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Darth Praetorias

Atlas Kane

Original image credit goes to Alykam
NAME: Darth Praetorias
FACTION: First Order
RANK: Sith Lord
SPECIES: Epicanthix
AGE: 42
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’8”
WEIGHT: 164 lbs
EYES: Orange-y yellow and red (example)
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale

Praetorias doesn’t seem like a powerful warrior at first glance. He would look like a tall, pale scarecrow just able enough to walk and sustain itself. He usually wears a long black coat, a dark grey waistcoat, a white shirt and a blood red tie. The contrast of pale skin and dark hair, combined with the uneasy aura Praetorias emanates, usually make people in his vicinity who don’t know that he’s a Sith quite uncomfortable and the almost constant grim smile he bears only adds to his unnatural aura.

+ Epicanthix Heritage
Being an Epicanthix has many advantages. One of those is the complete protection against
any mind-affecting powers employed by Force Users.

Curse of Blood -
An encounter with a Nightsister Witch a long time ago didn't go too well
for Praetorias. She manged to infect him with some kind of slow-acting poison
that Praetorias has been unable to cleanse himself of. It caused his skin to go pale,
he has a constant headache that sometimes gets accompanied by him coughing blood
when he over-exerts himself. Furthermore, if he doesn't find a cure in time, it will
eventually kill him. However, Force Drain seems to help cure the symptoms for a
short duration.
Partially Insane -
He has episodes where the combined weight of guilt, obsession with power and
immortality and his curse come bearing down on him, he goes into a bloody frenzy in
which he tends to kill anyone and everyone around him with complete disregard for his
own safety.


More detailed bio is in the works, however I currently don't have enough creativity to make a complete backstory.

Being re-written, should be up soon!​

Atlas Kane


  • Aseryo, the Windblade
  • Two Lightsabers, one curved with a Red blade and one non-curved with a Golden blade.
  • Currently none of note.
Rough Power-Scale:
Mastered: Praetoritas can use the power without really thinking about it, it's almost an instinctive usage.
High-Knight: Praetoritas uses the power with little to no effort, only requiring as much concentration as the skill is complex.
Knight: Praetoritas uses the power with some effort and also needs to divert some of his concentration towards the skill.
Adept: Praetoritas is used to handling the power and can control it, though he needs to focus on the skill.
Novice: Praetoritas needs to divert most, if not, all of his attention towards the power he's trying to use.

  • [High-Knight] Force Lightning
    Praetorias learned the Force Lightning technique early on in his life, it was and still is one of his favourite tools. The intensity he has thus far reached is one that can turn men into burning corpses within seconds.
  • [High-Knight] Force Drain
    An ability that has become rather important to Praetorias in recent years, he needs to use it in order to sustain himself and counteract the poison he was afflicted with and has thus become quite practiced with its use.
  • [High-Knight] Telekinesis
    As a man who would rather not dirty his hands with lesser folk, Praetorias often uses Telekinesis against such foes. He has learned many different techniques over the years and chains many Telekinetic attacks into his Lightsaber techniques.
  • [High-Knight] Dun Möch
    To even further help him against enemies with a strong will, Praetorias has become well versed in the use of Dun Möch and will employ the technique in comination with other ones, such as Force Fear or Aura of Uneasiness.
  • [High-Knight] Force Speed
    To make up for what he lacks in physical strength, Praetorias has developed a great fondness of Force Speed, relying on it greatly whenever he finds himself in a fight.
  • [Knight] Force Fear
    For a man obsessed with power, Force Fear is a gift sent by the Force itself. It allows Praetorias to coerce others into doing his will much quicker, easier and with much less of a mess than regular techniques do.
  • [Knight] Mind Trick
    The reason why Praetorias used his time to develop this technique further is the same as the Force Fear technique's. It allows him to push a person's mind into the direction he wants it to. He often only uses it subtly, trying not to raise any suspicions by suddenly altering someone's opinion completely.
  • [Knight] Force Cloak
    Having become slightly paranoid, the Darth often uses the Force Cloak technique when out in public, to keep himself from being discovered as a Sith Lord and to avoid foes who aren't looking directly at him. It works wonders in combination with some good old Mind Tricks.
  • [Knight] Aura of Uneasiness
    The Darth is used to having an uncomfortable effect on other people, thanks to his appearance, however he amplifies it to a higher degree by employing Aura of Uneasiness.
  • [Adept] Force Body
    As he is a rather fragile man, compared to other beings of his height, Praetorias has developed the Force Body technique to protect him from great physical harm and mostly only employs it while going into full turtle-mode or when using his fists to fight a battle.
  • [Adept] Mind Rub
    A very useful skill to have when trying to manipulate others. It allows him to wipe or alter the memories of a person or being to his advantage, though it gets tougher the more trained an enemy is against it.
  • [Novice] Art of the Small
    A useful little trick he picked up from his former Apprentice, Hayato. He found the skill to be very useful in many fields of science, as well as in alchemy and other useful practices.
  • [Mastered] Form III Soresu
    As a man obsessed with power and immortality, Praetorias has invested most of his time into Soresu, to minimize the potential damage that can be caused by his enemies during combat. He has almost perfected the Form, though a couple techniques still need the final bit of refining.
  • [Mastered] Form II Makashi
    Praetorias was always more of a man focused on elegance in combat. Makashi reflected that perfectly, while it also makes him a formidable opponent in one on one engagements. It also rounds out his defences against Lightsaber wielding opponents.
  • [Knight] Form IV Ataru
    To further develop his surprise moment advantage against enemies who think him to be a fragile man, he has learned some techniques of Ataru which he uses in conjunction with Force Speed.
  • [Adept] Form VI Niman
    A couple techniques that are usually affiliated with Niman have been taught to Praetorias by the former Jedi Master Hayato and he uses them to combine his offensive and defensive Forms during combat, while also making it easier to fight against large groups of enemies.
  • [Adept] Form I Shii-Cho
    While still young, he was instructed in the techniques of Form I, though quickly switched to Form III, since he did not enjoy the sheer unpredictability and brutality of Shii-Cho
  • [Novice] Form VI Shien/Djem'So
    Ever striving to improve his combat skills, Praetorias has learned a couple techniques of Form VI while studying the Jedi Master's mind, though he hasn't looked into it too much.
  • [Novice] Jar'kai Dual Blade Fencing
    Another Form Praetorias picked up from studying the Jedi Master's mind. He seemed to have employed it extensively, however Praetorias is not trained at all in it.
Martial Arts:
  • Praetorias has learned how to defend himself in unarmed combat against opponents who are trained melee combatants.
  • He has learned the techniques of Teräs Käsi, which he often includes in his Lightsaber Techniques.
Skills for Everyday Usage:
  • Makes excellent Tea
  • Is a quite passionate Scientist
  • Praetorias is well versed in coercion, deception and manipulation
If I was unclear about something, feel free to shoot me a PM and ask. I also always enjoy constructive criticism, so feel free to PM me or leave a comment if you want to critique me!

Atlas Kane

Thank ye, good sir. I just don't want to ruin your profile's unique nature by having the same picture as you do.
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

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