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Approved Tech Darth Manda Hyperion Beskar'gam

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Intent: To Create the Darkside Mandalorian Armor Nolan will be wearing while he goes Darkside.
Development Thread: In Original Sub
Manufacturer: Mandal Hypernautics
Model: Hyperion Beskar'gam
Affiliation: Nolan Detta
Modularity: Limited
Production: Limited
Material: Beskar, Durasteel, Duraplast, various other materials
Classification: Anti-Everything
Weight: a Bunch
Quality: Beskar Armorweave 6, Beskar Plates 8.5, Shielded parts 9.5
Special Features:
-Ray Shielding-Activated
-Holsters, pouches and slots for holding stuff
-Repulsor Pack
-Grapple Hook
-Extendable Beskar Knife
-Wrist Rocket
-Taser Adaptor
-Ammo pouches
-Boot Knife (Beskar)

Description: This armor is based off the original armor of Nolan Detta. The Hyperion Beskar'gam features Ray Shielding and Beskar plating just like the Wrecking Ball's original armor but with the modifications of paint and some swapped attachments. The new paint job is Black and Red. The added features from the original are to complete the "Homey" feel Nolan loves so much about his armor. The added cloak and vape are used because they make him look badass. The armor is the same as its predecessor and just a tad but cooler. The repulsor pack is best for him being the Mandalorian Wrecking Ball but all Darky.

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