle sets out on a quest to uncover the secrets of dream-walking.​
☐ Ongoing
On a fool's errand, Darth Vyle continues her search for arcane secrets—this time in the tomb of Lord Ergast, said to contain the secrets of Force walking.​
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