Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Damien Imura

Name: Damien Imura​
Alias: Little Imura​
Nickname: Damey​
Faction: None​
Rank: None​
Species: Human​
Gender: Male​
Age: 5​
Hair: Black​
Eyes: Red (R); Blue (L)​
Height: 4'0"​
Weight: 42 Lbs.​
Sexuality: Undetermined (He's five, you pedos! :p)​
Status: Single​
Force Sensitive: Yes​
Strengths and Weaknesses:​
+Imura- Okay, it's pretty obvious by now, given the history of the Imura family, that being in the bloodline has it's benefits. Damien is no exception to this.​
+Observant- Damien notices many things that some people just don't take the time to see.​
+Good-hearted- Like his father and his uncle, Damien chooses to help others before himself in certain situations.​
-/+Quiet- Damien doesn't talk as much as he could. This usually makes him the odd-one-out in most social situations.​
-Immature- Damien is very much a child.​
-Partial Corruption- Because of Nickolas's predicament involving Sith Poison, Damien was born with some of said Poison in his blood. This makes him prone to fits of sub-psychotic rage, and occasional burning sensation in his limbs, and a darker thought process than that of a normal child.​
-Stubborn- He got that from his mother. :p
Damien is a very cute young boy, with nicely kept black hair and the typical chubby cheeks of a five-year-old. The only thing that would strike a stranger as odd about him are his eyes. One is a bright, constantly shifting red, while the other is a captivating sky blue.​

Damien is normally sweet, loving, innocent, and curious, as most children are. But he is deceptively smart for his age. He prefers to listen and to observe more than actually speak. This gives him a sort of edge when meeting new people. There are days when he will appear almost depressed for no reason at all. For people he doesn't yet trust, these "Dark Days" are especially dangerous, as he may lash out in sudden and unexpected anger. This anger is not to be taken lightly. He is an Imura. There will be fire.​
(Will be created after he actually goes out and lives a little. And after his birth/intro thread with Nick. :) )​
[member="Lexa Imura"]- Mother​
[member="Nickolas Imura"]- Father​
Morna Imura- Uncle (Deceased)​
[member="Drapeam Nyx"], Watch it.... that's my creepy kid.

[member="Jacob Huze"], I thought that was you?

[member="Gherron Vael"], You are not just screwed once, but three times over.

[member="Malachite Avachei"], You sure about that?
*looks at all the weird people in his living room*.............. *creepy staring* :p

(Oh GOD, I love this kid!!! :D)
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
[member="Gherron Vael"]
[member="Malachite Avachei"]
And Damien would probably run for his life. Or hide behind Lexa or Nick. :p

Well, I'd take that up with Nick, but I think that would be fun!
[member="Gherron Vael"]
It has already begun.... :devil:

*clears throat* Urm... I mean, there's only three of us. Honestly, how many more could there really be?
[member="Gherron Vael"]

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