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Approved Tech Damion's Lightsaber

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  • Intent: Create a standard unique lightsaber for Dorian that reflects his heritage
  • Image Source: Art station
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Lightsaber
  • Classification: Lightsaber
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Light
  • Ornate Hilt-While the Hilt is a double-bladed saber, it looks like one side or blade is used far more often, Be it fighting style, or more ceramonial Purposes
  • Double-Bladed Hilt- Can Ignite One or two blades
  • Unique Colored blade- The base of the lightsaber blade appears red, but quickly bleeds into the rest of the blade, which is purple (Something like this)
  • Cold blade- (Due to Kyber)
  • Can cut through many materials with relative ease
  • Chosen User- Damion formed a unique bond with the kyber crystal. This bond could result in a stronger, more harmonious connection between the crystal and the lightsaber wielder, enhancing their ability to control and manipulate the blade and the force (More explained with the Kyber)
  • Cortosis will short the blade if in contact
  • Range-While it can be thrown, the Lightsaber is mostly a melee weapon that should stay in the users hands, meaning it has a limited range in combat
  • Beskar can deflect the blade of most lightsabers, and come out undamaged
Force-user Damion Dorian would craft this Lightsaber as his first. The ornate Design would reflect the nobility and Culture of Zakuul and its long dead past. While its first crystal was a yellow Kyber found in a long forgotten vault, The crystal has since been replaced with something more powerful, and something he believed he earned. A bled Draconian Kyber. He wears this Double-bladed Saber with Pride on his belt

While he always opens any fighting style he has with the first blade, he only moves to the second blade if he finds that's he needs to, This is why one side seems to be more ornate then the other.
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Damion Dorian Tarkin Damion Dorian Tarkin

Hello there. I have a few things to mention before we can get this approved for you.

  • Manufacturer: Damion Dorian
  • Affiliation: Damion Dorian

Please link your character's bio in each of these fields.

2. Your Draconian Kyber crystal is still being reviewed, so before this sub can be approved, that one must be finished first.
Edit: What kind of claw has been used in its construction?

3. Under Strengths, the 'Better Damage against Steel & Flesh' & 'Longer Blades' requires a bit more information. Why does this lightsaber possess better damage than others, and how much longer are the blades? If the blades are significantly longer, this might also translate into a further weakness, in-that in dual-ignition mode, the lightsaber is more difficult to wield in close-quarters.

Can Ignite One OR two blades at a time

I wouldn't classify this as a weakness; it's more a Strength.

Please let me know when edits have been made. If you'd like to wait to respond until your Draconian Crystal has been approved, that's acceptable. Thank you!
I can understand that the crytle Needs to get approved, and If it does not I will surely Edit this be be a bit more standard However these Are edits I made Just now

1. I got rid of the claw in materials, as that came from an earlier design, That has since been changed. I simply forgot about the one instance
2. Added a bit more in the S and W area
3. Added links to both Instances of the name
Until the crystal is accepted I can wait on this thank you for your time
Damion Dorian Tarkin Damion Dorian Tarkin

I can understand that the crytle Needs to get approved, and If it does not I will surely Edit this be be a bit more standard However these Are edits I made Just now

1. I got rid of the claw in materials, as that came from an earlier design, That has since been changed. I simply forgot about the one instance
2. Added a bit more in the S and W area
3. Added links to both Instances of the name
Until the crystal is accepted I can wait on this thank you for your time

Hello there. No edits have been made to this submission, and I'm aware the Draconian Kyber crystal has been put up for further edits. What is the status of this sub?
Hello I know It was been a while and I will admit, I was waiting for the Kyber to be accepted before I made this any more. But now that the Kyber has been accepted today I figure it is time to finish this submission
Here is the final changes that I have made since then

1. I have Edited out the things that I said in my last post. I simply forgot to save the draft so I do take that blame.
2. Added The Kyber Link and character Sheet link
3. Seeing that the "More damaged to flesh and Steel" was a bit confusing, I was meaning that it cuts like a normal saber. I got rid of that and replaced it with something else for ease.
4. Speaking of that something else. It is "Chosen User" And gave a brief explanation of it, but it is mostly Explained in the Kyber Submission.
5. Added the standard weakness to not being able to cut through Beskar
6. Added "Range" As weakness seeing how the lightsaber is used as a melee weapon in 99.9 percent of all uses

If there is anything that can be changed Please get back to me and thank you for your time, and I am very sorry for the wait

Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
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