Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dagobah ugh

Why did this always happen to Aspen just as she started to get comfortable the transport she is In gets shot out of the sky just for her to land right in the middle of a swamp on none other than Dagobah. As Aspen pulled herself from the wreckage she surveyed the landscape she saw a little cottage about 30 feet from her. She then waded her way to shore and began heading that way she would stumble face planting right on the door step

Near silent cameras slowly turned to watch the obviously near-human figure to about the cottage in the middle of nowhere. That place wasn't used for nearly a decade, still holding the few broken bottles and far too used pieces of clothing that weren't even available for more than a rat's nest, which it seemed to be doing a fine job as. The camera zoomed in quickly, leading it's feed to none other than a hermit of Dagobah, Kiara herself. She stared at the holopad, slowly chewing on the remains of something nasty, before swallowing it up and scrunching her nose at the sight. Who was this lady... what did she want?
After a small preparation, the woman opened a wooden door several hundred meters away from the other woman's current location, pushing herself through thick foliage with only her metal staff to guide her. She soon made it through, and began the short journey to meet the woman who was obviously looking about for shelter. Soon the sounds of wet mud squelching made themselves audible, and Kiara stood in the small opening leading to the cottage, right behind the new stranger. "What are you doing here?" She asked in a soft but demanding voice.
| [member="Aspen Laval"] |
Aspen looked up at the lady who she supposed owned the small cottage. This seemed to always happen to Aspen nothing could ever go right for her. First she was bullied to the point she had nearly committed suicide until her father had found her and talked her out of it then she lost her mother to insanity which further damaged her mental state. She had been enrolled in military school only to find life was worse off there and had ended up breaking so many bones that she was basically a walking hospital bill. Now this she studied the woman who in this light seemed so beautiful. "Have I died and gone to heaven?"

First impressions were a thing, and instantly Kiara didn't like the one this awkward mess of potato mind had in store for her. "I don't know where that is. I'll ask you again, if you don't mind answering me this time, what are you doing here?" She repeated in the same voice, keeping herself standing mostly up with the help of her staff, and her luckily provided near-human balance that came with the package. She honestly didn't know what place the woman was talking about. When you died you died, that was it, at least in Kiara's views. What ever happened then would simply happen.

| [member="Aspen Laval"] |
As the lady seemed to not understand what Aspen was getting at she decided to be straight and just answer the question asked by the beautiful lady. "I am sorry you see I was on this transport which was shot down nearby and I am seeking shelter so I came to the first place I saw which just happened to be your cottage. Might I say you are quite beautiful."

The woman quietly chewed on her lower lip as her eyes trailed up and down the cottage. She wasn't sure how old it was, or where it even originated from, in all honestly. "You can sleep in there if you need to. Just stay quiet and don't pretend you're safe from all the beasts." She finished quickly, turning on her heel to leave the area.
| [member="Aspen Laval"] |
The woman slumped herself back around and rested her back against a random tree at the voice of the woman. She squinted curiously, then pointed in a random direction away from her actual house. "You won't find my name here. Go. Shoo. I don't like people near me." She said quickly and a little more firmly.
| [member="Aspen Laval"] |
Kiara stared as the woman left, then quietly made her way a few steps back. It wasn't a moment her speedy short legs came traveling through the swamps to find the girl again. "Come on," she simply ordered, beckoning the woman to the thicker swamps behind them.
| [member="Aspen Laval"] |
Aspen didn't need to be told twice. She was obediant to a fault sometimes. So she followed the lady through the swamp slowly being as she was not as quick on her feet as the other woman traveling through this swamp was not easy.

The random hermit in the swamps lead the woman to a wall of thick foliage, where she then pulled herself through and struggled to open and enter through a homemade wooden door. Inside, it was clear this was not a normal house. Made of mud and featuring a junkyard of robots, holopads, and basic wear and weapons on the wall, it looked more dirty than clean. "You can stay here until you fix your ship," the woman said, sitting down on a dirt bed which was actually unnaturally warm.
| [member="Aspen Laval"] |
"I am grateful for you allowing me to stay here if I may be of assistance to you let me know I will do anything to help you." She said bowing and performing a military salute and then looking around

"Yeah, yeah. If you want to make yourself useful learn how to fix your ship and get out of here." She said plainly, leaning against the wall as she sat on her bed and began to toy with a droid arm that was previously laying to her side, tiny fingers and tools digging about to strip and connect new wires against each other.
| [member="Aspen Laval"] |
"Where are you going?" She asked as she reached to grab a datapad. Her eyes flickered in confusion as she got together two sets of tools at her feet. "Don't you need to learn how to fix your ship?"
| [member="Aspen Laval"] |

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