Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dark deeds

"He'll be here." The truth was, Xardus had no idea if he would really see the man. He didn't even know what he looked like. At this point, it was mostly guesswork. Another thing was... He wasn't sure if he would have the hits to deal the killing blow. Years ago, he would have done it without hesitation. But now, with all that's happened... Could he really take the life of a man, while staring directly into his eyes? That remained to be seen.

@[member="Isis Fontana"]
She heard his comment and sneered at the small gathering below and kept the white current going for as long as she could, as they remained in the shadows she watched below and continued to observe the gathering... She turned to @[member="Xardus Folidaar"] and spoke So you really think this would be the best option, I mean I take it you intend to kill him? she asked, she didn't have to read his mind.... she knew what he was thinking just by being here.
Xardus turned back to the woman, a tired look on his face. "Isis... Okay, first of all, take off the disguise. Nobody can see us up here. Second... He sighed then. "I've been searching for this man for a very long time. Will I be able to do it after so long? Will I be able to stare into the face of my father's killer while I avenge him? I don't know for sure."

@[member="Isis Fontana"]
Isis smirked through her own disguise and then dropped it and shrugged, she didn't care if they could see her... she was just used to making precautions and then she turned to him You never know for sure, besides I'd almost like to see you handle this she admitted and then kneeled down so she is in more of a squatting position while looking at him Just make sure you know what you're getting yourself into beforehand she replied and took on more of a tone of instruction.

@[member="Xardus Folidaar"]
"I know exactly what I'm getting myself into." Xardus glared down into the street, old memories flooding in. Suddenly, he had a flashback.

"Where is he?? Tell me or I'll drop you!" In the flashback, a much younger Xardus held a merchant over the edge of a building. The old man was obviously frightened, but he didn't have the information the former Jedi needed. "I don't know! I swear I don't know who your'e talking about!" The boy glared into his eyes. "Very well. I assume then that you're of no further use to me." Xardus released the man,c and he fell to the street below in a splat.

@[member="Isis Fontana"]
Isis smirked at Xardus when it appeared he was having a flash back and wondered what was going on with her former padawan, she glared at him for a moment and then looked back down at the street observing from afar.

@[member="Xardus Folidaar"]
Xardus snapped back into reality, quickly looking around. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing. I think." He looked into his binoculars again, spotting a man walking down the street. His old senses overtook him, and he leapt over the wall, running toward the man. As soon as he came into contact with him, the two collided into the wall with a loud thud. "A man frequents around here. A bounty hunter. Where is he? Tell me!" The man broke away and tried to run, only to collapse a few feet away. Xardus turned on the man with a rage he hadn't seen since his hunt years earlier. "Oh, you're not getting away. We're going to have a nice, long talk."

@[member="Isis Fontana"]
She leapt off the wall and used her force push to safely land on the ground below and watched as Xardus man handled the guy and walked on and stood in the shadows watching and waiting.

@[member="Xardus Folidaar"]
"I swear I don't know what you're talking about!" Xardus snarled at the man and ignited his free hand with fire, raising it close to his face. "Okay! Okay, i'll talk!" "Spill it. Where. Is. He?" He brought the flame dangerously close the the man, nearly singing his mustache off. "I've heard rumors that Uriel Starski is hiding out in one of his private clubs. But that's all i know, swear!" Finally, he let the man go and watched him scamper off into the night. Walking over to Isis, he looked around at the various clubs in the area. "It makes sense, if you think about it. Lowly bounty hunter turns his last big bounty in, a Jedi force master, and makes a life for himself. Now we just have to find out where exactly the bastard is."

@[member="Isis Fontana"]
Isis remained in the shadows and smirked and then altered her appearance for a hot female bounty hunter and winked to Xardus and then adopted a militant trained voice Follow me and hide your lightsaber she said as she walked on toward and a club, their first to inspect for him.

@[member="Xardus Folidaar"]
Xardus was left to wonder once more just how she changed form. It was possibly similar to the way he could render himself invisible, but he wasn't sure. At the moment, however, he had lost his rational thinking and wanted nothing but the death of his father's killer. "Stick that disguise up a bantha. I want bloodshed. The man called Uriel Starski is mine." He began to walk up to the club, confident it was the right one. "Whether you come or not, there will be death. I would rather have you with me than against me, anyway."

@[member="Isis Fontana"]
She kept up the disguise just for the fact this is a CIS world and she wouldn't want to be caught dead infiltrating and killing on their home turf, besides her own faction has a non-agression peace pact with the faction so she would need to use discretion, as she follows him she smirks to one of the bouncers and walks in with him and covers his back, there is a reason for her bringing her guns as well... and this was the fact she can't really hide her force aura nor can she really hide her sabers at all.

As she looked around she turns to him See anyone you recognize? she asks in a low tone and waits for him to move against the one that wronged him so many years ago.

@[member="Xardus Folidaar"]
Xardus shook his head. "I've never actually seen him, so I couldn't directly point him out. However..." He looked up at the elevator, five men pouring out with white lightsaber. They looked like they knew how to use them well, but he didn't sense any midichlorians. "Those goons must be hiding something up their sleeve. Be careful." He engaged the nearest one, drawing his lightsaber and clashing it against the flare of white. His face fixed in a snarl, he pressed hard against the blade with unnatural strength and punched him in the gut, only to rip out parts. He followed up with a massive uppercut, tearing the droid's head off.

@[member="Isis Fontana"]
Soon as she seen the goons she pulled her gun while still trying to hide the fact she is force sensitive and started to walk around them while waiting for her time to strike, allowing the force to guide her and the dark side to influence her, she then pulled the trigger and got one of them in his dome killing it instantly and then shot another bolt at another, she shot this one in it's chest which collapsed it's chest with a force crush.

@[member="Xardus Folidaar"]
As soon as she turned her back, the droid guard Isis had crushed got up and fixed itself with the parts of another, and now brandished a flamethrower. Xardus was too clouded in his anger to notice such a small shift in the force, and therefore couldn't warn her. The guard raised it's arm, and the muzzle flashed, sending a rippling white hot torrent of flame at her.

@[member="Isis Fontana"]
Isis felt the currents in the force and leapt into the air and flipped over the droid backward, she then used a force crush on the droids head and crushed it quickly, afterward she crushed the droids arms and legs so it couldn't get back up.

As she now turned to another droid she used a force push and sent it into a wall... the remaining droids looked at them with puzzled and possibly fearful droid expressions and started slowly backing away...

@[member="Xardus Folidaar"]
In his rage, Xardus felt a new rush of adrenaline. It was as if the world was at his mercy. It felt... good. Rising up the full height, he radiated power. The droid that shrunk away from Isis? Dead. He raised his hand and let loose a dark torrent of lightning, fully embracing the dark side.

@[member="Isis Fontana"]
Isis kept slicing through the droids with flurries and arcs of sickening skill as they continued to appear... from what? now that would be an answer needing to be answered with justification that clearly indicates a source, as she send out a lightening arc all her own she send a droid hard into the wall and then uses her crush on another crushing it's body and head with her fury of might.

As she slicing and slashes through another she continues to work on stopping the droid guard army while sending them back with postage paid for express arse kicking air mail.

@[member="Xardus Folidaar"]
His eyes flashing yellow for a few seconds, Xardus finished off the last of the guards and kicked down the door. Inside was a massive desk, with a richly-dressed man sitting behind it. "Who the frak are you? And what did you do to my droids?! They cost me a lot of money ya know!" The words fell upon deaf ears. Walking over to the desk, Xardus snarled at the man, and slammed his lightsaber on the glass counter top, shattering it instantly. Upon seeing the weapon, the man's eyes flooded with recognition. "Look familiar? Like the man you killed for a few credits?! ANSWER ME!" "W-well it was more than just a few, as you can see... But I see nothin I say at this moment can convince you to spare me. I am unarmed, do what you came to do." Xardus considered this for a moment. Years of searching. Years of pain and agony. Now, finally, here he was. Standing before the man who murdered his father. Could he do it?

@[member="Isis Fontana"]
Isis had let down her alter while the droid army was still coming and ignited her own sabers just to find the droid army vanquished by her might and Xardus' lightening, as she walked into the room behind Xardus she watched as he interrogated the male before him, she could sense fear from the man and knew what came next...

@[member="Xardus Folidaar"]

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