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Approved NPC Dannos Saelari

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Source: Hobbit movies, image specifically from LOTR Wiki
Name: Dannos Florian Saelari
Loyalties: (In order) Himself, Aurelia, the Saelari Family, the Republic
Role: To be the junior senator for Pylos in the Senate whilst Aurelia is being Chief of Government. He is her creature, and obeys her commands on what to say and not to say in the Senate.
Development Threads: No
Age: 35
Species: Human
Force-Sensitive: No
Appearance: With a slightly hunched back, greasy hair and bad teeth, Dannos might be mistaken for a tramp were it not for the company he keeps. Sadly, no amount of expensive shampoos can stop his hair being lank, and extensive dental work has made his teeth merely disturbing rather than horrifying to look at. Despite this, he carries himself with a good deal of self-important bombast.
Personality: Best described as ‘oily’, Dannos insinuates and ingratiates himself into situations. He is extremely good at flattery, especially of his cousin Aurelia. However he is also an extremely jealous and envious sort, again of his cousin especially. Dannos lacks what one might call a moral backbone, or morals, or a backbone in general.
This is not to say that he is stupid, because he isn’t. He knows which gravy train to hitch himself to, and is willing to kow-tow to his cousin if it gets him more power and influence. If one was feeling generous they might suppose that Dannos played the greedy fool as a cover for his true thoughts. If that’s the case though, it’s been a game played exceptionally well his entire life….
Weapon of Choice: His cousin’s power, his own petty vindictiveness.
Wealth: Significant, since he was one of the first of the family to join Aurelia on the galactic stage. He has been sure to take his cut of every office, position and job he has been in. To call him venal would be to do the word an understatement. Still, his wealth is merely measured in the millions of credits rather than truly galactic amounts.
Combat Function: Functionally useless in combat. His main/only tactic is to run away and hide until people save him. He is a coward, though probably would be quite brave if all his opponents were unconscious or dead.
  • Good politician.
  • Won the Galactic Toady Awards three years running.
  • Competent speaker.
  • Loyal to those who can provide him.
  • Highly skilled at playing musical instruments, particularly the lyre.
Notable Possessions: Package of allegedly secret materials on his cousin to blackmail her if ever required. It is uncertain if it actually contains anything the galaxy doesn’t always know.
Other Notes:

Of the vast, sprawling mangrove thicket of a family tree for the Saelari family, Dannos is one of the most influential members. However, to his great annoyance, his role has always been to be the minion of the most powerful and influential member; Aurelia Saelari.

Born into the ruling oligarchy in the years before the rediscovery of Pylos, Dannos felt from early on that he was born to do great deeds. It was a disappointment therefore when his branch of the family was overlooked in favour of the young and domineering Aurelia Saelari, a woman he would forever be in the shadow of.

When Aurelia left Pylos for the Republic, Dannos was briefly governor of the planet, but was soon invited to join her on Coruscant. He was present for the Clockwork Uprising, where he bravely hid in a cupboard whilst his cousin was rescued by Jedi and taken off-world. Emerging in the aftermath with an inflated story of heroism, he was rewarded by Aurelia with a position as one of her chief secretaries.

The relationship between Dannos and Aurelia is a curious one. One the one hand he clearly admires her, and owes everything to her, but on the other he is jealous and envious of her success, believing if he had been given the role he would have been much better.
For her part Aurelia feels Dannos is a vindictive, malignant worm…but keeps him around because any of the other family members are probably even worse. In another sense, although she knows it is just flattery, she rather enjoys watching Dannos butter her up.

After her defeat in the Chancellor elections, Dannos briefly was wanted in connection with the embezzlement of a certain amount of government moneies. Eventually found innocent, mainly by placing the blame on lackies, he returned to Pylos and had a stint of running Saelari Mining and Minerals. These were perhaps his happiest years, as out from under his cousin’s shadow he could happily graft and operate in peace.

All good things come to an end though, and just as he was starting to chafe on Pylos, Aurelia returned and resumed her seat in the Senate, taking Dannos with her as junior senator. When she won the election to Chief of Government Dannos remained in the Senate as her minion there. Dannos, predictably, feels he could do a better job, but is happy for the chance to show his wisdom and statesmanship before the Senate. Everyone else is just happy when the pompous git stops talking.
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