Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dance Dance Revolution

Code Of Silence
Factory Judge

Daiya Daiya

Out of the shadows, and into the light.

The bright, fluorescent cityscape of Denon’s wide-open world stretched out in all directions; a thrumming heartbeat that wouldn’t cease even in the wake of social upheaval or the constant threat of looming danger. The majority of District’s 7 Darkwire cell remained deep underground within their secret base known as ‘The Tombs’, only venturing out into the light of day when absolutely necessary & never alone. A select few, whose faces were plastered all over billboards & broadcast over Denon’s news channels, were at greater risk - mainly for their role in one of Denon’s largest terror attacks in history.

In spite of all that, some still possessed the proper resources to make the journey topside easier to bare.

With a freshly-minted DDPP Ident-card in hand (and a fresh false identity to go with it), Ivory Stroud had been able to leverage her connections within the DireX to make public travel possible - at the very least. So, when she showed up in the Metro looking for her friend Daiya, the tantalizing (albeit mysterious) offer to go top-side for an evening on the town carried at least some assurance that they weren’t going to be arrested or captured the moment they stepped into the open air.

After a short trek through the dimly-lit & poorly-maintained maintenance corridors connecting the forgotten tram-way station with the outside world, the pair emerged through one of the many hidden entrances to find a Fiora ‘Oracle’ AV quietly idling in-wait for their return. A large, tall, dark-skinned human man wearing a fine suit stepped out from the front compartment & opened the door into the black limousine, allowing both women to step inside. A second man, seated in the driver’s seat, glanced back at them through a small opening which allowed the passengers to communicate directly with the driver. He was older - in his late sixties - and neither said much. Both of these men might have even been familiar to Daiya; they were the very same who’d been present during the rough & wild escape following Doc Painless’ memorial at his old clinic in District 9.

Dressed in a black dress & her customary black wide-brimmed hat, Ivory seemed entirely unhurried as she settled into the plush carpeted interior of the up-armored limousine. After Daiya had stepped inside & selected a spot to sit, Caspian - the stoic titan of a man who’d held the door open for her like a gentleman - shut the door behind her & returned to his spot in the front seat.

Up until now, Ivory had been relatively mum on the reason for the outing - simply explaining, if pressed, that she wanted to get her friend out of the doldrums. As Daiya settled into her cushioned seat, Ivory would produce two things which (she hoped) would bring a sparkle to the young woman’s eye & maybe chase away the sadness & anxiety which had recently plagued her. The first, was a lovely outfit to wear for their outing, and the second was a tube of Eternis Instant Hair Dye. The two combined, she explained, would give them both a bit more peace-of-mind.

And so, bearing the two women & a well-armed duo of bodyguards, the ‘Oracle’ AV slipped silently from its hiding place and joined the thousands of vehicles roaming Denon.


“You’ll just have to wait & see.” Ivory said with a chuckle. She gave her companion a charming smile over a glass of sparkling champagne before taking a sip. Outside, the world sped by, lit by the late afternoon sun. It had become immediately obvious, as the AV took to the sky, that they were not, in fact, in District 7; instead, they were speeding through the sky of District 9, with a hazy blue sky looming above them & stretching out toward the horizon. Below, the cityscape was a mix of slums & residences bisected by large city streets where the less-fortunate were doomed to either walk or ride in flightless vehicles.

The small window between the driver’s compartment & the spacious seating area had been shut, allowing Daiya to change in privacy. The ride was exceedingly smooth, even when Andre, their driver, had to quickly maneuver to avoid a collision.

Trying to judge where they were headed would be nearly impossible.
A face full of anticipation seemed like the only recognizable part in her reflection today, as the Denon teen stared out the window. Her homeworld passed by the speeder-limo, a luxury that would have never been available to Daiya the Shadowrunner. The brown eyes staring back at her, underneath a headband holding back brown curls, looked like another being entirely. This Daiya was someone else, Amanthaa Taquin according to the forged ident-card that would let her pass without more than a cursory inspection, and someone else was just who she needed to be for now.

"Where are we going?" The young shadowrunner glanced over at the other occupant of the limousine's passenger compartment today. She had been surprised to find it was Ivory prying her away from Darkwire's temporary-turning-permanent base in the Tombs, and Daiya knew just what those tools of disguise meant. The allure of turning into someone else, sneaking back into Seven Corners, even donning the drab attire of a longer skirt, plain shirt and dark jacket, gave the young shadowrunner a renewed sense of purpose she hadn't felt in some days. The district outside looked nothing like Seven Corners, putting a dent in her expectations for the excursion.

“You’ll just have to wait & see.”

"Typical," Daiya smirked, but rolled her eyes away from the shadowrunner matron. That's what she seemed to fancy herself on Denon, but Ivory never lost the habit of offering half-truths or misdirection when it came to answers. It might have still raised the teen's hackles, as it did when she first met the woman. Coy and evasive, it felt impossible to get a straight answer out of Ivory when she needed one. She just looked back out the window now, squinting at some of the features she recognized. "Something in District 9 caught your eye, I'll find out soon enough."

The empty promise hung in the air, a promising of detente enough to settle the question for now. Daiya didn't mind the games so much, not with Ivory. The teen could breathe a little easier around the woman, even she'd rather be without the goonsquad sitting up front. With just the two of them, new ident-cards in hand and blasters tucked carefully at the ready, Daiya and Ivory could take on any Corpo the planet could throw at them.

"I'm guessing we're not getting in a firefight," Daiya remarked plainly, glancing down at the embroidery lacing the bottom of her skirt. It might have been pretty if it wasn't brown. "I look like a schoolgirl, and you..." the teen's mouth laid flat, tightening the edges to avoid a smirk or the look of disgust that had passed over her at the first sight of the clothes, "Could almost pass for my mother."

Giggling at the thought, Daiya voiced what had risen in her mind. "I wouldn't be upset if we swung by a bank for a withdrawal." The goons would have plenty of firepower, and any bank outside of District 7 might just be unprepared enough to take them by surprise. Now her mouth did pull into another grin. Maybe it was just one more empty promise, but Daiya could handle this one more today. "It doesn't even have to have an account with one of our fake names, y'know?"

Code Of Silence
Factory Judge
The AV continued on, with their two escorts riding in silence - leaving the two women in the back-seat to converse privately.

"I'm guessing we're not getting in a firefight," Daiya remarked plainly, glancing down at the embroidery lacing the bottom of her skirt. It might have been pretty if it wasn't brown. "I look like a schoolgirl, and you..." the teen's mouth laid flat, tightening the edges to avoid a smirk or the look of disgust that had passed over her at the first sight of the clothes, "Could almost pass for my mother."

The comment drew out both a chuckle and a smirk, and Ivory turned to look at her young friend - studying her for a moment like a mother would do.

"God help the Galaxy if I were."

The suggestion that they stop and 'make a withdrawl' brought a twinkle to her eye. "Unfortunately, darling... we don't want to be late for our appointment."

She paused, glancing out the window as the AV began to descend toward a small patch of dusty ground on the outskirts of a lone cluster of nondescript buildings.

"Maybe when we're done." She added, cryptically, as a cloud of dust engulfed the Oracle AV as it landed.

Daiya Daiya

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