Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cyberpunk: The Game

[member="Rax Yarrow"]

I'm not going to attach my own name to things now I am I sweetheart? People need some way to know who is addressing hem, they need an identity to confer with and associate with. So I made one.

If you want to use your own go ahead, I'll be safe at home when you get shot in the head..
[member="Rax Yarrow"]

Oh sorry, were you still trying to look impressive? I was over here.. accomplishing things. Don't bother trying to find out what, you can't follow my tracks, I don't leave any.
[member="Jeong Hye"]
[member="Rax Yarrow"]

Pick a planet, pick a corporation. Go fight for it, electronically.

Or, there is definitely a few industrial bars around. You two can have drinks.

I'm locking you both out of the mainframes. :p

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