Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Darth Maliden

Darth Maliden


NAME: Darth Maliden

FACTION: N/A (Sith Allegiances)

RANK: Sith Lord


AGE: 62

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6, 4"

WEIGHT: 182lbs

EYES: Yellow

HAIR: None

SKIN: Grey



Pure Adept
: A human lifetime spent studying and communing with the Force without direct guidance, Maliden has avoided the inertia and, otherwise limiting, presence of a mentor. Without their corruption, his innate connection to the Force as allowed him to harness what has been offered to him through his study and mastery, without the blemishes inherent of a teaching conduit.

Plugged In: A profound connection to the ineffable Force guides Maliden, allowing for a skilled harnessing of the physical world around him. His strength lies in his ability to wield the Force as both a controlling entity and a damaging weapon, wielded against any that might seek to harm him.

Strike Fast: A ferocious martial style of weapons-play has developed and grown as Maliden has matured. He often dual-wields his sabres but is happy to adapt his stance and form.

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Unhinged: His limited human interaction has fostered a coarse and icy demeanour, often frustrated and quick to bursts of temper. His rage can be unwieldy and makes for cooperation difficult, if not a little startling for those seeking to employ his skills for their own gain.

Broken: His speaking ability is limited, often preferring to communicate through a form of telekinetic channelling. This is taxing and can exhaust his mind quickly, leading to further sustained bursts of anger, frustration and rage.

Single-Minded: Often unable to be deterred from his wants and needs, Maliden can be single-minded to the point of uncaring and abandoning those that might seek to aid him.


With a pronounced stature and strong chest, Maliden imbues characteristics of somebody who has lived a life of contemplation and physical training. He has maintained a quiet life, hidden away from the outside world and thus his pallid complexion, somewhat altered by the dark forces he now conjures, is striking. He maintains a shrowded appearance and his face is mostly covered, protecting his otherwise sensitive eyes from the harsh lights he finds so strenuous.

Born in an unknown world to Maliden, he does not much recall memories of his childhood. The world was temperate yet barren, a life spent seconded underground in caverns and caves, all distractions of this plane kept far away from his wandering mind. All he has known is the Force, often manifesting as a voice or feeling that has kept him mindful and focussed on his learnings. He was gifted the means to build his sabres by unknown entities, never seeing those that undertook the role of caretaker. In the years since, he came to believe he may have been sequestered on Exegol but has not returned to confirm the suspicions. His duty, once he had fulfilled his early training, was to grow and nurture and build his commune with the Force in its truest and most raw form, unimpeded by the false translations and tampering misunderstandings of false adherents.

He is now found on Odessen, hidden away in quiet and harmonious balance with his understanding of the Force.

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