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Darkside Criminal Faction Interest Check

So looking towards the downfall of the One Sith in the very near future I created a faction of my own some time ago, a faction for darksiders and criminal type characters to unite in something outside the typical empires or republics. Never really worked at that well as interest was kinda low, and I guess the reason for that is that I never asked the people what they would like to see in that kind of faction, and did nothing besides the faction itself and a opening thread.

As I said the one sith are more or less done by now, and while there are two major darkside factions on the map, I feel like Abyss doesn't really align to the ways of either. While The Shadow Collective was meant to stay minor and be used as a tool for teaching and learning the way of the darkside, I think that with current situation (the power vacuum on the map as soon as OS and GR will be recalled) and Abyss being knighted and therefore more fit to be someone to actually lead people, it might as well can become another major faction. (But not super focused on the map game, more to give it a niche in the galaxy.)

Some basic information of what the faction is going to be as of now (Everything of this is still changeable if enough dedicated individuals actually are interested enough to suggest what they want to see)

-General: No real government, the Collective is what the name says, a group kept together by a set of shared ideological viewpoints (Freedom of choice, rejection of order and laws) what means that everybody is gonna have a say (IC and OOC, but IC freedom of choice means also that no one has to actually support you in your ventures if the don't align with the values of the faction) and it is more or less encouraged to just do whatever you want. Planets under the control of TSC will not be ruled, but the people will be controlled by a combination of propaganda and criminal actions like blackmail and threats while the officially the planets originally rulers will stay.

-FUs: There is no formal order, besides the a group called The Children of Korriban that are a pseudo religious organization that shares the goal to strengthen the darkness. Its not a sith only group but rather a group for any darkside or neutral characters like witches, dark jedi or whatever else to unite their powers.

-NFUs: Well the most fitting would probably be criminals, but with a little bit of creativity almost anyone could find its place in the faction, from simple soldier to a politician.

Lets me know if you are interests, If you have any suggestion, or any dank may mays.

Thanks for your time
Your dearest,

Darth Abyss, The Ascended, Last Knight of the One Sith, Breaker of chains, the unburnt, first of his name and ... *Opens GOT wiki* ... Father of dragons (How did I forget that?)
I'd be interested. A criminal faction in the vacuum of a large government collapsing is always fun. If you couldn't guess, I am a slaver. This character was actually the Head Slaver of the Former Hutt Cartel so he has a reputation and I was hoping I could do the same here, maybe obtaining such position with sed reputation. Anyways, I'm interested.

[member="Darth Abyss"]
[member="Sareen Zar"] Sounds great. I am looking for people that will help me working out the details of the faction, so if you want to start something and take said postion you sadly have to put in a small bit of work (I mean a small bit lol)
I was always hoping to join Daemora up to a cult-like Darkside group that operated in the shadows, and of the few that existed none made Game of Thrones references none seemed right. I definitely think that if you get the faction off to a good start, you could make a really original faction that would perfectly fill the gap the OS will leave and could easily go major given time.

In other words, I'll be there. Best of luck and if there's anything IC or OOC I can do to help progress the faction, let me know.

[member="Darth Abyss"]
[member="Daemora Fel"], I'm a little upset that the Sith Assassins were found lacking by yourself, but, then again, I am currently fighting to bring them back from the brink of activity, so maybe that can be understood.

That said, [member="Darth Abyss"], should this wonderful idea of yours get off the ground, feel free to consider the Sith Assassins as allies. If there is someone IC that you want to be assassinated (of course, death would only occur with the writer's permission), or maybe some IC information that you would like to be obtained, or some sabotage to be done, or if you want allies for a raid/skirmish/large project dev thread, then you only need to let me know and I'll post a notice on the SA Faction Forums looking for volunteers (failing that, I'll involve myself). Essentially, you provide us with contracts, we provide the results. Also, feel free to let me known if you might be interested in an IC meeting between our Darths where they can sort out the details.
[member="Sareen Zar"] i have personally never played a criminal on chaos, so you are the expert lol. I mean any character is different, but what kind of threads and systems would you as player of a criminal char like to see, besides raides and other combat stuff? What places and opportunities should the faction offer to be interesting to you both IC and OOC.

[member="Daemora Fel"] awesome. I will collect people and ideas for some time in this thread and when I feel ready to push this thing of the ground I will inform you.

[member="Darth Lykos"] the SA as allies? Couldn't ask for more, if there is any faction on chaos that are suitable allies for TSC then the SA. Consider your offer as accepted, and I look forward for a long and prosperous alliance of I manage to start this thing. As for meeting IC, I really like the idea but it should be something thaf happens as sson as I get this thing started.
[member="Darth Abyss"]

It seems you have support, but I offer something to consider.

The Sith as a whole are currently split up into varying factions and groups. There is a weakness in how split up they are and considering the amount of power held by the likes of the Galactic Alliance or the Mandalorians, I'd suggest not breaking things up further. Try joining up with a pre-existing faction and work with them, with your group. No need to make another faction to do criminal and terrorist activity, when the likes of the Black Empire already exist and are hoping to do the same. Just offer your insight to something already existing.
[member="Darth Abyss"] This is just right off the top of my head, and given more thought I could come up with more in-depth ideas. But if we are going to entice criminals, it's always nice to have big party threads with all sorts of illegalities, slaving/piracy/spice trading/smuggling/etc should be including in any major threads like doms and invasions, give us something to do. Good opportunities are making a lot of 'contracts' and bounties by the faction for those who are hunters. (I know this is a lot like the Hutt Cartel but if you want a cartel, this is a great way to entice hunters, bounty hunters, assassins (Sith and non-sith)) Make sub-groups within the faction dealing with slaving/piracy/spice trading/smuggling/etc that are basically clans that can be head by PCs that specialize in their area and mainly contribute that area in major threads. Make lots of under the table meeting places like extravagant clubs, cantinas, and hideouts for minor threads involving the criminal and dark side parts of the faction. These are just some of the not well thought out ideas if they help.
[member="Vaulkhar"] I have considered the black empire for quite some time and I agree with your point to some degree. The shadow Collective is not gonna be a sith faction for exactly thag reason, as a try to recruit the darksiders that have no connection to the sith.

Also there is always the option for factions to ally with each other and I would love to be allied with the Black Empire at some point to be honest.

As for my reasons for not joining the Black empire: I really like the writers behind it, I enjoy the stories written by them and the faction as a whole. But it's not the faction I can see Abyss future in, as IC after the fall of the one sith he has no interest in being part of another empire with a singular dark lord as leader, because he saw how that turned out for the OS. Instead he will try and stay in the shadows, without being the servant of another power crazed sith lord who sees himself as god or whatever. If this shouldn't happen on the other hand, the black empire will be the way to go as the first order is a even worse fit.
[member="Sareen Zar"] that was actually very helpful and many of it is now on my list of things to work out for the faction. Should I get enough people together for the faction, would you consider becoming a PC leader for one these subgroups, and help me working out the details? I mean at least to start everything up.


Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Abyss"] sub faction, possibly do your own thing, but join in as when you desire.
So you can participate in invasion, without the ally request.
[member="Darth Lykos"]

Well, given that the SA are allying with the TSC now, I'm sure you'll be seeing my face from time to time.

[member="Darth Abyss"]

Cool. In way of advice/ideas, what I will say is to try and define the Shadow collective's principles, ideals and main aim as clearly as possible. From what I see, the faction is supposed to differentiate from other major Sith factions in that it's less about controlling land and fighting Jedi than having the Dark side and the crime network work together to become collectively more powerful. If you stick with that, then you'll have a creative and original concept that sets you apart. Having had alts in other major factions, a problem that frequently occurs is that all the faction does is train characters and do dominions, and if you can avoid that, then you automatically attract more interest.

Anyway, that's just my two cents, as I believe the phrase goes.
So a rough write up of the ideas mentioned here put to work in from of both ooc and ic ideas:


Darth Abyss to a spice trader on Nar Shaddaa: "How would you like to multiple your wealth?"

The Shadow Collective is composed of individuals that share almost no common goals or interests, kept together by only a handful of Virtues. One thing many criminals and followers of the darkside have in common is their love for freedom above else and a rather negative view on law and order, and the opportunity to either gain more power or wealth. Keeping in the shadows TSC is not known for actually claiming land for themselves, but rather to control the pre existing governments and leaders with threats, blackmail and propaganda without the need to reveal the group to the outside. The organization is a well kept secret of its members, giving of the impression of that their actions are nothing more than random events with no connection at all. (OOC that doesn't mean that I don't want people to join or anything, just that people shouldn't run around and shout "We are TSC and will f--- shi- up now. Raids should seem like simple raids by unaligned pirates and criminals, and objectives of dominions and faction threads are gonna be according to that.)


IC there is not gonna be a real command structure, and the reasons for us to work together in doms etc are gonna be that we find a common goal for everything (Like if we make a dom, than there are gonna be objectives like: 1. Destroy or take over a smuggler ring. 2. Blackmail or replace high ranking officials. 3. Create a hideout on the planet.)

I want the members to be activity creative instead of waiting for me or others to start faction threads. You have an idea then go for it (as long as it isn't super extreme, because then you would have to ask me or another FA if you can do this, just to not let get things completely out of hands lol)

Threads and events: We will obviously have some of that faction standard stuff like dominions and training, because a faction needs them to work to some degree. But it is not gonna be the main focus, that is gonna be stuff in a more creative direction: Like wild crazy criminal partys, skirmishes and raids, maybe some crazy force cult stuff like large rituals with human sacrifices or whatever, really depends on who will gonna be part of the faction lol)

Children of Korriban Manifest (the same as in my original idea plus some new stuff):

The Manifest of Darkness

"We are all born to the darkness,
Witches, Sith, Dark Jedi and anyone else who hears our calling,
We are all brothers and sisters in the darkness.
To long we had to obey to lies.
It is time that we reclaim our freedom.

To long we did hide from one to another,
fearful of those who choose a different path.
Now we will stand in unity,
As we are all born to the darkness.
The force shall free us."

The 4 Virtues of the Children:
(These are not gonna be binding as the highest idea behind the TSC is gonna be personal freedom, but for training and teaching purpose its helpful to have at least somewhat of an FU order inside the faction. 2. Means that anyone who follows the darkness can be a a part of the children without following all rules lol.)

1. There is no God in the Galaxy, only Darkness.
2. There is no wrong path, only freedom.
3. There is no peace, only Chaos.
4. There is no Children of Korriban, only Lairs. (OOC meaning that you only share information with those that seem suitable to the faction or already part of it. Or not, just don't create a new sith empire please.)

Crime stuff:

Overview: The Guilds

-Slavers Guild
-Spice Traffickers guild
-Smugglers guild
-Pirate Guild
-Bounty hunters Guild

The Guilds: A lose network of slavers, spice traffickers, bounty hunter, smugglers and any other kind of criminal across the galaxy. Bound together by nothing else than a desire for money and wealth, the guilds has given human trafficking, smuggling and most other kind of criminal ventures a new layer, by giving the option to trade their wares in a centralized market to find the right offers for individual customers. As the people who are part of the guilds, the guild know no leaders, but are known to highly respect those who keep the business running for all of them, and often work with each other for their common goals. While to organizations are not officially part of TSC, both factions have agreed to work together to profit from the resources of the other.

This is super raw and WIP right now, but I feel like if I get these ideas out here, people might will pick up on them and help me flesh them out more.

What I am looking for right now are people who gonna help me with setting things up from a more administrative side (What should the forums look like, how are they gonna be organized, how the faction should be organized OOC. I have been part of the one sith since I joined, but I never had a administrative position and while I learned a thing or two I still feel like a little help would make this thing easier.) and some to further expand the background lore for the faction (I have some ideas in mind on how Abyss is gonna have the idea, but he is just one guy lol.)

Edit: On how FUs and NFUs are gonna work togehter: Each group has a particular set of skills that many of the other group do not possess. I mean sure there a force senstive criminals, and sith running crime networks but overall its like this: Criminals: Good at crime (LOL), they know how to do hit and run raids, how to get around the law and how to run a operation etc. Darksiders are known for being good at manipulation on the higher levels (like politics for exmample) with their weird mind powers and also are known as pretty good fighters. So what we gonna do is that for example the darksiders go in first and replace or presade a high offical somewere to make laws that make the trafficking of slaves or spices easier, then the criminals come in and take over the crime networks on the planet and we take over the planet from the shadows within. Or in a raid, a band of pirates can call in a sith or dark jedi who helps them to take over a ship with value cargo for example. Just some ideas, i feel like the options are pretty much endless.

[member="Daemora Fel"] [member="Sareen Zar"]

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